Fillable Printable Healthy Meal Plans Sample
Fillable Printable Healthy Meal Plans Sample

Healthy Meal Plans Sample

*How to choose foods lower in total fat,
lower in saturated fat, and cholesterol.
* How to select foods lower in sodium (salt).
* Which foods to choose/limit for a healthy

Step 1: Lower Cholesterol!
The first step to begin your heart-healthy meal plan is to m i nimi ze
your intake of satura ted fat and cholesterol. To do this, you should:
1. Bake, boil, broil or grill your foods. Avoid deep frying or pan fry-
ing your foods in f at.
2. Eat less “total fat” on a daily basis. You may find the amount of
total fat listed on the food label.
3. Limi t intake of fatty meats and whole milk pr oducts such as whole
cheeses and ice creams.
4. Select foods that you know are low in cholesterol. Cholester ol is
found only in foods fr om animals. Choosing foods from plants
will help you to lower your cholesterol.
5. Limit your saturated fat intake by decreasing the amount of animal
fat that you eat. Choose a pure vegetable oil such as olive oil or
canola oil. There are, however, three plant oils that do contain
saturated fat: Coconut oil, palm oil and palm kernel oil. These oils
should be avoided.
6. Limit use of hydrogenated or partially hy drogenated foods. When
choosing margarine, look for a liquid or tub margarine rather than
a stick margarine.
Step 2: Lower Triglycerides!
To lower triglycerides, y ou should:
1. Avoid excessive alcohol intake.
2. Avoid concentrated sweets such as candy and r e gular soft drinks.
3. Reduce intake of carbohydrate foods such as breads, cereals, rice,
pasta, fruit and dairy products.
4. Increase daily physical activity.
Step 3: Reduce Risk!
There are special spreads available that are made
from plants that have been proven to lower choles-
terol, Two examples of these spreads are Benecol
™and Take Control™.
In order to reduce your
risk of heart disease,
you must watch your
weight, increase physi-
cal activity and adjust
your diet. See some
tips on the next page:

Reducing Heart Disease Risk:
• Body Weight
If you are overweight, weight loss of any amount can help
to decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and im-
prove overall health.
• Increasing Physical Activity
Check with your physician before beginning any exercise
program. Increasing physical activity will also help reduce
your risk of cardiac disease. Increase activity at a slow pace.
Begin by walking a short distance each day and add to this
distance as you feel capable. The activity that you choose
should become a part of your daily routine. One hour out of
each day should be dedicated to this activity. If it is part of
your daily routine, such as walking the stairs at work or
housework, it would not qualify as your daily physical activ-
• Decreasing Sodium (salt)
A large part of reducing your risk of heart disease is hav-
ing a normal blood pressure. Eating a diet that is low in so-
dium can help you to keep a normal blood pressure.
• Increasing Fiber
In order to increase fiber in your diet, choose foods such
as whole wheat breads, pastas and cereals. The fiber that is in
oats, barley, dry beans, peas and many fruits and vegetables
helps lower your risk of cholesterol levels. To get your fiber,
choose five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day
along with six or more servings of whole grains.
• Introducing Soy Products
Using soy protein in your diet has been shown to reduce
your risk of heart disease. Try adding soy to your diet with
soymilk, soynuts, soymeats and other whole soy products.

Reducing Heart Disease Risk: (continued)
• Decreasing Alcohol Intake
Alcohol is not recommended for reducing the risk of heart
disease, despite the research. If you choose to drink alcohol,
limit intake to 1-2 drinks per day.
• Decr easing Trans Fatty Acids
Trans fatty acids are found in some packaged snack foods,
commercially prepared foods and some margarines. They are
as bad for you as saturated fats. Since trans fatty acids are not
listed on the food label, you must watch for “partially hydro-
genated vegetable oil” in the ingredient list, to avoid foods
containing these fats.
At the grocery, shop the aisles along the outside of the
store for your fresh fr uits, vegetables, meats, bre a ds and
low-fat milk products.
Read the food labels for total fat, saturated fat, and cho-
lesterol. Look for products labeled “low-fat,” “fat-free,”
or “cholesterol-fre e.”
Read ingredient lists. Look in the ingredients of the
items you want to pur chase for hydrogenated oils.
Ti ps for Eating Out:
Ask the server to have your food prepared without salt.
Split an entrée with someone or take 1/2 home for later.
Order baked, broiled or grilled foods.
Ask for sauces on the side.
Avoid breaded, frie d or creamed foods .
Reducing Heart Disease Risk: (continued)
• Decreasing Alcohol Intake
Alcohol is not recommended for reducing the risk of heart
disease, despite the research. If you choose to drink alcohol,
limit intake to 1-2 drinks per day.
• Decr easing Trans Fatty Acids
Trans fatty acids are found in some packaged snack foods,
commercially prepared foods and some margarines. They are
as bad for you as saturated fats. Since trans fatty acids are not
listed on the food label, you must watch for “partially hydro-
genated vegetable oil” in the ingredient list, to avoid foods
containing these fats.

3/4 cup Cheerios
1/2 cup sliced strawberries
1 slice whole wheat toast
1 tsp liquid margarine
1 tsp sugar free jelly or jam
1 cup low-fat or fat-free juice
3 ounces sliced fresh turkey breast
2 slices whole wheat bread
Raw vegetables
1 cup tossed salad greens
1 tablespoon low-fat or fat-free dressing
1 small orange
1 cup low-fat or fat-free
1 cup fat-free yogurt (any flavor)
3 ounces ba ked white fish
1 cup steamed green beans
1 medium baked potato
1 slice whole wheat bread or dinner roll
1 tsp liquid margarine
1 T fat-free sour cream
Sugar free beverage
3 cups fat-free air-popped popcorn

Bread, Cereal, Rice
and Pasta
(Min. of 6/day)
Whole grain breads, cere-
als, muffins, pastas, tortil-
las, dried bea ns an d peas,
baked pr od uc ts u sing eg g
substitute and low fat milk
Baked p r oducts whic h in-
clude whole eggs, whole
m ilk, or butter in large
amounts, instant ce5reals,
salted or high fat crackers,
pre-packaged pastries/
m uffins, rice or pasta pre-
pared with butter or cheese
(Min. of 3/day)
Fresh or frozen vegetabl es,
canne d vegetables that ha ve
been drained and rinsed,
salt-free vegetable juice,
soups with no added salt
Vegetables fried or sautéed
in butter or oil, vegetables
with cream, butter or
cheese sauce, pickled vege-
(Min. of 2/day)
Fresh, frozen, canned or
dried fruits, fruit juice
Fruit served with cream
sauce, coconut, fruit
cooke d in butter
Skim or 1% milk
Fat-free or low-fat yogurt,
cheese with 3 grams of fat
or less per ounce an d low
sodium, fat-free or low-fat
cottage cheese and sour
Whole milk and milk prod-
ucts, condens e d or evapo-
rated milk, regular ch eeses,
cream cheese, regular sour
cream , cottage chee se, cof-
fee creamer, whipped top-
Meat, Fish, Poultry,
Lean cuts of meat/lean
ground meat, skinl ess poul-
try, fish/shellfish (2 a
week), dried beans, low fat
tofu, egg whites or egg sub-
Fatty cuts of meat, ground
meat, spare ribs/organ
meat, poultry with skin,
fried meats/poultry/fish,
regular lunch meat, proc-
essed m eats, sausage/hot
(Limit to 3-5/da y)
Unsaturated oils such as ca-
nola, o live or corn oil, ma r-
garine made from unsatu-
rated o ils, soft or liquid,
non-fat or low-fat mayo
Saturated oils such as coco-
nut and pa lm oils, butter,
shor te ni ng, bac o n grease,
lard, stick margarine, regu-
lar mayo and salad dressi ng