Fillable Printable Georgia's Own Direct Deposit Form - Georgia
Fillable Printable Georgia's Own Direct Deposit Form - Georgia

Georgia's Own Direct Deposit Form - Georgia

Georgia’s Own Credit Union
1155 Peachtree Street
P.O. Box 105205
Atlanta, GA 30348
tel 404.874.0777
toll-free 1.800.533.2062
Georgia’s Own Direct Deposit Form
Employer Information:
Employer/Company name
Employer Address City State Zip
Personal Information:
Address City State Zip
Funds will be deposited in the account(s) and information stated below:
Type of Account: Checking Savings Investment Account
Routing number: 261071438
Account number:
Amount: Net Pay or % or Dollar Amount
“I authorize to schedule a direct deposit as listed above”
Signature: Date: