Fillable Printable Postdoctoral Scholar Individual Development Plan
Fillable Printable Postdoctoral Scholar Individual Development Plan
Postdoctoral Scholar Individual Development Plan
Postdoctoral Scholar Individual Development Plan
Individual Development Plans (IDPs) provide a planning process that identifies both professional
development needs and career objectives. IDPs serve as a communication tool between individuals and
their mentors, and are often used in the mentoring of postdoctoral scholars. The training environment and
experience faculty provide to postdoctoral scholars are critical in support of the scholars’ career
development. Postdoctoral scholars contribute substantially through their creativity, commitment, and
expertise. The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs is pleased to provide this Postdoctoral Scholar Individual
Development Plan document as a suggested template to initiate an ongoing discussion in mentoring
postdoctoral scholars. IDPs should be established/revised at the beginning of each contract period.
1. Assess your skills, strengths, and areas which need development. (Solicit feedback from peers,
mentors, and colleagues as to your strengths and development needs.)
2. Outline your long-term career objectives. (research, teaching, etc)
University of South Florida • 4202 East Fowler Avenue, ALN200 • Tampa, Florida 33620
(813) 974-0795 • FAX (813) 974-5762 •
3. Identify developmental needs by comparing current skills and strengths with those needed for
your career choice.
4. Prioritize your developmental areas and discuss with your mentor how these should be addressed.
5. With your mentor, define specific approaches to obtain the skills and strengths referenced above
(courses, technical skills, teaching, supervision, etc.) with anticipated time frames.
1. Review the postdoctoral mentoring plan if one was required in the grant proposal and discuss it
with the postdoctoral scholar,
2. Establish/revise IDPs at the beginning of each contract period,
3. Conduct orientation with postdoctoral scholar,
4. Set benchmarks and assignment criteria and discuss with the postdoctoral scholar (grant writing,
teaching, research, and other assignments),
5. Become familiar with available opportunities for searching and applying for federal, non-federal,
or internal funding, and discuss with the postdoctoral scholar,
6. Review initial IDP within the first six months of plan then annually making revisions based upon
feedback – both positive and negative,
7. Assist the postdoctoral scholar in setting goals towards meeting their career objectives that will
facilitate growth and development,
8. Provide ongoing career counseling,
9. List specific means by which to achieve the goals as well as how the achievement of the goals
will be determined or benchmarked,
10. Assist the postdoctoral scholar in networking with the scientific and academic community
internal and externally,
11. Set regular meeting times with the postdoctoral scholar,
12. Establish regular review of progress.
This plan should be reviewed regularly by the postdoctoral scholar and mentor, and
revised as necessary. The plan will need to be modified as circumstances and goals
change. The challenge of implementation is to remain flexible and open to change.
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Postdoctoral Scholar Signature Date
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Mentor Signature Date