Fillable Printable Company Introduction Letter Template
Fillable Printable Company Introduction Letter Template

Company Introduction Letter Template

Mailing address: street or PO Box
Town, State, Zip
Phone Number
Date: (The day you type the letter. Type out the name of the month.)
Salutation: To Whom It May Concern:
Paragraph: Start with a sentence that introduces who you are and that you are writing
this letter as a way of introducing yourself. Describe two to three of your strengths,
outstanding qualities or personal characteristics, your philosophy or anything else that
will allow the reader to get a little idea about what kind of a person you are. (five to six
sentences total.)
Paragraph: Describe two or three of your long term goals related to your education
and/or your future career. Describe some steps you have taken or plan to take that will
help you reach these goals. (five to six sentences total)
Paragraph: Describe which section of your portfolio is the best or the most reflective
of you and explain why. Tell what you learned from compiling this section and highlight
any special skills you obtained related to this section. Describe how artifacts in this
section relate to or influenced your future goals. (five to six sentences total.)
Closing Paragraph: End with a sentence or two that invites the reader to enjoy your
portfolio or thanks them for reading it or another closing that sounds like you. (two to
three sentences total.)
Closing: Sincerely,
Sign your name
Type your name (three spaces below “sincerely”)
Things to remember…
-The letter must be word processed, 12 point font, and no longer than one page.
-Proof read this carefully. Sentences must flow together and conventions must be perfect.
-This should have “voice”. In other words, it should sound like you. Those who read it
should have a better idea of who you are and what is important to you without having met
you. It should also make them interested to see the rest of your portfolio.