Fillable Printable General Cover Letter Format
Fillable Printable General Cover Letter Format

General Cover Letter Format

General Cover Letter Format
Kylie Bair
35 W. 2
N. Apt 205
Rexburg, ID 83440
January 5, 2008
Mr. Alfred Barrus
Cassia County Prosecuting Attorney
Alfred E. Barrus Law Firm
1918 Overland Ave.
Burley, ID 83318
Dear Mr. Barrus:
I am writing in response to the adoption intern position currently available at your firm. As an adopted child with
four adopted siblings, my love and appreciation for adoption runs deep. In addition to my passion for adoption,
you will also find my education and work experience to be an asset that will benefit your clientele and your office.
As a Social Work major at Brigham Young University – Idaho, I have completed a wide variety of social work and
family studies courses. I have also served as a volunteer CASA worker for Madison County. These opportunities
have increased my comprehension of the role of a social worker, as well as my ability to meet the needs of
birthmothers and adoptive parents. My experience has also given me ample opportunities to identify with and
understand those who are struggling, and to build trusting, secure relationships while maintaining professional
client boundaries.
Nothing would bring me greater satisfaction than knowing that my skills and abilities could help place children in
secure, loving homes and fill the empty arms of childless parents. I have been inspired by your distinguished and
nationally recognized reputation for expertise in adoption. I would love the privilege of learning from the best and
offering my time and talents toward your continued success.
Thank you for your time in reviewing my materials. I will contact you next week for an interview appointment.
(your hand-written signature here)
Kylie Bair
Student Information
Include your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
Write the letter to the specific
person that will be reviewing your
materials. Avoid using “To Whom It
May Concern” when possible. If you
are unsure of the person’s gender,
use the person’s entire name (i.e.,
Dear Alfred Barrus).
Introductory Paragraph
State why you are writing and specify
the position you are seeking. You can
also include how you heard about the
Body Paragraph(s)
Explain how you are qualified. Specify
how your education, work experience,
accomplishments, etc. have prepared
you to meet the employer’s needs.
Concluding Paragraph(s)
Reiterate why you want the job and/or
what you could contribute. Thank the
recipient for taking the time to read your
materials. Facilitate the opportunity for
an interview or state that you will look
forward to hearing from them.
Use appropriate closing salutation (i.e.,
Sincerely, Cordially, Respectfully, Best
Regards, Regards, Kind Regards). Avoid
using words that create sentimental
sounding phrases (i.e., Yours, Truly, Very).
Employer Information
Include recipient’s name, title, name of organization, street or
P.O. Box address, and city, state, and zip code.
No Errors
Always have 2-3 other people proof-read your letter to
make sure that it is error-free. This will also give you the
chance to assess if what you have written accurately and
effectively expresses the message you are trying to send.
Make sure your margins are balanced from top-
to-bottom and from side-to-side. Some audiences
insist on 1-inch margins. Some are more flexible.
Do not have margins less than .75 inches.