Fillable Printable Sample Workforce Planning Gantt Chart – Weeks 1-26
Fillable Printable Sample Workforce Planning Gantt Chart – Weeks 1-26

Sample Workforce Planning Gantt Chart – Weeks 1-26

Sample Workforce Planning Gantt Chart – Weeks 1-26
Tasks/Weeks 1 2 34567891011121314151617181920212223242526
ID Oversight Team
Conduct Meetings
Obtain Organizational Buy-in
Finalize and Publi cize
Data Collection
Assign Responsibility
Gather Available Inform ation
Design, Conduct, Analyze EE Survey
EE Focus Groups
Analyze Turnover & Costs
Analyze EIS Results
Work Reengineering Study
Identify Current & Future
Identify Work l oad /Staffing ratios
Data Analysis
Identify Workload, Workforce and
Competency Gaps
H.R. Reengineering
Employee Engagement Strategy
Recruitment & Selection Option
Performance Management Optio n
Professional Development Option
Retention Management Option
Succession Management Option
Implement Workforce Plan
HR Reengineering
Implement Employee Engagement
Implement Re cruitment & Select ion
Implement Performance
Implement Professional
Implement Re tention Management
Evaluate impact of Strategies and
Actions. Revise WFP planning and
implementation as necessary

Sample Workforce Planning Timeline Gantt Chart – Weeks 27-52
Tasks/Weeks 2728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152
ID Oversight Team
Conduct Meetings
Obtain Organizational Buy-in
Finalize and Publicize
Data Collection
Assign Responsibility
Gather Available Information
Design, Conduct, Analyze EE Survey
EE Focus Groups
Analyze Turnover & Costs
Analyze EIS Resu lts
Work Reengineering Study
Identify Current & Future
Identify Workload/Staffing ratios
Data Analysis
Identify Workload, Workforce and
Competency Gaps
H.R. Reengineering
Employee Engagement Strategy
Recruitment & Selection Option
Performance Management Op tion
Professional Development Option
Retention Management Option
Succession Management Option
Implement Workforce Plan
HR Reengineering
Implement Employee Engagement
Implement Recruitment & Selection
Implement Performance
Implement Professional
Implement Retention Management
Evaluate impact of Strategies and
Actions. Revise W FP planning and
implementation as necessary

Sample Gantt Chart Key
Work done by WFP Project Team, Evaluation Team
Work done by Executive Steering Team, WFP Project Team, Communications Team
Work done by Project Manager, Data Collection Team, Internal/External Scan Team, Culture Climate
Team, Competency Team
Work done by WFP Project Team, Supply/Demand Analysis Team
Work done by WFP Project Team, Gap-Closing Implementation Teams