Fillable Printable Information Systems Security Policy
Fillable Printable Information Systems Security Policy

Information Systems Security Policy

Information Systems
Security Policy
University of South Alabama
5840 USA Drive South
251- 460- 6161
5/15 /2015
University of South Alabama
Computer Services Center

May 15, 2015
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
Data Retrieval and Dissemination ...................................................................................................................... 3
Procedure ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Enforcement of Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Data Sources ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Student Information ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Student Financial Aid Information ................................................................................................................... 5
Student Housing Information .......................................................................................................................... 5
Payroll Information.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Human Resources Information ........................................................................................................................ 6
Institutional Research Information .................................................................................................................. 6
Financial Accounting Information ................................................................................................................... 6
Classification Standards ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Data Classification ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Security .............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Departmental Security ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Physical Security .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Data Security ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Web Servers and Departmental Servers .......................................................................................................... 8
Electronic Mail System Security ....................................................................................................................... 8

May 15, 2015
This general security policy has been developed to ensure data integrity and confidentiality for all administrative
computer systems at the University of South Alabama. This document will provide guidelines for the classification of
data resources, and subsequent retrieval and dissemination of that data by various user groups. These guidelines
will allow individual departments to approve data access authorizations for their data (in general cases). Any
exceptions to user access situations covered in this general policy will be taken under special consideration by the
University Computer Services Center.
More and more university employees have access to confidential information via computers. This security policy is
not intended to hamper the use of computers in obtaining information necessary to conduct University, college, or
departmental business. However, it is intended to encourage responsible use of computers and discretion in
dissemination of student and employee information.

May 15, 2015
Data Retrieval and Dissemination
Each set of University data will be classified as having an “owner”. This owner will be represented by a specific
individual within the University department responsible for that data. Any time a department or individual wishes
to gain access to another department’s data, they must follow the procedure below:
1) If you are requesting access to student information, fill out the appropriate Banner Security access
forms that can be found at the following link:
and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
2) If you are requesting access to financial information, fill out the appropriate Banner Security access
form that can be found at the following link:
and submit it to the Business Office.
3) Once your request for data access has been approved by the owner/department responsible, you will
be asked to sign a “Statement of Accountability” form in order to receive a sign-on code and password
from the Computer Center. (If you are gaining access to the Student Records system, you will be asked
to sign a “Statement of Confidentiality/Accountability” for the Registrar’s Office, as well.)
(The following section, Data Sources, provides data descriptions and departmental sources.)
Enforcement of Policy
Each department is responsible for enforcing this data security policy. University policy states that confidential
information is to be used only when necessary for University, college, or departmental business. Refusal to adhere
to this policy is a clear violation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Offenders will be subject
to disciplinary action and possible referral of the violation to the proper authorities.

May 15, 2015
Data Sources
For the purposes of this policy, data types are categorized as follows:
Student Information
Student Financial Aid Information
Student Housing Information
Administrative Financial Information
Human Resources Information
Institutional Research Information
Within these general categories, the different types of data are broken down into subsets; a University source is
provided for each.
Student Information
Data Owner: University Registrar
The Office of the Registrar is the official source of information on individual students. For security
purposes, student information is divided into the two categories of directory and academic.
Directory Information
University personnel may have access to directory information and may, without restriction, disseminate
information for official use on and off campus. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and
the University Attorney specify the following as directory information:
• Student’s name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, photograph, date and place
of birth
• Major, dates of enrollment, degree conferred and dates of conferral, any graduation
• Institutions attended prior to admission to the University of South Alabama
• Participation in officially recognized activities and sports and weight and height of
members of University athletic teams
Directory information is available on Banner screens such as SPAIDEN, SPAPERS, SGASTDN, SHADEGR and
If a student does not wish any of the above information released to non-institutional persons or
organizations, a Non-Disclosure of Directory Information must be completed in the Registrar’s office. Once
the student has completed the form, the confidential flag is marked on Banner. A ‘Confidential’ comment
will appear in the upper left hand corner on all Banner screens. This request will remain in effect until the
student notifies, in writing, the Registrar’s office to remove the flag.
Academic Information
Academic information, including grades, academic status, class schedules, etc., cannot be released to third
parties without the student’s written permission. Academic information can be used by University of South
Alabama employees having a legitimate educational interest in the student and who are acting within the

May 15, 2015
limitations of their need to know may access student educational records without prior consent of the
student. This includes personnel in academic offices as well as student support offices, such as Admissions,
Student Accounting, Financial Aid, Registrar, etc.). This is true even if the student has been granted non-
Academic information not available from Banner should be requested from the Office of the Registrar.
Requests for information from students or from agencies or individuals outside the University should also
be referred to the Office of the Registrar.
Summary Student Information
The Office of Institutional Research is the official source of aggregate or summary student information,
such as enrollment or credit hour data intended for on- or off- campus dissemination. Requests for reports
and analyses involving summary student data to be produced through Banner will be developed in
conjunction with the Office of Institutional Research. This will ensure that reports and analyses are based
upon the most accurate information and will enhance the consistency and integrity of information
generated by colleges and departments.
Student Financial Aid Information
Data Owner: Director, Financial Aid Office
The Financial Aid Office is the official source of information on individual University students receiving
financial assistance from various aid programs, including grants and scholarships and loans. All requests
for this type of information should be addressed to the Director of Financial Aid.
Information on students receiving financial assistance through student loans is maintained by the Financial
Aid Office and should be requested from the director of that department.
Student Housing Information
Data Owner: Director, Department of Housing
Any information pertaining to student housing on campus should be requested from the Director of the
Department of Housing. Information on students receiving financial assistance through student loans is
maintained by the Student Account’s Office and should be requested from the director of that department.
Payroll Information
Data Owner: Director, Payroll Office
The Payroll Office is the official source of financial information on individual University employees. All
requests for this confidential financial information should be submitted to the Director of Payroll.

May 15, 2015
Human Resources Information
Data Owner: Director, Human Resources
Information concerning specific job positions (classifications, descriptions, etc.) at the University is
maintained by the Human Resources department. All requests for employee information (excluding payroll
information) should be sent to the Assistant VP, Human Resources.
Institutional Research Information
Data Owner: Director, Office of Institutional Research
Institutional research information includes data on student enrollment, faculty reports, credit hour
production, surveys (e.g., retention of students), government reports, etc. The official source for this type
of information is the Office of Institutional Research, and all requests for such information should be
submitted to the Director of that office.
Financial Accounting Information
Data Owner: Controller, Business Office
Revenue, expenditure and budget information is maintained for each account. Requests for access to
information should be submitted to the Controller.
Classification Standards
Data Classification
Data classification indicates what the user is able to do with the data. Specific restrictions are outlined and
enforced by individual departments responsible for the data. Specific levels of access clearance include the
1. Read only
2. Maintenance (Update, Add, Delete)
Various user classifications will have access to data through one or a combination of these clearance levels. Each
user ID is restricted by the forms that the user has been granted to access, i.e., their clearance level will provide
them the ability to access a limited number of forms. If a user tries to access a form inappropriate to his/her
clearance level, a security violation message will appear on the screen.
Data should not be downloaded to other storage medium without permission from the departmental owner of that
data. Downloading of administrative data requires a separate authorization from the data owner. Individual users
will be held responsible for any violation of this procedure.

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Departmental Security
Each department will designate an “owner” for the data it maintains. Appropriate procedure for retrieval and
dissemination of University data will be followed as outlined in the previous section, Data Retrieval and
Departments storing data subject to University regulations are responsible for ensuring that all such data is
protected in accordance with institutional regulations. This applies to all such data from any source, whether
electronically transferred from the administrative systems, or entered by the individual department from printed
Specifically, departments must ensure that access to individual workstations or servers containing this information
or access to output generated from departmental systems, is restricted to individuals authorized to access the data.
Password security on individual stations or servers is not
sufficient to ensure compliance; any such systems on
which regulated data is stored must also be in secure, supervised areas, such as departmental or individual offices.
Backup tapes, disks or copies of data on printed or electronic media must be similarly protected. Under no
circumstances shall confidential data or access to it be granted to personnel from other departments or non-
University personnel without express written authorization from the appropriate administrative office. Any
unauthorized storage and/or reproduction of confidential University data (e.g., grades, transcript files, etc.) is
strictly prohibited.
Physical Security
Deans and department/division heads are responsible for ensuring the physical security and responsible use of
computers located in departments and offices under their authority. The following policy statements should be
made available and/or posted prominently so that all personnel working with computers know the extent of their
1) Computers will be located in physically secure areas which can be locked when not in
2) Access to computers will be limited to individuals engaged in official University business.
3) Use of computers by student workers should be restricted to those cases in which
student workers are absolutely necessary to supplement regular University staff
members. Student workers should be thoroughly instructed in the proper and responsible
use of computers. (All student workers will be required to sign a “Statement of
Accountability” from the Computer Center before receiving a sign-on code and
4) Each individual with access to administrative information is assigned his/her own user id
(username) and password. The owner of the code should not pass on this information to
anyone else; the owner is responsible for any misuse of his/her sign-on credentials.
5) Under no circumstances will the aforementioned codes be posted on or near computers
6) Computers which are “signed on” should never be left unattended.

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7) Requests for improvement of computer security, as well as suspected violations, should
be addressed to the Director, USA Computer Services Center.
Computers which are routinely used by individuals not cleared for access to such data are inappropriate locations
for confidential data (e.g. computers in student labs or other public locations.) Placing confidential information on
systems of this nature constitutes a clear violation of University regulations.
Because of the possibility of theft and discovery of data, neither portable computers (notebooks, laptops, etc.) nor
portable storage devices, including USB keys and portable disks, should be used to store sensitive or regulated data,
unless such data is encrypted.
If a computer with communications software is used to access University information systems, no information
specific to your access to the system (such as sign-on codes or passwords) shall be encoded in the communications
package nor otherwise stored within that computer. This means that the sign-on process cannot be fully
automated, but will require keyboard entry of appropriate codes and passwords at sign-on time.
If the communications package has been acquired from the Computer Services Center, copies shall not be given to
any other individuals or departments. Any such requests should be submitted directly to the Academic Computing
Office of the Computer Center.
Data Security
Any individual who accesses University data, through a computer or a report, is responsible for the confidentiality
of that data. Likewise, any individual who stores University data on a personal computer will be held accountable
for the confidentiality of that information.
Web Servers and Departmental Servers
Information subject to University or confidentiality regulation should not be placed on the main University web
server without prior written approval from the appropriate administrative offices as well as the Manager of Web
Services. Such data should, in general, be placed on Web or other departmental servers only if absolutely essential
to University business and only if appropriate safeguards,
including appropriate file permissions, access controls
and security patch procedures are in place.
Electronic Mail System Security
Electronic mail poses additional risks in the handling of confidential data. Data may quite readily be transmitted to
unintended recipients through misaddressing or similar error. In addition, the routine maintenance of mail systems
may require or inadvertently lead to viewing of some pieces of mail by mail systems administrators. The Computer
Services Center will respect the privacy of all such mail and will not reveal the contents of such mail to any other
parties. However, if activities in violation of law or University regulations are discovered through this procedure, the
CSC may report such information to appropriate authorities.
Departments are advised that information subject to confidentiality regulations should not be transmitted via
electronic mail without prior written approval from the appropriate administrative offices.