Fillable Printable Metropolitan Police Volunteer Police Cadet Application Form
Fillable Printable Metropolitan Police Volunteer Police Cadet Application Form

Metropolitan Police Volunteer Police Cadet Application Form

Form 6425
Metropolitan Police
Volunteer Police Cadet Application Form
Section 1 Instructions to Candidate
Important – Applicants And Parents/Guardians Plea se Read And Note the Follo wing Before Completing This Form:
1. The details included in this form will be used to process the application. Please note there is a separate vetting
form, which must also be completed and returned electronically to the borough VPC Coordin ator.
2. The application to join the Ca dets may be rejected and the Metropolitan Police are under no obligation to give
reasons for this.
3. Any false, misleading or deliberate attempt to withhold information in this application form will in itself lead to a
refusal of entry to the Volunteer Police Cadets.
4. If accepted into the Volunteer Police Cadets the applicant must inform their local Cadet Coordinator of any
subseque nt interaction/involvement with police whether as a witness, victim, suspect or subject to stop/search,
stop/account. Failure to do so may jeopardise their position as a Cadet.
5. Acceptance into the Volunteer Police Cadets does not guarantee future entry to any other part of the pol icing
family either as a paid em ployee or volunteer. All Cadets who wi sh to pursue a career in the police or volunteer will
be subject to the appli catio n and vetting procedures for that role.
6. Please read very carefully the information you have been given about the Volunteer Poli ce Cadets or look at our
website at . This will inform you of the type of activities you will be involved in. You and
your parent s/guardians will have to com plete a comprehensive health & permission form before you partake in
Cadet activities.
7. Please now proceed to Section 2. If you require any advice in completing this form, please contact the local
Cadet Coordi nator. When complete, please return this form to the Cadet Coordinator.
Applicant’s Full Name
Borough applying to
Borough Cadet Coordinato r

Private – When Complete d
Please use the continuation sheet where necessary
Section 2 Your Details
Surname (now) Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss etc)
Surname (birth) Sex Male Female
Any other surname(s) ever
Explanation of different surname used
(marriage or deed poll, etc)
Full forenames
Any other forename(s)
ever used
Explanation of other
forename(s) used
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Town of birth
Region / County of birth
Country of birth
Present nationality
Dual nationality (if any)
Former nationality (if any)
If British naturalised, number of certificate Date
If non-UK national, date of taking up permanent residence in UK
(this is not necessarily the same as the date of the permission to stay in the UK) (mm/yyyy)
Mobile telephone
Work telephone
Home Phone
E-mail address

Private – When Complete d
Please use the continuation sheet where necessary
Section 3 Personal statement
Please provide details of Hobbie s, Interests and Sporting Activities
Do you belong to any other Youth Organisation? If ‘Yes’ please detail. Yes No
Please write i n this box wh y you want to become a Police Cad et
Full permanent address:
Town / City
Region / County
Post code
Date of occupancy (mm/yyyy)

Private – When Completed
Please use the continuation sheet where necessary
Section 4 Applicant’s suitability
Teachers /Tutors Comments
Do you feel that the applicant is suita ble to become a member of the Metropolita n Police Volu nteer Cadets
Parental/Guardian’s Consent for all applicant’s under the age of 18
I declare the information given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and beli ef. I consent to the
personal information of (name)
being used to fulfil the requirements of the application process to join the Volunteer Police Cadets. I have read
and understood the Information set out on page 1 of this application form. I confirm the accuracy of this
application and co nsent to
being a member of The Metropolitan Police Volunteer Police Cadets and participating in the activities of
the organisation including The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. I understand that there is a more detailed health
& permission form to be completed.
Name Date
Emergency Contact telephone Number
Relationship to Applicant

Private – When Completed
Please use the continuation sheet where necessary
Section 5 Continuation of Answ ers
Use the space below to provide any further informatio n that you were unable to enter in the previous p ages or which
you believe may be relev ant.

Private – When Completed
Please use the continuation sheet where necessary
Section 6 Declaration by Candidate
I declare the information given is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and beli ef. I consent to my
personal information being use d to fulfil the req uirements of the application process to join the Volunteer Police
Cadets. I have read and u nderstood the information set out on page 1 of this ap plication form. I apply to becom e
a member of THE METROPOLITAN POLICE VOLUNTEER POLICE CADETS and agree to abide by the rules of
the organisation. I agree to partake in the Cadet Tra i ning Programme including the Duke of Edinburgh
Signature Date
Section 7 Completed by Cadet Coordinator
Declaration by Cadet Coordinator
I certify I have satisfactorily established the identity of the above candidate. I have no knowle dge of any other
information of any kind that might cast doubt upon the integrity, identity or suitability of the candidate.
I have checked this form and it is fully and correctly completed.
Name Date
E-Mail address & Phone No

Private – When Completed
Please use the continuation sheet where necessary
The Metropolitan Police Service is committed to a policy of equal opportuni ty for all staff regardless of age,
disability, ethnicity, gender, religion, faith, belief or sexual ori entation. Selection will only be on th e basis of
criteria necessary for the post.
We would be grateful if you would help us monitor the fairness of out vetting activities in line with MPS Policies.
This section will be held separately in order to protect the confidentiality of this information.
Ethnic Origin
Please note, ethnic origin refers to members of an ethnic group who share the same cultural background and
identity. This does not mean cou ntry of birth or nationality.
Please put a cross in the relevant box
White –
White –
White –
Black –
Black –
Black –
Any other blac k
Any other
Mixed – white & black
Mixed – white &
black African
Mixed –
whit e &
Mixed – any
other mixed
Greek & Greek
Turkish &
Turkish C ypriot
Any other
group not
Please specify
Prefer not to say
Male Female Prefer not to say
Sexual Orientation:
Bisexual Gay / Lesbian Heterosexual Prefer not to say
Do you have a disability*?
Yes No Prefer not to say
Religion, Faith or Belief:
Buddhist Christian Hindu Jewish
Muslim Sikh None Prefer not to say
Any other religion, faith or belief not specified (please specify):
The intention of monitoring and analysis is to establish if there is any disproportionality. If different success rates
are evident it will enable action to be taken to ensure no group is treated unfairly.
*The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) defines a disabled person as someone who has a physical or
mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out
normal day-to-day activities.

Private – When Completed
Please use the continuation sheet where necessary
Fair Processing Information
The information is processed in accordance with our policing purpose as defined by the Code of Practice for the
Management of Police Information (MoPI) as follows:
Protecting life and property;
Preserving order;
Preventing the commission of offences;
Bringing offenders to justice;
Any duty or responsibility arising from common or statute law
If you or your client has any concerns or queries regarding the above processing please contact the Metropolitan
Police Service Data Prote c tion Officer (details provided below).
Data Controller Details: Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, Commission er for the Metropolis
Information Commissioner’s Office Data Controller Registration Number: Z4888 193
Data Protection Officer Details: Data Protection Officer, Public Access Office, PO Box 57192, London, SW6 1SF
(Tel: 020 7161 3500)
For a copy of the Metropolitan Police Service’s Fair Processing Notice please refer to the following link or contact
the Data Protection Officer (details a bove):
Retention Period: 7 Years
MP Ref 000/11