Fillable Printable Template Request for Letters of Interest
Fillable Printable Template Request for Letters of Interest

Template Request for Letters of Interest

May 13, 2014
The primary and/or subconsultant firm(s) shall be pre-qualified by NCDOT to provide consulting
services, design drawings, specifications and bid documents for the following work at the
Bunker Hill Covered Bridge in Catawba County, NC:
a dry pipe fire suppression system;
a video security and lighting system; and
water and erosion control to protect bridge abutments (wingwall or natural stone
diversion rip-rap to divert ground water run-off from bridge sills and chords.)
The work codes required are:
00353 – Fire protection/fire alarm system design
00351 – Electrical engineering design
00357 – Building Structural Design
00433 – Hydraulic Design Tier I
00024 – Bridges- Spans under 200’
00032 – Categorical Exclusions
The selected firm will report directly to the Catawba County Historical Association. The
selected firm is to provide architectural, engineering design services, specifications and bid
documents in and accordance with the contract requirements.
The Catawba County Historical Association (hereafter referred to as “the Association”) has
received a National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program Grant from the FHWA and
NCDOT to complete three main tasks as noted in the Scope of Work section for the preservation
of the Bunker Hill Covered Bridge. The Association is soliciting proposals from qualified
consulting firms to provide engineering design, specifications and bid preparation documents for
the grant tasks.

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The Association is soliciting proposals for consulting services necessary to complete the
following preservation tasks within the approved grant budget.
1. Fire Protection System: design and provide construction drawings/specifications
for the installation of a heat rise detection system, control panel and protective
shed and dry pipe sprinkler system to be connected to the historic bridge in a
manner that is blends in with the historical character of the bridge. The fire
protection system will be connected to a public waterline that is being designed by
The Wooten Company. The design proposal package will also include any support
equipment that will be necessary to connect to the public waterline.
2. Video Security and Lighting System: design and provide construction
drawings/specifications for the installation of a security system consisting of
ground lighting and security cameras that are linked through a cellular line system
which provides day and night vision capability. Specifications also will be
provided for the installation of power to serve the security/lighting system.
3. Water and Erosion Control: design and provide construction
drawings/specifications for water and erosion control form the portals of the bridge
abutments on both sides of the bridge to direct water away from the bridge sills
and chords. The design must be consistent with the historical character of the
The selected Consultant will design the above noted improvements to meet the standards of the
FHWA, NCDOT, the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office, and the Department of
Interior Standards for Rehabilitation 36 CFR Part 67, Historic Preservation Certifications and the
Catawba County Historical Association. Services will include, but not necessarily be limited to:
Conduct field surveys as needed to prepare plans and specifications for the
Prepare plans and specifications for the proposed improvements consistent with
the Association’s, FHWA/NCDOT, and NC Department of Cultural Resource’s
Submit plans and specifications to NCDOT and NC Department of Cultural
Resource’s for review and approval. Make revisions as necessary to obtain final
Prepare and obtain all applicable environmental permits.
Complete and submit a request for an Environmental Categorical Exclusion as per
FHWA/ NCDOT requirements.
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After considering factors outlined in Section F, the consulting firm will be selected, subject to
points system outlined in Section F. The Consultant will be notified by mail of the Association’s
The Consultant's proposal must contain four parts:
1. Technical. Describe the approach to be taken in addressing the proposed scope of
work. This description is to include delineation of specific tasks to be undertaken
in each project activity.
2. Management and Staffing. Describe the management plan to be used, staffing
configurations, and the like. This is to include a project schedule showing start and
completion dates for all major tasks. A brief resume of the individuals involved in
the project is required.
3. Prior Related Experience. Provide a brief description of prior related experience
including contact person and phone numbers for each referenced job.
4. Familiarity with Project/Locality. Describe familiarity with this project and with
the Catawba County Historical Association, as well as, prior experience with the
NC Department of Cultural Resources.
The following factors will be used in evaluating Consultant's proposals and awarding of contract:
1. Technical Approach/Understanding of Program (25 points)
2. Work Management Plan/Experience of Proposed Personnel (15 points)
3. Prior Related Consulting Experience of the Firm (20 points)
4. Familiarity with Project/ Locality (20 points)
5. Prior related Experience with Historic Preservation and
NC Department of Cultural Resources and SHPO review (20 points)
North Carolina firms qualified to do the required work will be given priority consideration. A
North Carolina firm is a firm that maintains an office in North Carolina staffed with an adequate
number of employees judged by the Department to be capable of performing a majority of the
work required.
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After reviewing qualifications, if firms are equal on the evaluation review, then those qualified
firms with proposed SPSF participation will be given priority consideration.
The Consultant will be responsible for providing engineers and technicians with the appropriate
skills and qualifications to ensure contract compliance. The Consultant shall indemnify and save
harmless the Association for claims and liabilities resulting from negligence, errors or omissions
of the Consultant; including, but not limited to, the architects, engineers, technicians or
Any firm wishing to be considered must be properly registered with the Office of the Secretary
of State and the NC Board of Architecture and with the North Carolina Board of Registration for
Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors. Any firm proposing to use corporate subsidiaries or
subcontractors must include a statement that these companies are properly registered with the
NC Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors and/or the NC Board
of Architecture. The Architects/Engineers performing the work and in responsible charge of the
work must be registered in the State of North Carolina and must have a good ethical and
professional standing. It will be the responsibility of the selected private firm to verify the
registration of any corporate subsidiary or subcontractor prior to submitting a Letter of Interest.
The firm must have the financial ability to undertake the work and assume the liability. The
selected firm will be required to furnish proof of Professional Liability insurance coverage in the
minimum amount of $1,000,000. The firm must have an adequate accounting system to identify
costs chargeable to the project.
The proposed method of payment for this contract is lump sum.
The selection of a private consulting firm to provide work listed on this specific project will be
handled in accordance with the following process:
1. Submission by the private consulting firm of a Letter of Interest (LOI).
2. The Association will short list private consulting firms to a minimum of three
3. Pre-interview meeting and oral interview at the option of the Catawba County
Historical Association.
4. The Association will select a private consulting firm to provide the Design

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The Association & NCDOT encourages the use of Small Professional Services Firms (SPSF).
Small businesses determined to be eligible for participation in the SPSF program are those
meeting size standards defined by Small Business Administration (SBA) regulations, 13 CFR
Part 121 in Sector 54 under the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS). The
SPSF program is a race, ethnicity, and gender neutral program designed to increase the
availability of contracting opportunities for small businesses on federal, state or locally funded
contracts. SPSF participation is not contingent upon the funding source.
The Firm, at the time the Letter of Interest is submitted, shall submit a listing of all known SPSF
firms that will participate in the performance of the identified work. The participation shall be
submitted on the NCDOT’s Prime Form RS-2 and/or Subconsultant Form RS-2. Form RS-2
forms may be accessed on the NCDOT website at
The SPSF must be qualified with the Department to perform the work for which they are listed.
Real-time information about firms doing business with the NCDOT and firms that are SPSF
certified through North Carolina’s Unified Certification Program is available in the Directory of
Transportation Firms. The Directory can be accessed by the link on the Department’s homepage
or by entering in the address bar of your web
The listing of an individual firm in the Department’s directory shall not be construed as an
endorsement of the firm.
The Department of Transportation maintains on file the qualifications and key personnel for each
approved discipline, as well as any required samples of work. Each year on the anniversary date
of the company, the firm shall renew their prequalified disciplines. If your firm has not renewed
its application as required by your anniversary date or if your firm is not currently prequalified,
please submit an application to the Department prior to submittal of your letter of interest. An
application may be accessed at Having this data
on file with the Department eliminates the need to resubmit this data with each letter of interest.
Even though specific DBE/MBE/WBE goals are not required for this project, the Department of
Transportation is committed to providing opportunity for small and disadvantaged businesses to
perform on its contracts through established Department goals. The Firm, subconsultant and
subfirm shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, age, disability
or sex in the performance of this contract.

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All letters of interest are limited to 10 pages (RS-2 forms are not included in the page count)
inclusive of the cover sheet, and shall be typed on 8 1/2” x 11” sheets, single-spaced, one-sided.
Fold out pages are not allowed. In order to reduce costs and to facilitate recycling; binders,
dividers, tabs, etc. are prohibited. One staple in the upper left-hand corner is preferred. Letters
of interest containing more than 10 pages will not be considered.
Section I - Cover/Introductory Letter
The introductory letter should be addressed to:
Debbie Anderson, Purchasing Manager
Catawba County
100A Southwest Blvd. (physical address)
P.O. Box 389 (mailing address)
Newton, NC 28658
Said letter is limited to 2 pages and should contain the following elements of information:
Expression of firm’s interest in the work;
Statement of whether firm is prequalified with NCDOT or submitting information
with letter of interest and registered with the PE Board and/or Architect Board;
Date of most recent private consulting firm qualification;
Statement regarding firms’ possible conflict(s) of interest for the work; and
Summation of information contained in the letter of interest.
Section II - Evaluation Factors
This section is limited to 5 pages and should contain information regarding evaluation and other
factors listed in the advertisement such as:
A brief synopsis of the firm's previous NCDOT work and Federal grant work
experience that is focused on this type of project advertised for services (performed
preferably within the last three (3) years);
A brief description of the firm's approach to performing the specific work and
NCDOT/Federal grant work and Historic Preservation projects reviewed by NC
Department of Cultural Resources. Services for this work, including the firm’s
understanding of their responsibility with regard to safety, contract administration,
environmental responsibility, claims, and project delivery;

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Experience with designing components attached to and around historical structures
and familiarity with NC Department of Cultural Resources and SHPO review;
The number of employees within the firm;
The proposed personnel to be assigned to the work by discipline, their availability
date on the project.
Identify project personnel/subconsultants’ qualifications and experience as related to
this work;
Unique qualifications of key team members; and
Any innovative approaches to be used.
Section III - Supportive Information
This section is limited to 3 pages and should contain the following information:
Capacity Chart/Graph (available work force);
Organizational chart indicating personnel to be assigned by discipline;
The resumes of key personnel that are proposed to be assigned to the work;
Names, classifications, and location(s) of the firms’ North Carolina employees and
resources to be assigned to the advertised work; and
List of any judgments, claims arbitration proceedings or suits pending or outstanding
against your firm/subcontractors or its officers.
Appendices – Consultant Certification Form RS-2
Completed Form RS-2 forms SHALL be submitted with the firm’s letter of interest.
This section is limited to the number of pages required to provide the requested information.
Submit Form RS-2 forms for the following:
Prime Consultant firm (Prime Consultant Form RS-2 Rev 1/14/08), and;
ANY/ALL subconsultant firms (Subconsultant Form RS-2 Rev 1/15/08) to be or
anticipated to be utilized by your firm.

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Complete and sign each Form RS-2 (instructions are listed on the form)
In the event the firm has no subconsultant, it is required that this be indicated on the
Subconsultant Form RS-2 by entering the word “None” or the number “ZERO” and
signing the form.
The required forms are available at:
Private consulting firms are invited to have letters of interest for furnishing professional
consulting services, design drawings, specifications and bid documents for preservation work at
the Bunker Hill Covered Bridge in Catawba County, NC by 5 p.m. on June 17, 2014. Letters
of interest received after this deadline will not be considered.
Firms submitting letters of interest are encouraged to carefully check them for
conformance to the requirements stated above. If Letters of Interest (LOIs) do not meet
ALL of these requirements, or to any address other than shown below they will be
disqualified. No exception will be granted.
The mailing address for the LOI is:
Debbie Anderson, Purchasing Manager
Catawba County
100A Southwest Blvd. (physical address)
P.O. Box 389 (mailing address)
Newton, NC 28658
Any questions concerning the this Request for LOI should be directed to Debbie Anderson,
Catawba County Purchasing Manager at (828) 465-8224 or [email protected]
The short-listed firms will be notified by June 25, 2014. Notification will not be sent to firms not
In the event the Association elects to hold Oral Interviews, interviews will be held on one of the
following tentative dates: July 7
, July 9
, July 10
or July 11
The firm selected will be notified by July 28, 2014. Notification will not be sent to firms not
The Association reserves the right to reject any and all Letters of Interest.