Fillable Printable Job Application Letter
Fillable Printable Job Application Letter

Job Application Letter
Sample Cover Letter
Lisa R. Warrior
1234 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, MI 48202
July 21, 2011
Ms. Laura Librarian
Hogwarts Public Library
2000 Folsom Road
Anywhere, MI 48000
Dear Ms. Librarian:
Please find my resume enclosed for the Hogwarts Public Library’s Librarian I position advertised on your
web site. The Librarian I position provides an excellent opportunity to work with a multicultural, urban
community while allowing me to utilize my previous experience and education.
While working at both the Detroit Public Library and the Undergraduate Library at Wayne State
University, I developed a strong understanding of how to identify, select and provide access to a variety
of materials for the library’s diverse audience. My knowledge of reference resources, gained through
almost three years of experience delivering print and online reference services, will allow me to offer
immediate assistance with reference and reader’s services to teens and adults.
As an assistant at the Detroit Public Library, I utilized online resources to develop a web-based interactive
guide about Detroit fiction authors for patrons. My coursework in information technology and collection
development will allow me to begin immediately creating similar resources for the Hogwarts Public
Library’s patrons. My technology background also qualifies me to provide training in the library’s
computer lab by teaching PC operating systems, Microsoft Office productivity tools, Internet search skills,
and general web use. I also have substantial experience in web-site development that can be used to
assist in meeting the library’s current objectives of providing online information about adult literacy and
assisting patrons with the development of their own web pages.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of my application. Becoming a librarian at the Hogwarts
Public Library is an exciting prospect for me. I look forward to meeting you and discussing ways in which
my education and experience match the needs of your library.
Lisa R. Warrior
Lisa R. Warrior
Enclosures: Resume