Fillable Printable Nonindustrial Disability Insurance Provisions (De 8502)
Fillable Printable Nonindustrial Disability Insurance Provisions (De 8502)
Nonindustrial Disability Insurance Provisions (De 8502)
DE 8502 Rev. 12 (11-15) (INTERNET) Page 1 of 2
Obtain a First Claim for Nonindustrial Disability
Insurance (NDI), DE 8501, from the attendance
clerk or department personnel office; or by calling
NDI at 1-866-758-9768; or e-mailing DI217@ The attendance clerk fills out Part
A and the employee fills out Part B. The treating
physician/practitioner must complete Part C.
Certification may be made by a licensed
physician or practitioner authorized to certify to
a patient’s disability or serious health condition
pursuant to California Unemployment Insurance
Code Section 2708.
For an NDI claim, allow at least 14 days for the
EDD to receive the claim and medical certification
for payment processing. If you are eligible for
benefits, a Notice of Eligibility for Nonindustrial
Disability Insurance, DE 850A, will be mailed
to your employer(s) with the dates you may be
paid. You will receive a Notice of Eligibility for
Nonindustrial Disability, DE 8500, to inform you
of the dates you are eligible for benefits.
Benefits will be paid only for the days which
you are entitled. If payment of benefits is
denied a Notice of Determination, DE 8517,
will be mailed to you stating the reason for the
disqualification and the time period.
Submit the claim to:
Employment Development Department
Nonindustrial Disability Insurance
PO Box 2168
Stockton, CA 95201-2168
NDI claimants may be required to submit to an
examination to determine physical or mental
disability. Fees for such examinations are paid by
the state.
NDI claimants are responsible for filing claims
promptly and accurately. It is a violation of the
California Unemployment Insurance Code to
willfully make a false statement or to knowingly
hide or withhold information in order to obtain
This pamphlet is for general information
only and does not have the force and
effect of law, rule, or regulation.
The EDD is an equal opportunity employer/
program. Auxiliary aids and services are
available upon request to individuals with
disabilities. Requests for services, aids, and/
or alternate formats need to be made by calling
1-866-490-8879. TTY users, please call the
California Relay Service at 711.
Nonindustrial Disability Insurance (NDI) is a
program funded by state government employers
to provide partial wage replacement to covered
state government employees who have a loss
of wages due to a non-work-related disability,
illness, or injury, including disability due to
pregnancy or childbirth.
There are no employee contributions, enrollment
fees, or medical examinations required for
NDI benefits are available to permanent or
probationary full-time, part-time, or intermittent
employees in pay status and not separated by a
formal leave of absence, who are members of the
Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) or
the State Teachers’ Retirement System (STRS).
Permanent part-time and intermittent employees
must have the equivalent of six monthly paid
pay periods of service in the 18 months prior to
the disability. Such employees are eligible on a
prorated basis.
Employees of the California State University
appointed halftime or more for one year of service
or one academic year or more are also covered.
NDI also covers employees who are not part of
collective bargaining and to full-time, permanent
part-time, or intermittent officers or employees of
the State Legislature who are not members of the
civil service.
Individuals do not earn PERS or STRS service
credit while receiving NDI. State employer
contributions to retirement accounts are not
made while receiving NDI.
NDI benefits are payable to covered employees
who cannot do their regular or customary
work and have a wage loss because of a
non-work-related disability, illness, or injury,
including disability due to pregnancy or childbirth.
NOTE: Some state employees are not covered
by NDI through a negotiated agreement, but are
covered by State Disability Insurance (SDI). For
SDI information, visit
There is a waiting period of either 7 or 10 days
according to employment status and/or provisions
of collective bargaining agreements. All or part of
the waiting period may be waived under certain
circumstances. Such circumstances include being
in a hospital or nursing home or any circumstance
specified in a collective bargaining agreement.
Benefits are not payable:
• For any day of entitlement to temporary
workers’ compensation benefits or Industrial
Disability Leave.
• For any day wages are received in the form of
sick leave, vacation, compensatory time off, or
catastrophic leave.
• For any day Unemployment Insurance benefits
are paid.
• For any day on or after separation or retirement
from state service. You may delay the effective
date of a disability retirement until NDI benefits
are finished.
NDI provides up to $250 per week for 26 weeks
(182 days). The weekly benefit amount and rules
about use of leave credits vary according to
employment status and/or collective bargaining
agreement. Enhanced NDI benefits are provided
to employees who participate in the state’s Annual
Leave Program in the amount of 50 percent of
gross pay that may be supplemented with leave
credits up to 100 percent.
State and federal taxes will be withheld from
NDI benefits. Voluntary deductions such as
health insurance premiums, credit union loans,
savings accounts, bonds, parking fees, etc., will
be deducted from NDI benefits unless canceled
by the employee. If the employee continues
health insurance premium deductions, the state’s
employer contribution will also continue.
The NDI office within the Employment
Development Department (EDD) determines
eligibility and authorizes benefit payments. The
employer’s personnel office then must request the
State Controller’s Office or paying agent to issue
benefit payments to the employee. Benefits are
paid monthly.
Once benefits are authorized by the EDD,
inquiries concerning payment status, weekly
rates, payment amounts, deductions, etc., should
be directed to the employee’s attendance clerk or
personnel office.
Questions about benefit eligibility should be
directed to the NDI office at 1-866-758-9768.
Any determination of eligibility made by the NDI
office may be appealed before an administrative
law judge by writing to the NDI office to request
a hearing.
DE 8502 Rev. 12 (11-15) (INTERNET) Page 2 of 2