Fillable Printable Internship Report - UNICEF
Fillable Printable Internship Report - UNICEF

Internship Report - UNICEF

Organisation/Department: UNICEF/Education
Location City/Town: George Street, Kampala Uganda
Type of Job: Internship/Volunteer
Duration/Hours: 3 Months /Full time
Salary: N/A
Intern's Name: Sylvia Atuhaire
Name of Supervisor: Dr. Margo O’Sullivan
Title: Chief of Party, Basic Education
The purpose of this report is to explain what I did and learned during my 3 months internship
period with the United Nations Children’s Fund(UNICEF)) in the section of Basic Education
(BE). The report is also a requirement for the partial fulfillment of Kobe University
Internship Program (KUIP). It focuses primarily on the assignments handled, outcomes,
future career plans, and comments on working environment and internship grant, and
What is UNICEF?
UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund, the world’s leading Child Rights
Organisation works in Uganda to help the government meet its obligation under the UN
convention on the rights of the child and to meet the millennium development goals.
UNICEF supports government ministries in policy and planning through evidence-based
advocacy and technical assistance.
UNICEF’s Uganda country programme 2010-14 helps to ensure all children access relevant,
high-quality primary education in their home communities, at the appropriate age, thus
improving their chances for completion with full proficiency of basic competencies. UNICEF
believes that every child has a right to education, proper health care and protection and equal
treatment. UNICEF gives children the best start in life, helps children survive and thrive, get
kids into schools and creates a protective environment especially in emergencies.
UNICEF works closely with other agencies, Government institutions, development partners,
NGOS, young people and civil society.
Basic Education Section
UNICEF Basic Education section mission is to keep
children learning, support girls’ education movement
(GEM), promote Early Childhood Development (ECD)
and Basic Requirements Minimum Standards (BRMS)
for education institutions in Ugan
The overall goal is quality education that enables all
children to learn successfully. Create an enabling
knowledge, policy, legislative and budgetary
environment; create an enabling learning environment for
children in all learning spaces, increased demand for
services and strengthened practices for the fulfilment of
children’s rights. Core Commitments for Children
(CCCs) are ensured through integrated Disaster Risk reduction
and response.
Basic Education Team

Duties and Responsibilities under the Supervision of the Chief, Basic Education
1. Supported the implementation of the BRMS (Basic Requirements Minimum
Standards) project national survey of 12% of all primary schools in Uganda on the status
of BRMS.
2. Represented the Chief of Basic Education (Dr Mago O’Sullivan) in several partnership
meetings and workshops that included the following:
- Unity/USAID Quality Enhancement Initiative (QEI) workshop
The main objective of the workshop was to review the progress made in the
implementation of interventions under QEI focusing on 4 pillars of management,
pupil, teacher and community.
- Multi-lingual Education Network (M-LEN) meeting
The objective of the meeting was to review and comment on the M-LEN decision
making process document (phase1) adopted by Mango tree, discuss about the
participants in the Tone workshop in Nairobi, organizational status of MLEN
network forum and decide on the way forward.
- UWEZO Uganda (Annual Learning Assessment Report) Launch/meeting
I represented Basic Education Team on the Launch of UWEZO Annual Learning
Assessment Report. Most education partners including Uwezo coordinators from
Kenya and Tanzania, FENU, NPA, NCDC, Unity/USAID, Mango tree and MoES,
parents, Uwezo volunteers were present.
- MOSIQUE workshop
This was hosted by Royal Embassy of Netherlands. MOSIQUE is Monitoring
Sharing Improved Quality of Education. It’s an Initiative to strengthen teacher
quality to ultimately improve learning outcomes. Their main Goal is "Improved
learning outcomes at learner level" through improved teaching practices.
- UNATU Partners Conference
The conference objective was to present to the partners UNATU’s contribution to
education reforms, progress report, Budgetary plans, an initiative of teacher’s
financial institution scheme, and the way forward in terms of support and mode of
cooperation. Well attended by Education international, Unity/USAID, Royal
Netherlands Embassy, UNICEF, among others.
3. Participated in the Emergency Preparedness and Response
(EPR) Training and obtained a certificate in EPR in areas
of Core Commitments for Children (CCCs) specifically
education, health, child protection, and water and
sanitation (WASH).
4. Updated TRACE Resource Centre/ Basic Education
library by documenting and cross checking all existing
Sylvia at UNATU Conference

5. Participated in the UNICEF 3
quarterly inventory count exercise for 2 days as external
observer from Basic education section and as support staff to supply officers doing the
inventory at UNICEF National Warehouse located in Ntinda Kampala.
6. Organised/prepared UNICEF Basic Education Resource text books to be distributed to
development partners and UNICEF regional zone offices.
7. Received/reviewed financial accountability documents for liquidation from different
UNICEF development partners.
8. Accompanied the new UNICEF VSOs for orientation at Madrasa Resource Centre
(Early Childhood Development-ECD centre) under ECD Specialist. The VSOs are going
to be based in the districts as trainers at Primary Teachers Colleges (PTCs).
Comments on Assignments:
UNICEF working environment is friendly and everyone is kind, fully supportive and
generous. I had overall supervisor (Dr. Margo O’Sullivan) but at the same time I was
working closely with other Education Specialists depending on which activity I was assigned.
They were all reachable and very helpful by providing necessary information and guidance
on different tasks and giving feedback on my work.
There were challenges sometimes especially the way UNICEF does its business such as
office procedures. However, I felt most privileged to associate and work with such an
important and highly reputable organization as UNICEF; understanding what UNICEF does
its operations and challenges.
I enjoyed working with the team. Surprisingly, most
times I was not referred to as an intern but as Basic
Education Staff especially at Partners’ meetings that I
represented UNICEF (Basic Education Section).
This gave me a lot of self-confidence and exposure.
Impact of my Work:
I believe my contribution had a lot of positive impact
towards achieving the overall objectives of the
UNICEF Education Section and other related
sections. For example my work on TRACE library
and written reports on different workshops I attended and represented UNICEF Basic
Education were well appreciated by Basic Education Team as very helpful.
Sylvia at work
I am very glad to have done my internship at UNICEF (Uganda); it has given me a firsthand
experience with the International Organisation. The way they transact their business/
operations which turned out to be quite diverse from what I had on my mind, especially the
working environment, which I think will be a valuable asset for my future work life.

Outcomes / Lessons Learned:
My experience at UNICEF was very enriching, having been surrounded by both international
and national skilled specialists, with the main mission of improving quality of education,
keep children learning, in safe schools and good environment in Uganda and other
developing countries.
The internship gave me an opportunity to interact, learn and share ideas with the UNICEF
specialists in different fields which broadened my thinking and practical skills on
development using Human capital development approaches such as education and health
Through many attended workshops, I understood further the challenges facing the quality of
education; I got familiar with UNICEF operations especially in education and emergency
preparedness and response support.
Moreover, trying to negotiate consensus in partnership meetings was extremely fascinating,
especially given the extreme diversity of opinions, although they were at times tedious, it
provided an excellent opportunity to participate and witness debate at the international
development partnership level.
How the Internship Grant helped me:
I must eulogize and give many thanks to Kobe University Internship Programme for their
generosity of providing financial support to interns in international organisations. It’s through
their generosity that I found it possible to afford daily meals while at work, meet
accommodation and transport expenses to and from work.
Had it not been the award of the grant, I wouldn’t have afforded the 3 months internship at
UNICEF. However, I must stress that the awarded stipend was inadequate to cater for the
return air-ticket and all 12 weeks living expenses in Kampala capital.
Summary of UNICEF Internship Experience:
My experience at UNICEF was amazing, and it is one that I will certainly never forget.
The chance to interact and network with people at this level, providing an insight into the
workings of United Nations delegations and other development partners was an unparalleled
The internship provided me with an opportunity to familiarize myself with a variety of issues
ranging from the emergence preparedness and response, child protection, water and sanitation,
and education key issues such as; keep children learning and safe schools, early childhood
development and child friendly schools.
Above all, I obtained a UNICEF Certificate in Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR),
therefore my internship was a fantastic experience that is most enjoyable and rewarding.

Future career plan:
My future career plan is to be an Education-Economics
Specialist with advanced knowledge in both theory
and practice. I would like to work for international
development organizations such as; UNICEF, World
Bank, ADB, UNDP and JICA in the fields of
education planning, financing, policy formulations and
implementations. And contribute to global
development through better educational policies that
guarantee and support quality education, gender equity,
reduce income inequality and promote economic development in developing countries. While
working at an international organisation, I will enrol for a Doctor course (PhD) at GSICS -
Kobe University.
Dr. Margo O'Sullivan & Sylvia
In nut shell, I appreciate the way I was guided throughout the internship by my supervisor Dr.
Margo O’sullivan, (Above Picture) beginning with the given opportunity to expand my
knowledge in education development, and UNICEF cooperation/partnerships with other
development partners under her supervision.
The gained practical skills and knowledge, gave me enough background to contribute to the
achievement of UNICEF vision in future, and the quality of education in developing
countries, which definitely made me enjoy my work every hour.
I recommend fellow students to consider
an internship opportunity at UNICEF
(Uganda); for sure though challenging, it’s
rewarding and a doorstep for future career
Kampala city is very beautiful with
excellent restaurants, hospitable people
and above all, you can’t afford to miss
enjoying the fresh fruits and foods grown
under natural tropical environment.
Kobe University Team Visit to UNICEF-Uganda