Fillable Printable Office Cleaning Contract
Fillable Printable Office Cleaning Contract

Office Cleaning Contract

General Office | Commercial Cleaning Contract
Office Cleaning Contract
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Office/Commercial Cleaning Contract
This contract, dated
between :
Name (Please Print) Company
(hereinafter called “the Manager”)
Name (Please Print) Company
(hereinafter called “the Contractor”)
(a) The Contractor:
(b) The Manager:
(c) The Building:
(d) The Company:
Contract Term and Price
1. The Contractor shall undertake to clean the Building and maintain a high cleaning standard in said Building at a
monthly charge of:
payable by the Manager, on behalf of the company.
All cleaning works shall be carried out in accordance with the Specification and Service Schedule of this Contract as well
as to the satisfaction of the Manager. Appendices attached herein shall form part of this contract.
2. The Contract shall be for a term of ________ year(s):
Commencing from
and expiring on:
Either party may terminate the contract by supplying the other party ______________________ month(s) written notice.

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1. The Contractor may be nominated by the Manager to provide quality cleaning services for the occupants’ internal areas.
Such services shall be subject to separate contracts between the occupants and the Contractor at the occupants’ own
expenses. The Contractor must indicate the rates of such services in detail as Appendix I of the Contract.
2. The Contractor shall undertake to provide efficient debris (such as abandoned furniture, fitting out waste and materials
etc) removal services as per the Manager’s request. The Contractor must indicate the rates of such services in detail as
Appendix II of the Contract.
3. The Contractor may be required by the Manager to carry out initial cleaning for the Building upon commencement of
the Term. The Contractor must indicate their service charges in detail as Appendix III of the Contract.
4. The Contractor shall undertake to provide and use Totally Degradable Plastic Refuse Bags (TDP) for daily refuse
collection through the supplier as nominated by the Owner or Managing Agent. Moreover, the Contractor shall undertake
to provide and use environmentally friendly cleaning products / agents / materials as required by the Owner or Managing
5. In any events of emergency, the Contractor shall provide on site at least _____ cleaner(s) to carry out any necessary
works. Such works may include work to the Building’s surroundings, drainage and sand traps. Payment shall be made in
accordance with the unit rates quoted by the Contractor as per Appendix IV of the Contract.
6. In addition to the routine works specified in the Service Schedule, the Contractor may be required to carry out extra
cleaning works from time to time. Additional payments will be made by the Manager. The Contractor shall quote the
charge rate of such additional services as per Appendix V and Appendix VI of the Contract.
7. All service charges quoted by the Contractor in the Appendices of the Tender shall not form any part of the Contract,
but such charges shall be valid whenever the Manager or the occupants wish to employ relevant services during the Term.
8. The Contractor shall be responsible for the efficient performance of the Contract and for the good conduct of his
employees whenever they carry out cleaning works in the Building. The Contractor shall maintain a sufficient number of
staff at all specific times to properly fulfill his obligations under this Contract. The Contractor’s employees shall be
properly supervised at all times by a supervisor employed for this purpose by the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide
clean and tidy uniforms for all his employees. The uniform must be worn by all employees who are engaged to carry out
the works under this Contract.
The Manager reserves the right to monitor the clock-in time and clock-out time of the Contractor’s employees as well as
to give working instruction directly to the Contractor’s employees if in the opinion of the Manager this is necessary.
9. Subject to the satisfactory completion of the cleaning works, the Contractor shall be remunerated by the Manager
monthly in-arrears as per the price quoted in the Contract Term & Price of this Contract.
10. The Contractor shall provide high quality cleaning operatives for the building all times as follows:
__________________________________________ For: __________________________________________ .
The Supervisor, who has sound knowledge and experience in supervising cleaning works for high quality buildings, shall
be the person in-charge of daily operation of cleaning team, responsible for reporting to with the Manager. This personnel
shall be strong in supervisory and communication skill, initiative, enthusiastic and reliable. The Supervisor may be
required to perform his duties outside the normal working hours at the Contractor’s own cost. All cleaners should be
observant, keen, alert, efficient, willing and pleasant. Adequate training for the cleaners shall be provided by the
Supervisor to guarantee a high cleaning standard.
11. All deep and heavy duty cleaning tasks shall be carried out by a mobile cleaning team. The working time of the said
mobile team shall be fixed at __________________________________________. The team members shall have proper
qualifications required to use and operate the necessary equipment such as gondola, mobile scaffold system and waxing
machine, etc. All insurance premiums in this respect shall be solely borne by the Contractor.
12. The Contractor shall provide all necessary machinery, tools and materials for the proper execution of the work. Such
machinery and materials shall be of a high standard and suitable for use in the Building.
13. Unless written consent is given by the Manager, the Contract or any part, share, or interest in it, must not be
transferred or assigned by the Contractor, directly or indirectly to any persons whomsoever.
14. The Contractor’s employees must observe all reasonable instruction of the Manager.
15. The Manager shall have power to vary the work reasonably described in the Specifications and Service Schedule and
no variation shall void this Contract. Should the Manager require more or less work to be carried out, the value of such
work shall be added to or deducted form the contract sum at the rates to be mutually agreed by the Contractor and the
16. Whenever under this Contract any sum of money shall be recoverable from or payable by the Contractor, the same
may be deducted from any sum due or which at any time thereafter may become due to the Contractor under the
17 a. Default
If the Contractor i) has abandoned the Contract; or ii) is not executing the service in accordance with the Contract or is
persistently or flagrantly neglecting to carry out his obligations under the Contract. the Manager, after giving 14 days’
notice in writing to the Contractor, may expel the Contractor from the Building without thereby releasing the Contractor
from any of his other obligations or liabilities under the Contract.
17 b. Bankruptcy
The Manager may at any time by notice in writing summarily terminate the Contract without compensation to the
Contractor in any of the following events:
i) If the Contractor shall at any time be adjudged bankrupt, or shall have a Receiving Order or Order for Administration of
his estate made against him or shall instigate any proceedings for liquidation or composition under the relevant legislation

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for the time being in force, or make any conveyance or assignment of his effects or composition or arrangement for the
benefit of his creditors, or purport so to do; or
ii) If the Contractor, being a company, shall pass a resolution, or the court shall make an order for the liquidation of its
affairs, a Receiver on behalf of the creditors shall be appointed. Provided always that such determination shall have not
prejudice or affect any right of action or remedy which shall have accrue thereafter to the Manager.
iii) In either of the cases for which the two proceeding sub-clauses provide, or in any other case where in the opinion of
the Manager, the Contractor is performing his duties unsatisfactorily, the Manager may employ and pay another
contractor or engage his own cleaning staff to carry out and complete the work and may purchase all materials necessary
for the carrying out of the work. In such cases, the value of the work done shall be assessed by the Manager and the
Manager shall have the right to recover such sums from the Contractor.
18. Inspection and Rejection
All services performed under this Contract shall be subject, before payment, to inspection by the Manager who may
withhold payment when in his opinion any service has not been performed in accordance with the requirements of the
Contract. Payment for services will be made monthly in arrears by the Manager only if the services have been performed
to the satisfaction of the Manager.
19. a. Injury to Persons
The Contractor shall be solely liable for and shall indemnify the Manager in respect of any liability, loss, claim or
proceeding whatsoever, arising under any legislation or at common law in respect of personal injury to or the death of
any person whomsoever arising out of or in the course of or caused by the execution of the work whether or not due to
his negligence and shall effect adequate insurance cover in respect of such risks and shall furnish the Manager with a
copy of the insurance policy.
19. b. Damage to Property
The Contractor shall be liable for and shall indemnify the Manager and the Owner of the Building against any liability, loss,
claim or proceedings in respect of any damage to any property whatsoever arising out of or in course of his negligence
and shall effect adequate insurance cover in respect of such risks and shall furnish the Manager with a copy of the
insurance policy,
19. c. If there are any act, omission or neglect of the Contractor, his agents, servants, workmen or others, or of any sub-
contractor employed by him, cause or suffer any damage to any property whatsoever in the execution of any works under
this Contract, such damage may be made good by the Manager at the cost of the Contractor and the Contractor shall on
demand pay the damages to the Manager.
20. Injury to Workmen
a. The Manager shall not be liable for or in respect of any damage or compensation under the relevant legislation, or at
common Law in consequence of any accident or injury to any workman or other person whether in the employment of
the Contractor or any sub-contractor and the Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the Manager against all
claims, demands, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof or in relation thereto.
b. The Contractor shall take out adequate insurance against all liability to pay demands of compensation as aforesaid in
respect of all workmen and other persons who may be employed to carry out the works and shall furnish the Manager
with a copy of the insurance policy.
c. If the Contractor shall fail to effect and keep in force the insurance as mentioned above, then and in any such case the
Manager may effect and keep in force such insurance and pay such premium or premiums as may become due and
recover the same as a debt from the Contractor.
d. In the event of any workman or other person employed in the works or in connection with the Contract whether in the
employment of the Contractor or a sub-contractor suffering any personal injury and whether there is a claim or
compensation or not, the Contractor shall without delay give notice in writing of such personal injury to the Manager.
Environmental Standard
Legislation: Comply with all municipal. And federal environmental legislation in respect of controlling air pollution, water
pollution, waste disposal and ozone depletion, etc.
Green Practices: Carry out good environmental practices in carrying out the works for conserving the global & local
environment. Such practices shall include but not be limited to the conduct waste separation & recycling programs and
replacing all chemical based cleaning agents by other natural/organic alternatives.
Health & Safety: Make every endeavor to protect the indoor environment with a particular attention to health and
safety of the occupants, visitors and workers in the Building.
The specific methods to be employed by the Contractor for cleaning certain areas and surfaces are listed below. These
methods to be employed by the Contractor are designed to ensure that regular maintenance is carried out at the highest

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B. Mosaic Tiles
Sweep clean of all dust – scrub with approved liquid detergent solution, wash down thoroughly with clean water, remove
all excessive water from surface with clean cloth. An approved water emulsion polish may be applied to mosaic tile walls
and dados where a highly polished finish is desirable.
Contractor will avoid unsafe cleaners that will eat away the concrete grouting surrounding the tiles.
C. Terrazzo
Sweep clean of all dust, scrub with approved liquid detergent solution, wash down thoroughly with clean water, remove
all excessive water from surface with clean cloth. An approved water emulsion polish may be applied to mosaic tile walls
and dados where a highly polished finish is desirable.
Contractor will avoid unsafe cleaners, acids or other corrosive liquids that may eat the concrete matrix
away from the marble chips.
D. White or Colored Rubbed Granite
Sweep clean of all dust – scrub with approved liquid detergent solution, wash down thoroughly with clean water and
remove all excessive water with clean cloth.
Contractor will avoid the use of metal brushes or wire wool.
E. Marble
Sweep clean of all dust – scrub with warm water and a non-caustic detergent. Wash down with clean water and remove
all excessive water with clean cloth. The surface may be polished where a brilliant finish is desirable. As required a non-
slippery liquid wax may be applied onto marble finishes.
Contractor will avoid the use of acid which is harmful to marble.
F. Thermo-Plastic (asphalt or Vinyl) Tiles
Sweep clean of all dust – wash with a weak solution of approved liquid detergent, wash down thoroughly with clean
water and dry with clean cloth. Apply a thin film of water emulsion Polymer type polish which is self-polishing and dries
with a bright surface in about 20 minutes. After repeated applications of polish, a “build-up” old polish may occur – this
may be removed by the use of an approved concentrated detergent cleanser of the appropriate type of stripping agent.
G. Quarry Tiles
Sweep clean of all dust – scrub with an approved liquid detergent solution, wash down thoroughly with clean water and
dry thoroughly with clean cloth. If a dust free surface is required a coat of spirit solvent wax can be applied. Allow to dry
out and when thoroughly dried buff to a brilliant finish preferably with a suitable polishing machine. Do not use
pigmented polishes without prior consent from the Manager.
H. Teak Block Floors
Sweep clean of all dust – apply a film of spirit solvent wax (do not use water emulsion wax unless the floor has been
thoroughly sealed), or, where the traffic density is high, natural paste wax. Allow the liquid polish time to harden. Buff
daily with a suitable polishing machine.
I. Glazed Tiles
Brush clean of all dust – scrub with an approved liquid detergent solution, wash down thoroughly with clean water and
dry thoroughly with clean cloth.
Each operator should clean, rinse and dry an area of about 1m2 at one time. This allows time to rinse
before the cleaning solution has had time to dry and cause streaks.
J. Linoleum
Thermo-Plastic Tiles
High quality paste wax and spirit solvent wax can be used if traffic conditions are heavy. They should be
applied generously, allowed to dry thoroughly and then buffed to a brilliant finish using a suitable polishing
K. Rubber Flooring
(i) Before waxing it is essential that the surface should be perfectly clean. When cleaning rubber flooring, it is essential to
avoid excessive use of water as this might creep between the joints of the flooring and affect the adhesion of the rubber
to the sub-floor. The best method of cleaning of the rubber floor is by means of a paste cleanser applied with a damp
cloth. Thorough rinsing is essential, again a minimum amount of water should be used and the floor dried thoroughly with
a clean cloth. Good quality bar or liquid soap can also be used but soft soaps with high alkalinity, liquids containing
essential oils (e.g. turpentine and pine oil) and coarse abrasives should be avoided.

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(ii) When clean, the floor should be treated with an approved water emulsion Polymer type polish, which should be
allowed to dry thoroughly before traffic is allowed to pass over it.
Solvent based waxes should not be used on rubber floors. White spirit and other solvents such as petrol,
benzene and paraffin attack rubber flooring causing it to become soft and sticky and “bleeding” of colors
may occur.
L. Cork Flooring
(i) The floor should first be cleaned with a good quality neutral soap or detergent. A minimum amount of water should be
used as excess of water may seep between the tiles and loosen them from the floor. The floor should then be rinsed with
clean water and thoroughly dried. Then dry steel wool (or gauze) may be used to remove stains and clean badly soiled
(ii) When dry, the floor should be sealed with either a polyurethane or oleo resinous seal. Such sealing is a specialized
process and should not be attempted other than under experienced supervision. If the floor is not sealed, it then requires
to treat the surface with several coats of high-grade polish or to fill up the pores. Over this base any polish including
emulsions can be used. However, whatever polish is applied, it is to be stripped at regular internals and followed by
frequent maintenance detailed below.
(iii) For subsequent maintenance, an occasional application of floor wax, either solvent bound or an emulsion polish will
considerably extend the life of the seal and provide a better resistance to scuff marks.
M. Painted Surface (Oil)
(i) Flat finish: Remove all surface dust with a soft brush, wipe down with damp cloth containing weak approved
detergent solution. Wipe down with a clean damp cloth. Persistent stains may be removed by the sparing use of a fine
abrasive paste or powder.
(ii) High gloss finishes: As above, but do not use any form of abrasive to remove stains. The use of washing soda or any
other highly alkaline material should also be avoided. For a superior finish a high quality paste wax can be applied and
buffed to the required finishes.
N. Stainless Steel
To maintain the original bright and clean appearance, accumulation of deposit from the atmosphere must be prevented.
Frequent careful washing with soap and water or an approved detergent solution will maintain appearance indefinitely.
Avoid the use of abrasives and steel wool. Accumulated dirt may be removed by the use of nylon web pad.
O. Bronze Finishes
(i) Bright bronze must be kept free form dust during the process of toning down, so that the atmosphere may act on it
evenly until the required color is obtained. This action must then be checked and the surface preserved by building up on
it (by frequent applications of wax polish) a coating of hard wax, impervious to moisture and easily polished.
(ii) Chemically toned bronze requires the action of the atmosphere for a short time after fixing to “see” it to its
permanent shade, during which it should be kept free form dust by occasionally cleaning with a little petrol. After which
the surface should be protected in the same way as natural toned bronze.
The usual kinds of metal polish, and oil such as paraffin, should on no account be used. An approved
natural wax may be used, apply with a cloth pad, allowed to dry out and when thoroughly dry, buff to a
brilliant finish.
P. Aluminum
Thoroughly wash down with water containing non-alkaline soap or detergent and dry thoroughly with clean cloth.
Accumulated dirt may be removed by the use of nylon pad. Occasional application of a wax polish may preserve an
attractive appearance.
Contractor will avoid the use of abrasive and steel wool.
Q. Chrome Finishes
Chrome finishes rarely require anything more than a rub down with a soft cloth, but to prevent pitting such finishes may
be cleaned once a month with chrome cleaners.
R. Carpet Shampooing/Dry Cleansing
(i) Rotary Brush Method – Dry vacuum the area first, then shampoo carpeting carefully with a good quality appropriately
diluted liquid shampoo & to comply with the manufacturer’s instructions for operating the rotary machine. Use wet
vacuum immediately to remove excessive water and slurry. After shampooing brush the carpet pile in the direction
with a carpet pile brush and warn users not to walk on the carpet until it is completely dry. As a final operation, dry
vacuum on the following day to remove any loose fluff and lint loosened by the refinishing process.
(ii) Dry Foam Method – Use a pile-lifting machine to run over the area first. A fully automatic dry-foam machine which
converts the liquid shampoo & into a foaming fluffy solution will be operated (i) lay the fluffy solution,
(ii) scrub with brushes in one pass and in one direction and immediately suck up the slurry.

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(iii) Steam Extraction Method – Use a fully automatic steam machine to jet heated solution of appropriately mixed water
and shampoo into the carpet under pressure in one pass and in one direction and remove all loosened dirt instantly by
simultaneous vacuum action.
Before cleaning carpets with any of the above methods, it is essential to clear the room of all light furniture
and scrub a small area to check for colorfastness and backing wetness. Only skilled operators are allowed
to carry out such carpet shampooing and great care must be taken to prevent shrinkage and over wetting.
A second pass may be necessary in heavily soiled areas.
Areas & Facilities Description of Services Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly
Date Name (Please Print) Signature
Company Name
Date Name (Please Print) Signature
Company Name

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I. Proposed Cleaning Service for the Occupants’ Internal Areas with Unit Rates
Scope of Services:
Rate : $________________ per square ft.(net) per month.
Minimum Charge: $________________ per occupant’s unit per month.
Carpet Shampooing: $________________ per square ft.(net) per month.
II. Proposed Debris Removal Services for the Manager with Service Charge Rates
a. Garbage Removal & cleaning up services: $________________ per ___________________ .
b. Removal of debris $________________ per ___________________ .
III. Proposed Initial Deep Cleaning Services for the Building with the Charge Rates
Services Areas:
Time Required: _______________________________ working days.
Rate: _______________________________ per hour.
IV. Proposed Charges for provision of Cleaner(s) During Emergencies
Rate : $_____________________________ per hour.