Fillable Printable Gantt Chart Sample - Communication Plan
Fillable Printable Gantt Chart Sample - Communication Plan
Gantt Chart Sample - Communication Plan
Sample Gantt Chart: Communication Plan Steps Aligned with WFP Steps
Planning S teps
Communication Plan Steps
Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6Month 1 Month 2
Step 1: Strategy
Step 4: Implementation - Gap-C losing Strategies - Identify and Impl ement
Step 2: Data Collection
Step 3: Data A n alysis
Step 5: Evaluation and Revision
Agency Head: Issue WFP policy statement.
WFP Team Begin WFP process in conjunction with strategic planning process.
Share information with line managers about t he WFP process
Brief HR and line managers on content of the WFP
Share WFP inform ation with general employee population
Provide updates at regula r intervals.
Human Resources Inform union representatives about the WFP pro ces s and its expected results.
Brief unio n representatives on content of the WFP.
Provide information to employees who may be impacted.
Provide up dates to union representatives at re
ular intervals.
Line Managers Share general information with all employees. Discuss the WFP process with employees.
Provide up dates to e mployees at regular intervals.
Inform the WFP Team of the need for additional communication as the plan is implemented.