Fillable Printable Sample Letters 3
Fillable Printable Sample Letters 3

Sample Letters 3

Sample Letters 3
Rejection of Volunteer Application
(Choose one of two Sample Letters. Print on County Stationery)
Option # 1
Volunteer Name
Inside Address of Volunteer
Dear :
After considering your application and the additional information you have
provided, the County Volunteer Selection Board has
decided not to accept your application to become a volunteer at this time. We
appreciate your interest in our organization.
Extension Agent County Extension Director
Option # 2
Volunteer Name
Inside Address of Volunteer
Dear :
After considering your application and supplemental reference materials, the
________ County Volunteer Selection Board has decided not to place you in a
role to work with youth in the 4-H youth program at this time. If you would like to
support 4-H in another way, we could discuss options with you. Some
possibilities include:
Call ____________ or stop at the County Extension Office if you would like to
discuss one of these opportunities.
Extension AgentCounty Extension Director