Fillable Printable Menu-Self-Evaluation Questions
Fillable Printable Menu-Self-Evaluation Questions

Menu-Self-Evaluation Questions

The following is a menu of questionsfro m which you can sele ct todesign a self-evaluation
form for your s taff to complete during the annual p erfo rm a n c e eva lu ati on proces s. You ca n
tailor the questions for your department.When y ou have selected t he questions you wish
to ask, you can copy and paste them to the Staff Member Self Evaluation Form template.
As an alternative to designing a self-e valuation form,you may use the existing self-
evaluation form available on the Human Resources website.
Job Description/Responsibilities
•What do you consider to be your top three to five job re sponsibilities?(Use your job
description as a reference and identify the responsibilities you consider to be the
mos t importantor the ones t hat havehadthe biggest impa ct on your department
and/or the College.)
•Did any of your job respo nsibilities change, andif so, how?
•If you performed any new responsibilities or additional duties that are outside the
scop e of w h at you do regularly, what are they?
•Ar e there componentsof your job that you wo uld like to change a nd , if so, how
would you change t hem?
•What can your superviso r do to help you be success ful in performing your
•What can your co-workers do to helpyou be successful in pe rf orming your
•What s uggestions do you have to improve how yo ur unit/department operates?
Performance Assessmentand Accomplishments
•How do yo u t hink you did in carr ying out your top three to five responsibilitiesas
well as your other responsibilities?
oIn what ways do yo u think you were successf ul?
oIn what ways do yo u think you could have done some t hing different and/or
•During the past 12 mo nths (or ap plicable time frame), what contributions have you
made to your work team/unit, your department or the College? (Think about what
you have accomplished, projects you worked on,times you took the initiative to
solve a problem or suggested how one could besolved, feed ba ck y ou re cei v ed from
othersand how successful you we re in achievi ng your current go als.)
•What s trengths do youbring to your job?
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•I n what areas, if any,do you need to change or improve?
•Describe how you worked together with others either in your work team/unit, yo ur
department or within the College (e.g. ser ving on a co mm ittee, project team, helping
others, or working together on an assignment)?
•What goals from the last r eview period have you ac co m pl ishe d ?
•What goals from the last r eview period were not accomplished and why?
•What are your proposed goals for the coming review period?
•What resources or help do you think you will need to achieve your goal(s)?
Job/Professional Development
•What activities, classes or training have you participated i n that has contributed
to your own growth and development in your job and/or your profession?
•I n what areaswould you like to gain more experience, training, or education?
•Do you have the resources you need to perform yo ur job? What additional
resources or information would be helpful?
•What can your supervisor do to help you to reach your professional development
or care er goal s?
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