
Fillable Printable MAPH Individual Development Plan

Fillable Printable MAPH Individual Development Plan

MAPH Individual Development Plan

MAPH Individual Development Plan

Individual Development Plan (IDP)
The Individual Development Plan (IDP) is a very important part of the EPHLI. It allows you to plan the personal leadership skills you intend to build
during the year, and it gives us a way to measure those skills.
The attached goal form and example are to help you plan and record your own IDP activities. Draft and submit your personal plan to the program
coordinator and to your Mentor by April 21, 2008. You will be asked to assess yourself on these goals at the end of EPHLI experience.
Here’s what to do:
Review. Carefully review the results of your SKILLSCOPE 360 survey and your MBTI. Identify areas that would benefit from your attention
during this year of EPHLI.
Identify. Identify between two and three leadership skills that you will focus on to improve during EPHLI.
Reflect. Think about the leadership project that you have chosen to work on this year. Identify opportunities that your project work will bring in
terms of further honing leadership skills that you have chosen to work on during EPHLI.
Set goals. Goals might include a skill you wish to have or to further hone. We suggest that you build one to three goals around things you
learned from your 360 feedback, self-assessed needs, and input from others.
List specific activities or steps you will take to reach each goal. (See example attached).
Write down how you will measure success. Note that the shaded parts of the attached form are to be filled out later, as you assess your
Record your results.As you complete the activities, write them down on the form. At the end of the year we’ll ask you to report whether you did
the activities and met your goals. Of course, you can revise the activities and goals. Keep some extra sheets so you can do that as needed.
See the attached example and if you want further ideas contact Nicole Kozma or your Mentor. Please complete one sheet (non-shaded
parts) for each of your main goals. If at all possible, we much prefer that you do this on your computer using an electronic version of this
form that we will make available to you. By April 21, 2008, please submit a copy of your IDP plan to Nicole Kozma and to your Mentor
so that we can help keep track of your progress. Please send your IDP to us attached to an email.
Goal: The outcome you want to achieve. This could be a personal leadership skill or trait that you want to improve or develop.
By the end of the year, I will have improved my delegation and employee empowerment abilities. I will become more skilled at
encouraging decision-making at lower levels, and be freed up to spend more time on strategic planning.
By July 2006 I will have worked to improve my public communications skills by seeking 3 opportunities and conducting public
presentation on emerging environmental issues.
By March 2006 I will have established relationships with key local political powers, state legislative personnel, or national advocates to
discuss and gain their support regarding important environmental concerns.
Activities: List the specific activities you will undertake to reach your goal. This could be reading, training classes, consulting with
others, taking on new projects, or anything else. Can be directly Academy-related or something you do on your own.
A. By October 15, schedule a meeting with my leadership team to discuss and
renegotiate my role in day-to-day budgetary responsibilities, data analysis, and report
writing. Based on results of this meeting, schedule and implement a training process for
them around skills and competencies identified as needed. Complete the training
program by January 30, 2005. By the end of this training, they will be capable of
completing budgets for their units, analyzing health data, and compiling quarterly reports
—three tasks that have consumed much of my time.
Completed? X YesNo
Comments: Completed.
B. By October 15 I will read one delegation/empowerment book suggested by the EPHLI
course, and consult with 2 EPHLI peers who have addressed the same issue.
Completed? X YesNo
Comments: Read Zapp the Lightening of
Empowerment. Also had telephone conversations with
Ben Sack and Randi Jones on their experiences with
C. By March 15 I will have my leadership team members developing and implementing
plans for continuous improvement of their work units. A system will be designed to
monitor their projects. Further, they will conduct a benchmarking study to determine best
practices used in other health agencies around the state. They will have ownership for
designing and conducting these projects.
Completed? X YesNo
Comments: Completely did this by February 15.
Measures/Evidence: What kind of measure or evidence will you use to know that you accomplished the goal? (For example, 75% of
divisions will have active quality improvement teams by April 1, review by third party, and better feedback from employees or supervisor,
new initiative launched?)
I will keep a log of the number of projects completed by my leadership team in the coming year and compare these results to the
previous year. I will track the time I spend on planning and prioritizing compared to previous years. Finally, I will conduct a pre-post
survey and meeting to determine the degree to which my leadership team feels a sense of ownership, commitment, and empowerment.
Did you accomplish your goal?X Yes Partly No Explain: I am very pleased with my progress. Leadership team members say they
appreciate their increased decision-making power.After the initial discomfort with the new approach, they have begun to embrace it and are making
decisions about their staff and programs freely, consulting with me when appropriate. My direct reports do show greater ownership, commitment,
and sense of empowerment.
Goal: The outcome you want to achieve. This could be a personal leadership skill or trait that you want to improve.
Activities: List the specific activities you will undertake to reach your goal. This could be reading, training classes, consulting with
others, taking on new projects, or anything else. Can be directly Academy-related or something you do on your own.
A.By (date) I willCompleted? YesNo
B.By (date) I willCompleted? YesNo
C.By (date) I willCompleted? YesNo
Measures/Evidence: What kind of measure or evidence will you use to know that you accomplished the goal? (For example, 75% of
divisions will have active quality improvement teams by April 1, review by third party, and better feedback from employees or supervisor,
new initiative launched?)
Did you accomplish your goal?YesPartly No Explain, making reference to your measures (above) if possible:
Goal: The outcome you want to achieve. This could be a personal leadership skill or trait that you want to improve.
Activities: List the specific activities you will undertake to reach your goal. This could be reading, training classes, consulting with
others, taking on new projects, or anything else. Can be directly Academy-related or something you do on your own.
D.By (date) I willCompleted? YesNo
E.By (date) I willCompleted? YesNo
F.By (date) I willCompleted? YesNo
Measures/Evidence: What kind of measure or evidence will you use to know that you accomplished the goal? (For example, 75% of
divisions will have active quality improvement teams by April 1, review by third party, and better feedback from employees or supervisor,
new initiative launched?)
Did you accomplish your goal?YesPartly No Explain, making reference to your measures (above) if possible:
Goal: The outcome you want to achieve. This could be a personal leadership skill or trait that you want to improve.
Activities: List the specific activities you will undertake to reach your goal. This could be reading, training classes, consulting with
others, taking on new projects, or anything else. Can be directly Academy-related or something you do on your own.
G.By (date) I willCompleted? YesNo
H.By (date) I willCompleted? YesNo
I.By (date) I willCompleted? YesNo
Measures/Evidence: What kind of measure or evidence will you use to know that you accomplished the goal? (For example, 75% of
divisions will have active quality improvement teams by April 1, review by third party, and better feedback from employees or supervisor,
new initiative launched?)
Did you accomplish your goal?YesPartly No Explain, making reference to your measures (above) if possible:
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