Fillable Printable Michigan Army and Air National Guard Award 2014-2015 Application Form - Oakland University
Fillable Printable Michigan Army and Air National Guard Award 2014-2015 Application Form - Oakland University

Michigan Army and Air National Guard Award 2014-2015 Application Form - Oakland University

Student Financial Services
120 North Foundation Hall
Rochester, Michigan 48309-4481
(248) 370-2550
Michigan Army and Air National Guard Award
2014-2015 Application Form
Send completed form to: State Education Office Attn: Kathy Enderle
3423 N. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Lansing, MI 48096
Telephone: 517-481-7646 Fax: 517-481-7782
Oakland Univ ersity offers an award up to 25% of base tuition to students who qualify for this program. Questions about the award
can be directed to: Oakland University Student Financial Services, 120 North Foundation Hall. Telephone: 248-370-2550
Eligibility criteria:
Admitted to a degree-seeking un de rg rad uate or
graduate program (excludes professional
Michigan resident since July 1, 2013
Member of the Michigan Army or Air National
All OU policies and procedures are applicable
to the award eligibility.
Application process:
Complete a 2014-2015 Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at AND co mplete all financial aid
A new application is required each year.
Complete an Oakland University Michigan
Army and Air Nati onal Guard Gra nt 20 1 4- 2 01 5
Application Form (The State Education Office
will forward certified app lications to the
Financial Services Office at OU)
Applicant na me ___________________________________ _________ OU Grizzly ID _______________ ______
Address ______ _______________________________ City ___________ _____ State ____ Zip code _________
Telephone _________________________________ OU email ________________________________________
Enrollment status at Oakland University: Undergraduate Graduate (excludes professional programs)
Number of credits hours you plan to en roll in each semester you are requesting the award*:
_____ Fall 2014 _____ Winter 2015_____ Summer 2015
*Financial aid awards are adjusted to reflect the num ber of enrolled credits on the last date to drop a class with a 100% re fund. Initial awards are based upon what
you report on this application. Dropping a class could result in an account balance owed to the school. Enrollment will be monitored for each semester within the
award year.
Applicant Signature Date
Michigan Army or Air National Guard Unit certification:
I certify that the above applicant is a member of the Michigan Army or Air National Guard and eligible for the Oakland University
Michigan Army and Air National G uar d A war d.
_______ ____________ ____________ ________________________ ____________ __________
Signature Printed Name Title
_______ ____________ ____________ ________________________ ____________ __________
Unit Telephone Date
State Education Office certification:
_______________________________ _________________________ _____________________
Branch Signature Date
Fall 2014: September 3
, 2014 Winter 2015: January 6
, 2015 Summer 2015: May 11
, 2015