Fillable Printable Oregon Residential Lease Agreement
Fillable Printable Oregon Residential Lease Agreement

Oregon Residential Lease Agreement
Oregon Residential Lease Agreement
I. Lease Agreement. This form serves as a legally binding rental contract agreed
under the following terms and conditions:
II. The Parties. The Lease Agreement is between the following:
Landlord ________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________________ State _____________
Tenant _________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________________ State _____________
Tenant _________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________________ State _____________
Tenant _________________________________________________________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________________ State _____________
Minor children to be living on the premises (if any):
Name ___________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________________________
III. Lease Period. This form serves as a legal and binding lease agreement
(Referred to as the “Rental Agreement”) for a period of _____________ months.
Start Date _______ / ________ / ________
End Date _______ / ________ / ________
IV. The Property. The Lease Agreement refers to the property located at:
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________________ State _____________
☐ Without ☐ With the following Furnishings __________________________
☐ Without ☐ With the following Common Areas _______________________
☐ Without ☐ With the following Storage Space ________________________
☐ Without ☐ With the following Restrictions __________________________
V. Rental Payments. The landlord and tenant agree to the following monthly
payment arrangement for the use of the property:
Payment Start Date __________________
Payment End Date ___________________
Monthly _______________________________ Dollars $______________.____
Total Period ____________________________ Dollars $______________.____
Payable to _______________________________________________________
Due on the __________ day of every month
Payments shall be made in ☐ Cash ☐ Check ☐ Other __________________
Payment Instructions _______________________________________________
A. Prorated Rent. If the landlord and tenant agree for the Property being
occupied before the lease period starts, the tenant shall make the following
______________________________ Dollars $________________._____
for ____ days
B. Late Rent. If the rental payment is late the tenant shall be subject to
one of the following penalties:
☐ Fixed amount of __________________ Dollars $______.____ per day
☐ Percentage (%) based on _____ (%) of the monthly rent per day
VI. Utilities/Expenses. The following party shall pay the following
Cable - ☐ Landlord ☐ Tenant Electricity - ☐ Landlord ☐ Tenant
Heat - ☐ Landlord ☐ Tenant Internet - ☐ Landlord ☐ Tenant
Trash - ☐ Landlord ☐ Tenant Water - ☐ Landlord ☐ Tenant
Other - ☐ Landlord ☐ Tenant ______________________________________
VII. Deposit(s). The landlord and tenant agree to the following fee(s) and
deposit(s) (*Be aware of any Security Deposit Rules in your State):
☐ *Security Deposit of __________________________ Dollars $________.___
☐ Last Month’s Rent of _________________________ Dollars $________.___
☐ *Future Payment of __________________________ Dollars $________.___
☐ Deposit(s) for:
__________________ - ________________________ Dollars $_______.____
__________________ - ________________________ Dollars $_______.____
__________________ - ________________________ Dollars $_______.____
*Any deposit(s) paid by the tenant to the landlord shall be deposited to a
separate ☐ interest bearing ☐ non-interest bearing account.
A. Deposit(s) Return. Landlord agrees to return the deposit within _____
days of lease end date or on _______ / ________ / ________
(Month/Day/Year). If there have been deductions from the Security Deposit, the
landlord agrees to include a statement with an itemized list of the expenses.
VIII. Notices. When submitting official notice from one party to another the
following mailing addresses should be used:
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________ State ________ Zip __________
Mailing Address ___________________________________________________
City of ________________________________ State ________ Zip __________
IX. Use of Property. The Tenant(s) agree to obey all federal, state, and local
laws and to act in a manner that does not disturb the peace of other’s quiet
A. Improvements. The seller ☐ is permitted ☐ is not permitted to
conduct alterations to the property. If the tenant is permitted, they must
seek written permission from the landlord before performing any work.
B. Pets. Pets are ☐ allowed ☐ not allowed on the premises at any time
during the course of the lease agreement. If the tenant has a dog for
hearing or other health related uses, they may be deemed legal through
federal, state or local laws.
C. Guests. Occupancy by any person other than the individual’s named
on the lease agreement shall be allowed to stay for ____ days. Tenant
understands that any damage caused by a guest will be their
X. Landlord’s Access to Premises. The landlord may enter the property within
_____ ☐ Days ☐ Hours by giving notice to the tenant. Notice may be in the
mail, slipped under the door, or via cell phone (Make sure to check current State
Laws). In addition to granting notice, the landlord may also enter the premises
under any of the following conditions:
A. In any emergency situation that requires immediate action and
preservation of the property.
B. If illegal activity is occurring on the property.
C. If tenant unreasonably withholds consent.
D. If the tenant has vacated the property or has not been present for more
than fifteen (15) days.
XI. Default. Either party may be considered in default through the following:
A. Landlord’s Default.
1. If a utility has been cancelled that is the responsibility of the
2. Preventing the tenant from accessing the property.
3. If the landlord makes any unnecessary repairs that are
considered a detriment to the tenant’s quiet enjoyment of the
B. Tenant’s Default.
1. Failure to pay rent within three (3) business days of the due
date unless a “grace period” exists in the State.
2. Severe damage to the property.
3. If the tenant fails to follow any of the terms and conditions stated
in this lease agreement.
C. Waiver. The landlord may not accept rent or performance during the
course of terminating the lease agreement. If the landlord does accept
performance, the lease agreement is valid and enforceable by the
1. Tenant is not required to pay rent if the property is considered
inhabitable. Furthermore, if during the course of the lease
agreement the landlord does not comply to return the property
to move-in condition, the a partial rental payment may be
XII. Possession. The following should take place after the authorization of the
lease agreement:
1. Tenant should receive immediate access to the property. If the
landlord fails to grant occupancy, the tenant has the right to terminate
the lease agreement and have the option to seek damages.
2. Landlord should grant possession of the property by giving access to
all of the following but not limited to: doors, mailboxes, common areas,
trash areas, and storage facilities. If the tenant does not accept
occupancy, the lease agreement will be considered in default.
XIII. Subleasing/Assigning. The tenant is barred from subletting or assigning
any part of the property to another person or entity without the written consent of
the landlord.
XIV. Maintenance. The tenant is required to maintain the same sanitary
condition throughout the term of the lease agreement as it was upon move-in. If
any necessary repairs are needed it is the tenant’s responsibility to inform the
landlord as soon as possible of any defect(s).
XV. Disclosure Addendums. Tenant agrees to reading the following documents
through initialing below:
____ - State Disclosures described as _________________________________
____ - Lead Paint Disclosure Statement - For all structures built before 1978.
____ - Move-In Checklist
____ - Other described as ___________________________________________
A. Other Addendums that are described as ________________________
XVI. Disclaimer. If any part, sentence, or section of the lease agreement is
considered invalid it does not affect the parties from being legally liable for the
remaining terms and conditions.
XVII. Tenancy. If the tenant misrepresented any claim in the lease agreement or
in the process of authorizing, i.e. the “Rental Application”, the tenant may be
found in violation and be subject to default.
XVIII. Time. Is of the essence.
XIX. Other Agreements. This legal document represents the entire terms and
conditions by which each party must abide. Any other agreements or deals made
on behalf of the landlord any tenant should be attached or will not be considered
legally enforceable.
XX. Signatures. In the witness whereof, the landlord and tenant agree to the
terms and conditions to the executed lease agreement dated
_______ / ________ / ________ (Day/Month/Year)
Signature Page
Landlord’s Name (Printed) __________________________________________
Landlord’s Signature _________________________________ Date _________
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tenant’s Name (Printed) __________________________________________
Tenant’s Signature _________________________________ Date _________
Tenant’s Name (Printed) __________________________________________
Tenant’s Signature _________________________________ Date _________
Tenant’s Name (Printed) __________________________________________
Tenant’s Signature _________________________________ Date _________
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Real Estate Agent Name (Printed) _____________________________________
Tenant’s Signature _________________________________ Date _________
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! (notary)!