Fillable Printable Friendly Letter for your Reading Log
Fillable Printable Friendly Letter for your Reading Log

Friendly Letter for your Reading Log

How to Write a Friendly Letter
Please use a clear font (Times New Roman 12 point) font and double space your letter.
Heading – MLA format (Your name, Teacher name, Subject and Period, Date and the subject
“Friendly Letter”)
Greeting or Salutation – Says hello and usually begins with Dear followed by the person’s
name. (Dear Mr. Fischer,) Always place a comma after the person’s name. Begins two lines
after the heading
Body – Begins two lines beneath the greeting and contains the information you wish to send to
the reader of the letter. It should be five paragraphs long, and the paragraphs should include the
paragraph – Introduction, states the title of the book you are reading and underline it,
then state who the author of the book is.
paragraph - Describe the setting of the book.
paragraph - Describe the characters in the book including their physical, and
personality traits. Who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist?
paragraph - Discuss the plot of the story as far as you have read it. Be sure to include
the elements of a plot, i.e., the problem, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution. (You
may not be able to describe all of the elements until you have finished the book.) If you can’t
then just describe the plot as far as you have read.
paragraph - Conclusion discusses whether you enjoyed the book or not, and why.
Closing – Says goodbye. It is written two lines beneath the body of the letter. Examples would
be: Sincerely, Yours Truly, Respectfully, and Your Student. The first letter in all of the words in a
closing is always capitalized, and the closing is always followed with a comma.
Example: Very Truly Yours,
Signature – Is signing you name. Please include your first and last name so the teacher will
know who you are. (After all, some of you have the same first name.)
The letter is graded according to whether it follows the friendly letter format,
and contains the information described above.
Your reading log should be filled out and signed and is also due Tuesday.

Your Name Here
Mr. Fischer
LA – Period___
Date Due Here
Friendly Letter
Dear Mr. Fischer,
I am currently reading____________________________________________________
by ___________________________________________________________________________
The setting for this book is ___ (time and place)
The main character, the protagonist (good guy), is (name and description)
___________________________________________________The antagonist (bad guy), is
(name and description)
I have read about ___ pages of the book and the plot is (rising, climaxing, or
falling)______________________.Some important events which have occurred are
_The theme of the story is
I really do (or do not) like this story because______________________________
(Your signature)
This paper is for your rough draft only! Please write your letter on
paper or use the computer and print it out. Do not turn in this
worksheet. It is for your use only. If you do not need to use it and
can write your friendly letter without it that is okay too. The letter
is due on TUESDAY! Please use a clear font (Times New Roman
12 point) font and double space your letter.
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
Paragraph 5
Closing and

Mr. Fischer
Grade Language Arts
September 5, 2012
Friendly Letter
Dear Mr. Fischer
I am currently reading I Love School by Just Kidding.
The setting for this book is a little middle school in South Texas. The story takes place in the
small rural town of Imperial, Texas during the 1980’s.
There are some pretty interesting and funny characters in this story. They include Bubba Brown
- a big, slow talking, fun to be around, and popular student. Jo Beth Backus (the protagonist) a shy, tiny,
class genius, and Mrs. K. (the antagonist) everyone’s worst nightmare for a teacher. Mrs. K is very tall,
not really attractive, and moody.
I have read about thirty-five pages of the book so far, and the plot started with Jo Beth wanting to
be on the debate team but being too shy to ask Mrs. K. if she would sponsor her. The rising action
started when Bubba decided that he would take it upon himself to help Jo Beth by making a delicious
cake and leaving it in Mrs. K’s office with Jo Beth’s name on it. He worked very hard and spent the
better part of Sunday making the cake. He decorated it with icing in Mrs. K’s favorite color, purple. The
only problem was that when he added the coloring he added too much and the frosting turned black. He
left the black frosted cake on the teacher’s desk and everyone waited to see what his reaction would be.
That is as far as I have read this week.
I really like this story and am looking forward to finishing reading more this week. The
description of Bubba making the cake was hilarious and I can hardly wait to see what the teacher’s
reaction will be to the cake, and whether Jo Beth will get a sponsor for the debate team.
Sammy Student