Fillable Printable Hunting Rental and Lease Sample Form
Fillable Printable Hunting Rental and Lease Sample Form

Hunting Rental and Lease Sample Form

(May be used for sea son lease)
State of
County of
Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this document,
called LESSOR) does hereby grant to
(hereinafter called LESSEE)
the right to access and hunt only the following game specie s:
which may be found upo n and harvested from the following property(s).
treated as comprising a total of
acres, more or less.
1. The term of this lease shal l run from (date)
to (date) .
2. The LESSEE hereby agrees to:
a. Pay to the LESSOR the sum of ($)
per acre, totaling ($) on or
before (date) .
b. Allow LESSOR to hold in deposit the sum of ($)
, refundable at the termination
of this lease if the lease agreement has been ad hered to and no damage s have been placed upon
the LESSOR as a result of the actions of the LESSEE.
c. Abide by hunting regulations prescri bed by LESSOR.
d. Abide by all state and federal hunting regulations.
e. Be personally responsible for the a ctions and activities of all persons hunting under this lease and
to act as a representative i n matters regarding all activities carried out unde r this lease.
f. Maintain proper safety procedures regarding firearms, particularly b y seeing that all firearms ar e
unloaded while in vehicles and in vicinity of all buildings.
g. Maintain proper vigilan ce ai med at preventing fires or damage by other means to the leased area.
h. See that vehicles are driven only on established roads and to see that all gates are left as
originally found.
i. Maintain a “No Hunting” or sho oting zone within 200 yards of any occupie d building and around all
other designated areas.
j. Keep records of all game harvested and supply these records to the LESSOR.
k. Remove all structures placed or constructed by LESSEE from the lease area at termination of this
lease unless prearranged with LESSOR.
l. Limit number of hunters so not to exceed
with number on lease property at any
one time not to exceed
m. Provide the LESSOR with a current certif ic ate of insurance covering the LESSOR, LESSEE and
all guests of the LESSOR against damages and liabili ties. Coverage shall be in at least the
amount of $1,000,00 0.
n. Abide by all written rules and regulations supplied at the onset of this agreement.
3. The LESSOR hereby agrees:
That only the LESSEE and his GUESTS shall have hunting rights on the leased area during the term of
this lease except those reserved a s follo ws:

4. Agricultural and/or forest ry practices are necessary on the premi se s and ta ke precedence over the
rights given in this agreement. Hunting shall not interfere with any such practi ces.
5. It is mutually agreed that failure to abide by the terms and stipulations above by any person present on
the leased area under this lease will constitute cause for the forfeiture of all hunting rights, deposits and
6. LESSEE shall not assign or otherwise convey any rights granted by this agreement to other persons
without the expressed written consent of the LESSOR.
7. The addresses of the parties hereto for the communi cation of notices are, unless altered by written
notice, as follows:
For the LESSOR:
For the LESSEE:
8. This agreement automatically will be renewed on an annual basis unless written notice is delivered on
or before (date)
9. In case any one or more of the provision s co ntained in this lease shall for any reason be held to be
invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in a ny respect, all other provision s and thi s agreement shall be
constructed as if such invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision has never been contained herein.
10. Lessee recognizes the inheren t dangers associated with hun ting, both natural and human-
created. Lessee recognizes that accidents involving firearms, ammunition, falling trees, hidden
ground openings, poisonous plants and animals and various other dangers may forcibly occur
on the premises aforeme ntioned. Lessee acknowledges his/her recognition of these dangers
and the possible existence of dan gerous phy sical conditions upon the pre m ises such as, but not
limited to, those described on the en closed map. With the aforementioned recognitions in mind,
lessee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless landowner and all of his/her family, servants,
employees and agents from all claims, suits, losses, personal injuries, deaths, property liability
and all other liability resulting directly or indi rectly from or on account of hunting activities
engaged in by lessee or lessee’s gu ests on the premises heretofore mentioned, said obligation
to indemnify extending to the reimbu rsement of landowner fo r all expenses and suits including
but not limited to, judgements, attorney’s fees and court costs.
Note: This liability release must be on the same page as the sign atures and it is the landowner’s responsibility to insure that
each lessee has read and understood its meaning.
Executed in duplicate on this day of , 20 .
Lessor Lessee
Lessor Lessee
Lessor Lessee
Note: If the hunting group is not incorporate d, all hunters should sign the lease agreement.