Fillable Printable Proper Friendly Letter Format
Fillable Printable Proper Friendly Letter Format

Proper Friendly Letter Format
Directions: You will write a friendly letter to the author of the novel. You need to use correct
format for friendly letters (see model and grading rubric for guidelines).
Month XX, Year
Dear NAME, (Salutation – friendly letters use a comma [,])
Introductory Paragraph (3-5 sentences): Use this paragraph to introduce yourself,
the book you read, and explain your purpose for writing.
First Body Paragraph (4-6 sentences): Use this paragraph to discuss your favorite
part(s) of the book and why you liked it. Give specific examples! Notice the use of
indentation to indicate the beginning of a new paragraph.
Second Body Paragraph (3-5 sentences): Either discuss one thing you would have
done differently and why, OR, tell about something in the story that directly relates to
your own life and explain the connection.
Third Body Paragraph (3-5 sentences): Give your overall reaction to the book. Did
you like it? Why or why not? What impact did it have on you? Who do you think would like
the book or should read the book? Has reading the book changed you in any way? These
questions are all examples of ways you could explain your reaction to the book.
Closing Paragraph (1-3 sentences): Thank the author for his/her time and show
your appreciation for their having read your letter. Keep in mind that popular authors may
get hundreds or even thousands of letters each week, so if they actually read your letter, that is
a pretty big deal!
Sincerely, (Closing – Yours Truly, etc.)
Handwritten Signature
Typed Signature (Not always required)
**On the back, you will find a scoring rubric that will be used to check your final draft.
**** The more compelling the letter, the more likely you will get a response!
1.Heading is in the right place
2. Heading is in correct format
3. Salutation follows correct format
4. Opening paragraph introduces you, the book you read, and tells purpose for writing
5. Opening paragraph is minimum length
6. First body paragraph tells your favorite part(s) of the book
7. First body paragraph is minimum length
8. OPTIONAL Second body paragraph tells what you would change OR describes a
connection between yourself and the story/characters
9. OPTIONAL Second body paragraph is minimum length
10. Third body paragraph gives your overall reaction to the story
11. Third body paragraph is minimum length
12. Closing paragraph shows appreciation and thanks the author for his/her time
13. Closing paragraph is minimum length
14. Letter closing is written in correct format
15. Post Script (P.S.), if used, is in correct format
16. Ideas are fully explained and supported with details from the book
17. Ideas are arranged in logical order
18. Ideas are communicated clearly
19. Fresh, vivid language is used
20. Grammar is correct
21. Usage and spelling are correct
22. Punctuation is correct
23. Letter is typed and in final format