Form N-648 03/21/17 Y Page 1
Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
OMB No. 1615-0060; Expires 03/31/2019
Form N-648, Medical Certification for
Disability Exceptions
ALL parts of this form, except the "APPLICANT ATTESTATION" and "INTERPRETER'S CERTIFICATION" must be certified by a
licensed medical professional as provided in the instructions for Form N-648. Before certifying this form, the medical professional must
conduct an in-person examination of the applicant. (See instructions for Form N-648 for additional information which is also located in the
"FORMS" section at www.uscis.gov.)
Reminder About Eligibility Requirements
This form is intended for an applicant who seeks an exception to the
English and/or civics requirements due to a physical or
developmental disability or mental impairment that has lasted, or is
expected to last, 12 months or more. An applicant who with
reasonable accommodations provided under the Rehabilitation Act of
1973 can satisfy the English and civics requirements does not need to
submit this form. Reasonable accommodations include, but are not
limited to, sign language interpreters, extended time for testing, and
off-site testing.
Completing and Certifying This Form
All questions or items must be answered fully and accurately.
Responses should utilize common terminology, without
abbreviations, that a person without medical training can understand.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recommends
that the certifying medical professional use the electronic Form
N-648 located in the "FORMS" section www.uscis.gov. If the
medical professional completes the form by hand, then responses
must be legible and appear in black ink.
Address (Street Number and Name)
Middle NameFirst Name USCIS A-Number
U.S. Social Security Number
Telephone Number
Zip Code or Postal Code
State or Province
Date of Birth
Last Name
E-Mail Address (if any)
This N-648 is:
Location & Date
I certify that I have examined:
1. Currently licensed as a (Check all that apply): Medical Doctor Doctor of Osteopathy Clinical Psychologist
2. Medical practice type:
Business Address (Street Number and Name) City Telephone Number
License Number Licensing State E-Mail Address (if any)
State or Province
Zip Code or Postal Code
NOTE: Only medical doctors, doctors of osteopathy, or clinical psychologists licensed to practice in the United States (including the U.S. territories
of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) are authorized to certify the form. While staff of the medical practice associated with the medical
professional certifying the form may assist in its completion, the medical professional is responsible for the accuracy of the form's content.
Type or print clearly in black ink. If you need more space to complete an answer, use a separate sheet of paper. Type or print the applicant's name
and Alien Registration Number (A-Number), at the top of each sheet of paper and indicate the part and number of the item to which the answer
refers. You must sign and date each continuation sheet. You must answer and complete each question since USCIS will not accept an incomplete
Form N-648. You may, but are not required to, attach to this completed form supportive medical diagnostic reports or records regarding the applicant.
Type or print clearly in black ink.
Middle NameFirst NameLast Name