Fillable Printable Letter of Confirmation to the Nominated Team Member Sample
Fillable Printable Letter of Confirmation to the Nominated Team Member Sample

Letter of Confirmation to the Nominated Team Member Sample
Dear Name,
We are glad you agreed to be nominated as a member of the united church
team. We are anxiously looking forward to working with you in the ministry.
We will be submitting your name for approval for all the meetings and
authorizing you for concerned reports. Your service with the team would be
for two years and every year we will take your approval after the conclusion
of the first year.
You will be scheduled to take up training programs to be a team member
starting from ________ (date) and if you have any other appointments
please let me know I will fix the training for some other period. It’s only after
the completion of the training program you can serve in the ministry
Regarding other benefits and insurance coverage you can speak with the
clerk at the church office.
If you need any clarification you can feel free to contact me
Your name