Fillable Printable Free Letter Of Interest
Fillable Printable Free Letter Of Interest

Free Letter Of Interest

Letter of Interest or Prospecting Letter
You may find that you are sincerely interested in a particular organiza tion, but they have no jobs currently
available that suit your interests. A prospecting letter will introduce you to the company in the event that positions
open up matching your qualifications.
1. State why you are interested in working for that organization.
2. Demonstrate the skills you possess that could benefit the organization.
3. Outline an action plan. Ask for an interview or indicate when and how you will follow-up.
4. Thank the reader for his or her time and consideration.
321 Beaver Avenue
State College, PA 16801
Terra Justice
Marketing Director, XYZ Company
54 Shady Lane
Yourtown, Anystate 54321
Dear Ms. Justice,
Sustainability has long been a passion of mine. As I complete my senior year at Penn State, my interest in working for
an organization that shares my passion has become paramount. Recognizing the need to preserve natural resources
and look for sustainable business practices is something in which all companies should be engaging. I was excited to
learn of the ways that XYZ Company has been making strides to become a nationally recognized green organization
within the retail industry. As I look to the future and consider where I would like to begin my career after college, the
XYZ Company seems like the perfect fit.
Throughout my time at Penn State, I have been involved in numerous student organizations that reflect my
professional interests. As early as my freshman year, I was representing green initiatives as an EcoRep within my
residence hall. I went on to become an active member of EcoAction, where I helped to educate students about
sustainability through events and informational workshops. I put theory into practice through my involvement in the
Penn State Marketing Association, by encouraging more electronic communication, less printing, and a more
conscious effort to be mindful of environmental concerns. Due to my encouragement, PSMA took on a new client,
working with them on how to market their green practices to enhance their customer base.
Academically, I pursued a minor in Environmental Inquiry, in addition to my major in Marketing. With a solid business
background obtained through my coursework in the nationally ranked Smeal College of Business, I recognize that
business is more than just the bottom line. It is about building and maintaining relationships; relationships that are
founded on a common set of values.
I believe that XYZ Company and I share common values. This, coupled with my professional aptitude, would make me
a respected employee within your Marketing department. During the week of March 15, I will be in your area and
would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further about any potential openings that you expect within the
next few months. I will be graduating in May 2012 and could be available for work as early as June. I have attached my
resume for your reference, which includes my contact information.
I appreciate your time and consideration, and look forward to talking with you soon.
Dawn Greenfield
Notice how this candidate relates her personal, interests,
abilities and values to the type of organization that she would
like to work for following graduation.