Fillable Printable Letter Of Interest 2017
Fillable Printable Letter Of Interest 2017

Letter Of Interest 2017

Njalsgade 21G, 2.sal Stora Robertsgatan 20-22 A PB 6803, St Olavspl 1 Rosenlundsgatan 29B, Box 151
2300 København S 00171 Helsinki 0130 Oslo 104 65 Stockholm
Tlf 33 93 53 44 Puh 09-698 63 17 tlf 22 20 83 79 Tel 08-702 70 70
Nicholas Blach-Petersen
Citigroup Global Markets Limited
Power & Utilities Investment Banking
E-Mail: Vattenfall.Ger[email protected]m
October 6, 2015
Letter of interest
Dear Mr Blach-Petersen,
Greenpeace hereby wish to express our interest to acquire the German lignite
business that Vattenfall is planning to divest, as outlined in the document
“Vattenfall AB: Sale of Vattenfall’s German lignite and hydro activities”.
Please send us further information on the process for the potential acquisition of the
Seller’s lignite and hydro activities. Naturally, we will respect the need for
confidentiality and non-disclosure as appropriate.
Yours Sincerely,
Patrik Eriksson Annika Jacobson
Greenpeace Nordic Greenpeace Sweden