Fillable Printable Mmic Update
Fillable Printable Mmic Update

Mmic Update Updated 6/10/16
Efforts to Address the Behavioral Health Needs of Children in Foster/Adoptive/Kinship Care
Network Development
Parent engagement models at four co-located sites, including coordinated care, parent support initiatives, family
assessment, and engagement of the bio family through peer services in effort to engage parents in adult services
Co-located crisis providers at the DCS AHIT and Placement Centers
Daily behavioral health services/support at the DCS AHIT and Placement Center to address immediate behavioral
health needs and ensure timely enrollment in behavioral health services
Increasing funding for DCS TIP programming at JFCS and SWN due to increased capacity needs for transition-age
Development of specialized groups at Canyon State Academy on Anger Management and Transition and Life Skills
Increased funding to Rapid Response Program
Added specialty DCS-specific Mobile Crisis Teams
Increased funding and capacity for all providers to address complex trauma-informed care and trauma treatment
Expanded services for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers
Developed a Substance Exposed Newborn Services Program in collaboration with the adult SMI system and
Southwest Human Development
Expanded programming for youth and families that have experienced Sex Trafficking
Increased trauma-focused CBT with DCS co-located providers
Tracking and reconciling DCS children’s enrollment and service engagement through DCS Rapid Response
Assessments; follow-up intake/service initiation with ongoing provider
Continued weekly monitoring of system capacity of direct support and specialty providers
Initiated one-year minimum BH enrollment for children in Department Child Safety (DCS) custody, with minimum
requirement of one assessment contact per month
Staff Training
In addition to the required AHCCCS/DBHS required training, all providers are required to attend training on the
following topics:
o Meeting the Unique Needs of Children Involved with DCS
o Child and Family Team Practice (5 modules)
o High Needs Case Management
Stakeholder Case Management Collaboration
Advanced CFT Facilitation
Transition to Adulthood
o Court Partnerships (AAG’s office provided training)
o OOH Levels of Care (Dr. Turner)
o OOH Care Targeted Treatment Goals (Dr. Turner)
o Functional Behavioral Assessment and Behavior Plan Training for MMWIA and HNCM providers will be
provided in June, with follow up on progress during provider meetings.
Quarterly Training Calendar for MMWIA and HNCM providers on, but not limited to, the following topics: Adolescent
Brain Development, Trauma Overview, 0-5 Assessment, Brain Based Parenting, Working with Caregivers,
Understanding Behaviors and Data Collection, Working with Teens. Updated 6/10/16
Infant-Toddler Mental Health Training Series with DCS specialists and providers
Stakeholder Engagement (Communication and Collaboration)
Mercy Maricopa Foster, Adoptive and Kinship Care Oversight Workgroup (meets monthly)
Monthly DCS-MMIC Collaborative Meetings
Regular MMIC-DCS/CMDP Collaborative Meetings
DCS stabilization and Rapid Response referrals taken directly from DCS foster caregivers
Developed and implemented a comprehensive communication plan to target Kinship/Foster/Group Homes
placements and DCS
Developed and distributed communication/marketing materials for caregivers of youth in DCS care, online and in
print, including: Foster and Adoptive Care Guide; 1-page infographic; webpage dedicated to foster/adoptive/kinship
care; Training and Navigation Forum flyers; 12 Principles poster for provider offices
Distributed provider notices reminding service providers and stakeholders about policies and laws regarding services
for children enrolled with CMDP
Social media campaign on Twitter and Facebook about requirements for children’s behavioral health, prohibition of
waiting lists, forum announcements
Collaboration with DCS, providers and other stakeholders on Casey Safe Reduction Workgroup and Title IV-E Waiver
Implementation Team Meetings
Initiating focus group with DCS to discuss needs for Transition-Age Youth
Participation in Group Home Coalition meetings and Foster Care Licensing provider meetings
Internal work group to ensure smooth implementation, coordination of House Bill 2442 requirements
Created process and mechanism for foster parents to be call a designated number to directly access and request a
Rapid Response assessment and/or DCS Stabilization Team
Developed and implemented a consistent communication process that addresses Foster/Adopt/Kinship caregivers
and their needs, including tracking those calls from internal and external sources and forwarding them to member
services and the DCS SPOC email
Mercy Care Plan and Mercy Maricopa Integrated Care, in partnership with Dignity Health and the Arizona
Diamondbacks, hosted a Day at the Ballpark to support current foster families, recruit new foster families and create
awareness for other ways that the general public can get involved. There were over 1,182 foster family attendees in
Community Forums and Training
Foster/Adoptive/Kinship Caregiver Training Series (June-December: see attached flyer)
o Part 1- Trauma Informed Care: Overview
o Part 2- Trauma informed Care: Birth to Five
o Part 3- Trauma informed Care: Strategies and Techniques
Monthly Foster/Adoptive/Kinship Navigation Forums started in May: next will be on June 19
On-site community trainings for Group Home and Foster Care providers
Sex Trafficking 101 for group homes, DCS staff and providers
Scheduling presentations and discussions at each DCS office on navigating the behavioral health system and
overview of behavioral health (in partnership with co-located providers)
o Planning joint training of DCS YAP and BH providers Updated 6/10/16
o Working with DCS YAP leadership to provide joint DCS/Behavioral Health training to DCS/BH staff this