
Fillable Printable PAK'nSAVE Kapiti Application for Employment Form

Fillable Printable PAK'nSAVE Kapiti Application for Employment Form

PAK'nSAVE Kapiti Application for Employment Form

PAK'nSAVE Kapiti Application for Employment Form

Please take the time to personally complete this application (please print). If you require any
special assistance to complete this form please advise us of your requirements. If including a CV,
please do not send original documents as CVs will not be returned.
The completion of this application does not indicate that there is any obligation to engage or
employ the applicant.
This information is collected for the purpose of assessing your suitability for employment with
Kapiti PAKn SAVE. If your application is successful, this form will be retained in your personal file.
Position applied for: ________________________________ Date of Application: _________________
First Name(s): ___________________________________ Surname: ___________________________
Preferred title: MR/MRS/MS/MISS Contact Number: _______________________________________
Cell Number: ___________________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________
Address (Residential): _________________________________________________________________
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________
Name of person to be contacted in case of an emergency: ___________________________________
Relationship (eg. Mother): _________________________ Contact Number: _____________________
Highest Education Level attained (eg. NCEA level/University/Tech etc.): _________________________
Do you hold any relevant NZQA certificates or other industry related qualifications? YES / NO
List below (eg. Food Safety, Health and Safety, Customer Service):
Please outline below your skills and experience relevant to this position:
Please list your previous work experience below (start with most recent and list all positions):
Date from
Date to
Work Responsibilities
Reason for leaving
Please give the details of three referees that you authorise us to contact. Preferably two work-related
referees and one personal referee.
Name Position/Company Relationship Phone No. (Work) (Mobile)
Please note we are a 7 day business. It is extremely seldom that a Mon-Fri position is available. All
part time positions will include a Saturday or Sunday.
Days & approx. hours available to work: __________________________________________________
Do you have any commitments that may interrupt your regular attendance at work? YES / NO
If yes, please list details: _______________________________________________________________
Are you able to work your rostered hours and any overtime as required, ie. Stocktake YES / NO
If your application is accepted, when could you commence employment? _______________________
Do you have any prior obligations requiring your absence from work? __________________________
Do you have a current drivers licence? YES / NO What class? ____________ Licence No. __________
Do you have a partner/relative/household member working elsewhere in this company? YES / NO
Do you have a reading or writing disability? YES / NO
Have you ever been the subject of a disciplinary issue at your previous employment? YES / NO
Do you have the legal right to work in NZ, with permanent residence or a valid work permit?
(Evidence will be required if you are interviewed for this position) YES / NO
Note: Failure to have clear evidence of being legally able to work in New Zealand or providing false information or
misrepresenting your eligibility to work in New Zealand may result on any employment being terminated or an offer of
employment withdrawn.
Have you ever been charged or convicted of a criminal offence? YES / NO
Do you consent to a Ministry of Justice check if requested as a condition of employment? YES / NO
How did you hear about this job? _______________________________________________________
(eg. TradeMe, Seek, Foodstuffs, Newspaper, Facebook)
Are you prepared to work as and where directed? YES / NO Do you smoke? YES / NO
Are you prepared to abide by safety and work rules? YES / NO
Have you ever had any injuries or illnesses that have arisen from employment? YES / NO
If yes, please give details: ______________________________________________________________
Do you take any regular medication? YES / NO
If yes, please give details: ______________________________________________________________
Have you had any injuries or illnesses including OOS, RSI, Back Strain etc. that were compensated by
ACC or a private insurer? YES / NO
If yes, please give details: ______________________________________________________________
Do you require any special services or facilities that enable you to carry out work duties? YES / NO
Do you have any condition that may affect your ability to carry out effectively the functions and
responsibilities of this position? YES / NO
If yes, please give details: ______________________________________________________________
Do you consent to the Company retaining the information contained in this application for the
purposes of considering your suitability for other positions which may arise with this Company in the
future? YES / NO
I, ________________________________________________ (full name)
1. Declare that the answers to the questions in the application are true and correct, and I
understand that the information requested within this application form is sought to establish
my suitability for the position that I am applying and that if I do not provide such information
then this application for employment may be rejected.
2. Authorise any screening processes Kapiti Pak’n Save sees fit to exercise in considering this
application. I understand this process may include verifying previous employer references
and checking of criminal and medical records.
3. Understand that I may be required to have a drug test at any time during my employment.
4. Agree to undergo any required employment assessments.
5. Will provide a current cell phone contact number and agree to have a photo taken.
6. Accept that, should my application be successful, the foregoing information will form
part of my contract of employment and falsification of any information is grounds for
Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Thank you for applying for a position at Kapiti PAK’n SAVE.
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