Fillable Printable State Military Awards Form & Notes - Texas
Fillable Printable State Military Awards Form & Notes - Texas

State Military Awards Form & Notes - Texas

JFTX 1-07 - 1 August 2009
JFTX 600-8-22
State Military Awards
This rapid action revision, dated 1 August 2009—
o Updates terminology (throughout publication).
o Adds Texas Superior Service Medal (Paragraphs 1-18c and 2-7d)
o Changes Adjutant’s General’s Staff Identification Badge to Texas Military Forces Joint Staff
Badge(Paragraph 1-29d(1)) and (Paragraph 4-7a)
o Adds Texas Army National Guard Staff Identification Badge (Paragraph 1-29d(2)), (Paragraph
o Adds CW3 and above and E8 and above to Adjutant’s General’s Staff and Texas Army
National Guard Staff Identification badges (Paragraph 4-7a), (Paragraph 4-7b)
o Inserts Texas Superior Service Medal into Order of Precedence (Paragraph 2-2b).
o Adds Texas Homeland Defense Service Medal and Texas Superior Service Medal (Table 2-1).
o Adds Texas Superior Service Medal (Paragraph 2-7d).
o Changes Federal Service Medal to Texas Federal Service Medal (Paragraph 3-2b(1),
(Paragraph 3-5a), (Paragraph 5-5d) and (Appendix A-2a).
o Adds Texas Homeland Defense Medal to Order of Precedence (Paragraph 3-2b(4)
o Changes number of awarded Texas Humanitarian Service Ribbon to one award (Paragraph 3-
o Changes eligibility for wear of Staff Badges (Paragraph 4-7a)
o Removes Numerals for subsequent awards of the Texas Humanitarian Service Medal
(Paragraph 5-5h)
o Inserts Authority and Description of Texas Superior Service Medal (Appendix A-1d)
o Adds description of Texas Military Forces Joint Staff Badge (Appendix A-3a)
o Description of new Texas Army National Guard Staff Identification Badge changed from
Texas Military Forces Joint Staff Badge (Appendix A-3b)
o Eliminate the issue of Texas Cavalry Medal (Appendix A-2f)
JFTX 1-07 - 1 August 2009
Paragraph Page
Chapter 1
Section I
Purpose ……………………………………………………………………….. 1-1 7
References …………………………………………………………………….. 1-2 7
Objective ……………………………………………………………………… 1-3 7
Responsibilities ………………………………………………………………. 1-4 7
Categories of Individual Awards …………………………………………….. 1-5 8
Order of Precedence for Medals and Service Ribbons ………………………. 1-6 8
Section II
Who may recommend ………………………………………………………… 1-7 8
Time limitations …………………………………………………………….. 1-8 8
Character of Service for Personal Decorations ……………………………… 1-9 8
Character of Service Badges ………………………………………………… 1-10 9
Period of Award …………………………………………………………….. 1-11 9
Succeeding Awards …………………………………………………………. 1-12 9
Duplication of Awards ……………………………………………………… 1-13 9
Military Awards in Connection with Full-time Employment ………………… 1-14 9
Authority to Wear Awards Presented by Other States …………………………. 1-15 10
Recognition Upon Retirement ………………………………………………… 1-16 10
Recognition Upon Death, Discharge, or Transfer to the Retired Reserve ………. 1-17 10
Presentation of Awards ……………………………………………………….. 1-18 11
Forwarding Award Elements …………………………………………………. 1-19 11
Posthumous Awards …………………………………………………………. 1-20 12
Revocation of Personal Decorations …………………………………………. 1-21 12
Revocation of Badges, Tabs, and Special Insignia ……………………………. 1-22 12
Lost Recommendations ………………………………………………………. 1-23 13
Format, Content, and Distribution of Orders …………………………………. 1-24 13
Announcement of Revocation of Awards …………………………………….. 1-25 13
Amendment of Orders ……………………………………………………….. 1-26 13
Recording Awards ……………………………………………………………. 1-27 14
Supply of State Awards ………………………………………………………. 1-28 14
Badges and Appurtenances …………………………………………………… 1-29 14
Determination of Eligibility …………………………………………………. 1-30 15
Replacement Medals …………………………………………………………. 1-31 15
JFTX 1-07 - 1 August 2009
Chapter 2 Paragraph Page
Individual Decorations
Section I
Purpose …………………………………………………………………….. 2-1 17
Decorations Authorized and Order of Precedence …………………………… 2-2 17
Personnel Eligible …………………………………………………………… 2-3 18
Awarding Authority …………………………………………………………. 2-4 18
Awards Board ……………………………………………………………….. 2-5 20
Section II
General ………………………………………………………………………. 2-6 21
State of Texas Decorations …………………………………………………… 2-7 21
Section III
General ……………………………………………………………………….. 2-8 23
Time Limitations ……………………………………………………………… 2-9 23
Submission of Recommendations …………………………………………….. 2-10 23
Processing Recommendations ………………………………………………… 2-11 26
Action by Final Approving Authority …………………………………………. 2-12 26
Chapter 3
Service Medals and Service Ribbons
Section I
Purpose ……………………………………………………………………….. 3-1 28
Order of Precedence ………………………………………………………….. 3-2 28
Personnel Eligible …………………………………………………………….. 3-3 28
Section II
General ………………………………………………………………………… 3-4 28
State of Texas Service Medals …………………………………………………. 3-5 29
JFTX 1-07 - 1 August 2009
Chapter 4 Paragraph Page
Badges, Tabs and Special Insignia
Section I
General Provisions
Purpose ………………………………………………………………………… 4-1 30
Types …………………………………………………………………………… 4-2 30
Recommendations ……………………………………………………………… 4-3 30
Order of Precedence of Wear …………………………………………………… 4-4 30
Section II
State of Texas Badges, Tabs and Special Insignia
Descriptions ……………………………………………………………………. 4-5 30
Supply ………………………………………………………………………….. 4-6 30
Adjutant General's Army Staff Identification Badge …………………………… 4-7 30
Honor Guard Tab ………………………………………………………………. 4-8 32
Governor's Twenty Tab ………………………………………………………… 4-9 32
Chapter 5
General …………………………………………………………………………. 5-1 34
Service Ribbons ………………………………………………………………… 5-2 34
Miniature Medals ………………………………………………………………. 5-3 34
United States Appurtenances …………………………………………………… 5-4 34
State of Texas Appurtenances ………………………………………………….. 5-5 34
Chapter 6
Certificates and Letters
Army Certificates ………………………………………………………………. 6-1 37
NGB Certificates of Service, NGB Form 52 …………………………………… 6-2 37
State of Texas Certificates ……………………………………………………… 6-3 37
Level Certificates ……………………………………………………………….. 6-4 39
Letters of Commendation and Appreciation …………………………………… 6-5 39
Chapter 7
Unit Awards
Purpose ………………………………………………………………………….. 7-1 40
Army Awards …………………………………………………………………… 7-2 40
Governor's Unit Citation ………………………………………………………… 7-3 40
Other Unit Awards ……………………………………………………………… 7-4 42
Chapter 8
Other Awards
Texas Meritorious Service Award ……………………………………………….. 8-1 43
JFTX 1-07 - 1 August 2009
A. Authority and Description, State of Texas Awards………………………….. 44
B. Instructions for Completion of the Proposed Citation ………………………. 52
C. Instructions for Narrative Justification ……………………………………… 59
D. Texas State Guard Awards ………………………………………………….. 60
E. TXMF Awards Board Matrix ……………………………………….………. 71
F. TXMF Awards Checklist (TXMF Form 67-1)………………...…………….. 72
G. TXMF Awards Data Sheet (TXMF Form 67-2)……………………………… 73
H. Glossary ……………………………………………………………………… 74
I. State of Texas Badges and Awards………….………………………………… 75
B-1. Example of TXMF Form 67 – Items 1-12 …………………………………. 53
B-2. Example of TXMF Form 67 – Items 13-15 ………………………………... 54
B-3. Example of TXMF Form 67 – Items 16-21 ………………………………... 55
B-4. Example Attachment (Narrative) to TXMF 67……………………………... 56
B-5. Example of Roster for Multiple TX Humanitarian Service Medal ………… 57
B-6. Example Award of Texas Faithful Service Medal Memorandum …………. 58

JFTX 1-07 - 1 August 2009
Chapter 1
Section I
1-1. Purpose. This regulation provides policy, criteria, responsibilities, guidance, and procedures
for administering the state military awards program for the Texas Military Forces except annual
or other periodic awards. It must be used in conjunction with the references listed below.
1-2. References.
a. AR 670-1, Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia.
b. AR 600-8-22, Military Awards.
c. NGR 672-1, Trophies and Awards Program for the Army National Guard.
d. NGR 601-1, Recruiting and Retention Resource Management.
e. Article 5789, Title 94, Texas State Statutes.
f. AFI 36-2803, the Air Force Awards and Decorations Program.
g. TANGI 36-2803 the Texas Air National Guard Awards Decorations Program.
h. ANGI 33-101, Air National Guard Administrative Orders.
i. AFI 36-2903, Dress & Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel.
j. AFI 36-2805, Special Trophies and Awards Program.
1-3. Objective. The objective of the State Military Forces Awards Program is to provide
tangible recognition for acts of heroism not involving actual combat, exceptional service or
achievement, and special skills or qualifications.
1-4. Responsibilities.
a. The Assistant Adjutant General, Army or Air will oversee, monitor, and provide
guidance to the program as it pertains to the Texas Military Forces.
b. The Director of Personnel (JFTX-J1) will administer the program for the Texas Military

JFTX 1-07 - 1 August 2009
c. The Commander of the Texas State Guard (JFTX-TXSG-CG) will administer the
program for the TXSG.
d. The Director of Personnel (JFTX-J1) will purchase State Awards.
e. Commanders at every level will take personal interest and initiative to ensure an active,
responsive Texas Military Forces Awards Program.
1-5. Categories of Individual Awards. Individual awards are grouped into the following
categories: Decorations, service medals, service ribbons, badges, tabs and special insignia,
certificates and letters, and special awards.
1-6. Order of Precedence for Medals and Service Ribbons.
a. The order of precedence for wear within the various classes of medals and service
ribbons, excluding State of Texas military decorations and service medals and ribbons, is stated
in AR 670-1 and AFI 36-2903.
b. The order of precedence within the various classes of State of Texas medals and service
ribbons is outlined in Chapters 2, 3, and 4 of this regulation. All state awards follow federal
medals in order of precedence.
Section II
1-7. Who May Recommend. It is the responsibility and privilege of any individual having
personal knowledge of an act, achievement, or service believed to warrant the award of a
decoration to submit a formal recommendation through military command channels for
1-8. Time Limitations. Each recommendation for a State of Texas military decoration must be
entered administratively into channels within two years of the act, achievement, or service to be
1-9. Character of Service for Personal Decorations. A medal will not be awarded or presented
to any individual whose entire service subsequent to the time of the distinguished act,
achievement, or service has not been honorable. The determination of "honorable" service will
be based on such honest and faithful service as is in accordance with the standards of conduct,
courage, and duty required, by law and customs of the service, of a member of the grade to
whom the standard is applied. Commanders will ensure this.
a. Individuals on whom favorable personnel actions have been suspended (flagged) will not
be recommended for or receive awards, except for Weight Control or Physical Fitness Test
(APFT) failure, provided the commander concurs.

JFTX 1-07 - 1 August 2009
b. Other-than-honorable service subsequent to submission of the recommendation for an
award is promptly reported to the awards approving authority with a recommendation for
appropriate action.
1-10. Character of Service – Badges. A badge will not be awarded to any person who,
subsequent to qualification therefore, has been dismissed, dishonorably discharged, or convicted
of desertion by court martial.
1-11. Period of Award. For meritorious service awards, the cited period is limited to the period
of service, during which the individual served under the recommending command, except as
provided for in paragraph 1-17.
1-12. Succeeding Awards. Not more than one of the same decoration will be awarded to one
person. For each succeeding act or period of service that justifies the award of such decoration,
the device designated to denote successive awards as appropriate to the medal (e.g., oak leaf
cluster, numeral, white enameled star) will be awarded, except posthumous awards to next of
Exception is the Lone Star Distinguished Service Medal for which there is only a one-time
1-13. Duplication of Awards.
a. Only one state decoration will be awarded to an individual for the same act,
achievement, or period of meritorious service.
b. The award of a decoration in recognition of a single act of heroism or meritorious
achievement does not preclude an award for meritorious service at the termination of an
assignment. Recommendations for award of a decoration for meritorious service will not refer to
acts of heroism or meritorious achievement that have been previously recognized by decorations.
c. Continuation of the same or similar type service already recognized by an award for
meritorious service will not be the basis for a second award. If appropriate, an award may be
made to include the extended period of service by superseding the earlier award, or the award
previously made may be amended to incorporate the extended period of service.
1-14. Military Awards in Connection with Full-time Employment.
a. Decorations should be awarded for acts performed in conjunction with the duties and
responsibilities of a military assignment. However, decoration awards may also be made to
members of the Texas Military Forces for acts of heroism or meritorious achievement performed
in conjunction with the duties and responsibilities of their employment as a National Guard
technician, AGR full-time support personnel, or a state employee of the Adjutant General’s
Department. Unless otherwise authorized by the Adjutant General, recipients must be members
of the Texas Military Forces.

JFTX 1-07 - 1 August 2009
b. Commanders, supervisors, and awards boards will exercise caution to assure that award
recommendations for acts or achievements performed during such status do not overshadow
award recommendations for acts or achievements performed in a military capacity.
1-15. Authority to Wear Awards Presented by Other States. Wear of other state awards on the
uniform of the Texas Military Forces is not authorized unless such awards were earned while
actually assigned to the National Guard of another state. See paragraph 3-2d for order of
precedence when these awards are authorized.
1-16. Recognition Upon Retirement.
a. Period of Service. Each individual approaching retirement may be considered for an
appropriate decoration based on grade, years of service, degree of responsibility, and manner of
performance. Meritorious service awards may be awarded upon retirement, which may include
periods of service longer than that service in the recommending command. It is recommended
that such periods be limited to the last 10 years of service. This is not to imply that an extended
period of service should be considered for every individual who retires. An extended period
should only be considered in those cases where the length or nature of the individual’s terminal
assignment would not qualify him/her for an appropriate award. It is neither necessary nor
desirable to consider an extended period of service when the length and character of service of
retirees in their terminal assignments would qualify them for an appropriate award.
b. Recommendations should be forwarded to appropriate approval authority no less than
60 days prior to projected presentation date to permit processing at all levels.
c. Retirement awards for an extended period of service may be exempted from duplication
of awards for meritorious service or achievement involving the same period of time by
commanders authorized to approve awards. A retirement award for an extended period should
not duplicate a period for which a meritorious service award of higher precedence was made.
1-17. Recognition Upon Death, Discharge, or Transfer to the Retired Reserve.
a. Appropriate recognition should be extended to members of the Texas Military Forces
who have distinguished themselves in the defense of the United States and Texas over a period
of many years and who, by their acts and achievements, have made major contributions to the
Texas Military Forces.
b. Members who die while in an active status may be accorded recognition through their
next of kin.
c. The criteria in this regulation and the applicable referenced publications will be used to
determine the type of recognition to be awarded.
1-18. Presentation of Awards.

JFTX 1-07 - 1 August 2009
a. All awards made to individuals and units of the Texas Military Forces will be presented
in a fitting ceremony with an appropriate air of formality and, whenever possible, in the presence
of unit personnel.
b. The Governor of Texas or his representative will present the Texas Legislative Medal
of Honor and the Lone Star Medal of Valor.
c. A general officer will present the Texas Superior Service Medal, the Lone Star
Distinguished Service Medal and the Governor's Unit Citation.
d. The next higher level of command will present all other decorations to which the
individual to be decorated is assigned, with the exception of the Adjutant General’s Individual
Award, which may be presented by the unit commander.
e. The unit commander will present certificates and letters, badges, tabs, and special
insignia, unless otherwise prescribed herein.
f. In the act of presentation, a decoration or the ribbon may be pinned on the clothing of
the awardees, whether in uniform or civilian clothing, or on the next-of-kin in the case of a
presentation following the recipient's death; however, this will not be construed as authority for
any person other than the individual honored by the award to wear it. As an alternative to
pinning the medal or ribbon, especially to next-of-kin, it may be handed to the recipient in an
opened container.
1-19. Forwarding Award Elements.
a. When presentation of an award, except a posthumous award, cannot be made within the
command jurisdiction of the awarding officer, the orders announcing the award and supporting
papers will be forwarded to the commander having current jurisdiction. When forwarding
documentation to the commander having jurisdiction, a copy of transfer orders will be enclosed.
b. If the current assignment of awardees is unknown, the award elements will be
individually packaged and forwarded to the Awards Branch (JFTX-J1-AD).
c. When forwarding elements of an award, care must be taken to prevent damage in
transit. Documents must be enclosed, without staples or paper clips, between two pieces of
heavy cardboard or other firm protective packaging larger than the certificate, and the cardboard
and/or packaging securely fastened together before insertion in the mailing envelope.
d. Awards pertaining to individuals who have been retired or discharged from the Texas
Military Forces and the TXSG are forwarded directly to JFTX-J1-AD for former Texas National
Guard members and to JFTX-TXSG-J1 for former TXSG members.
1-20. Posthumous Awards.