

Supreme Court of Florida
No. AOSC14-64
In In re Report o f the Family Court Steering Committee, 794 S o. 2d 518,
522 (Fla. 2 001), this Court adopted a guiding principle e ncour aging a family court
process to “empower familie s through skills development, assis t them to resolv e
their own disputes, provide access to appropriate services, and offer a variety of
dispute resolution forums where the family can resol ve problems without
additional e motional tra uma.” One form of dispute resolutio n that has be en very
successful in t he State of Florida in fa mily cases is mediation. Me d ia tion is b ut
one form of dispute resoluti on that is availa ble. The Florida Legislature, in
adopting se ct io n 61. 1 25, Florida Statutes, and this Court recognize parenting
coordination as another viable method of dispute resoluti on in the family arena

and, as such, helps fulfill the court system’s vision of supporting “a var ie ty of
dispute resolution forums.”
Sec t ion 61.125 Florida Statutes, became effective o n Oc tober 1, 2009, and
provides for the parenting coordination process. Subsection 61.125(1), Florida
Statutes, defines the purpose of parenti ng coordination as follows:
[T]o provide a child-focuse d alte rnative dis pu te re s olut i on pr ocess
whereby a parenting coordinator a ssists t he parents in creat ing or
implementing a parenting plan by fac ilitating the resolu tion of
disputes between the parents by providing educati on, making
recommendations, and, with t he pri or approva l of the parents and
the co ur t, m aki ng lim ite d de c is ion s wit hin the sc op e of the co ur t 's
order of referral.
Sec t ion 61.125, Florida Statutes, establishes the sta nda r ds for the referral of
cases to parent ing coordinators by the court, qualifications for and disqualifications
of parenting coordinators, fees, confidentiality of the proc ess, emergenc y situation
reporting requirements, and liability limitations of parenting coordinators.
Implementation of the sta tute on a sta tewide, uniform ba sis is vital t o e nsur e th e
quality of both parenting coordinators and t he parentin g coor dination process.
The Committee o n Alternat ive Dispu te Resolution Rules a nd Policy
(Committee), t hrough it s Joint Parenting Coordination Subcommittee, c onsidered
and reviewed the parenting coordination statute a nd received input from parenting
coordinat ion training providers, appr oved parenting coordinator s, and subject
1. Long-Range Strategic Plan for the Florida Judicial Branch, p. 1 (2009),
The Florida Supr eme Court Task Force on Jud ic ial Branc h Planning; availa ble a t
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matter s specialists. The Committee recommended the adoption of the attached
Parenting Coordination Training Standar ds
. The Supre me Court concurs and
adopts the recommendations of the Committee with regard to statew ide unifor m
promul gat i on of parenting coordination training standards. Accordingly, this
administrative order hereby establishes t he following administrative proc edures:
A. Administrative Responsibil ity
Administra tive respo nsibility for the implementation of sec t ion 61.125,
Florida Statutes, and its a ttendant rules, qualifications and procedures, a nd t his
administrative orde r s hal l be placed with the chief judge or his/her desig ne e i n e ach
circuit or with the Florida Dispute Resolution Center of the Of fic e of the State
Courts Administrat or (D RC) as furthe r outlined in this administrative order or in
any Supre me Court opinions that may be issued. It is the intentio n of this Court
that such implementation shall be uniform through out the state . This uniformity
shall be accomplished through the use of standardized processes, procedures, and
B. Qualificat ions and Disqualifications
Parenting coordinators shall be qualified and disqualified pursuant to
subsections 61.125(4) and (5), Flori da Statutes, a s follows:
1. The chief judge or designee(s) in each judicial circuit shall review
eac h applica tion and determine which individuals applying to serve as
parenting coordinators meet the qualifications u nder section 61.12 5,
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Florida Statutes, to be inc l ude d on the roster of qualif ie d parenti ng
coordinators of t hat cir c ui t.
2. Each judicial circuit may conduct a crim inal background investigation
and make inquiries n ece ssary to verify an ap plicant’s eligibility to be
included on th e ro ste r .
3. The chief judge or designee(s) in each judicial circuit shall esta blish a
process to periodically review whether a parenting coordinator
continues to be qualif ied an d shall remove a parenting coordinator
immediately from the r oster if the coo rd in a tor is n o lon ger qu al if ied.
4. Any appe al pe rtaining to a pare nting coordinator’s inclusi on on or
remova l from the roster shall be heard and dec ided by the chief judge
or designee(s) in tha t judi c ia l c irc ui t, whose decisi on shall be f inal.
5. A uniform statewide par enting coordination application form is
adopted and attach ed hereto. Thi s a pplication for m sha ll be used in
ever y circuit.
C. Training
To ensure that all parenti ng co or di na tor tr a in ing courses meet the
require ments of secti on 61. 125, Florida Statutes, and qualify pu rsuant to the
Parenting Coordination Training Standards
atta che d hereto, the DRC shall be
responsible for the review a nd ap pr ova l of all pa re n ti ng coordination training
programs. Trainers desi r ing to offe r parenting coordination training must submit
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their program to the DRC for appr oval. The DRC shall be responsible for
monitoring complia nce w ith the standar ds and maintaining appropriate r ecords on
approved parentin g coordination training programs, including approved materials,
agenda, application, trainer resumes, and any changes submitted. The Committee
is dir ect e d to per io dically revi ew the training progra m standards and recommend
amendments to this Court, as ap propr iate.
An exception to the requir ement that a pare nting coordinator take an
approved training will be granted to those individuals who have completed a
parenting coordination trai ning course and are currently qualifie d by a c ourt since
the 200 9 ado p ti on of sec ti o n 61. 125, F lorida Statutes, a nd who r e-apply to be
qua l ifi ed on or be f ore Dec em be r 31, 201 4.
D. Roster of Pare nting Coordinators
Each judicial circuit s hall establish and mainta in a ro ster of parenting
co ord i nat or s from whic h t he court may appoint a qualified pare nting coordinator.
Chief judges or their designee(s) shall not institute a dditional requirements to be on
a cir cuit’s ro ster other than those listed in section 61.125, Florida Statutes, and this
administrative order.
E. Application Form
The standardized application form that shall be used by each jud ici a l circuit
for parenting coordinators who wish to apply to be qualif ied as a par enting
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coordinator by the chief judge of the judicial circuit is a ttac hed to this
administrativ e order.
The responsibility for the implementa tio n a nd qua lif ic a ti on pr oc ed ure s an d
use of the f orm conta ine d in th is a dm ini st r ati ve order, as w ell a s the attached
Parenting Coordination Training Standards
, are her eby adopted, incorporated
here in by reference, and shall be effective upo n the signi ng of this order.
DONE AND ORDERED at Tallaha sse e, Flo ri da, on November 14, 2014.
Jorge Labarga, Chie f Ju stic e
John A. Tomasino, Clerk of Court
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Parenting Coordination Training Standards
In order to attain the goa l of en suring a high level of prof icie ncy in the
perf or mance of pare n ti ng co or di na tor s, the fol low in g tra in in g standards have
been developed. T hese s tandards c on ta in tw o compone nts, th e first is h ow
the training should be conducted and the seco nd are the learning objectives.
1. Training paramete rs (length of c omple te tr aining program re quired
is at least 2 8 hours which cover the modules as described below, span of
training program, breaks for participants, st udent-facu lty r atio)
(a) Length of Training.
(1) The total amoun t of instruc tion required for a c omplete parent
co ord i nat ion tr a in ing shall be 28 h our s of par en ti ng co or dinatio n
trainin g, including four hours of domestic violence training.
A minimum of 24 instructional hours shall be dedicate d to par enting
coordination conce pts and ethics, fa mily systems theor y and
application, fa mily dy namics in sepa ration and div orce, child and
adolescent development, the parenting coordination proc ess,
parenting coordination tech niques and F lorida family law and
procedure . A minimum of four hours of instruc tion on domestic
violenc e relating to the parenting coordination proc ess shall be
offe r ed in ad di ti on to a nd a s a compliment to the 24 hour paren t
co ord i nat ion tr a in ing.
(2) An instructional hour is defined as 50 minutes.
(b) Tr ain ers sh o ul d pro vi de appr o pri ate bre a ks duri ng the ir tra in in g
sessions which shoul d be in additio n to the number of required hours for
(c) Class size should be limited to 50 partic ipants.
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2. Training methodology (le cture, group discussion, writ ten exe rcises
including development of a parenting plan, parenting coordination
simulations and role plays)
(a) Pedagogy. A complete par e nt ing c oor din a ti on traini ng pr og ra m
should include, but i s not limited to, the f ollowing: lec ture, group
discussion, written e xercises, simulations and role plays. In addit ion,
rea din g s sho uld be pr ov ide d by the trai ner to su pple ment the tr a ini n g.
(b) Role Play Requirements.
(1) At a minimum, every part icipant should parti cipate in a role
play of a parenting coordination session for no less than 50 minutes.
The role play should be practical in time and scope.
(2) At the conclusion of each role play, time shou ld be a lloca ted for
oral or written feedback to the partic ipants.
(c) Writte n Exercises. A participant shou ld be r equired to write a
parenting pl an based upon a fact pattern and mater ial presented in the
course. Prior to the c onclusion of t he tra in in g, course par tic i pan ts
should re ceive fe edback either individually or via group discussion of
the written exercise s.
(d) Simulation. A c omplete pare nting coordin ation tra ining should
present a role play simulation of a parenti ng coordination session (either
live or by video) prior to the participant’s role play expe rie nce.
(e) Ethics.
(1) A complete parenting coor dination training progr am should
review pa ren ting coordination ethics for at lea st two hours which
should include applicati on of Rules f or Qualified and Court
App oi n ted Pa re nt in g Co ord i nat or s.
(2) In ad dition, parenting coordinator ethics shou ld be woven
thr o ugh ou t the pr ogr a m.
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3. Primary t rainer q ualifications
(a) Primary Trainer. A primary trainer shoul d demonstrate the following
(1) Par ent Coordination Training Received: Succe ssful completi on
of a c omplete pa re nt i ng c o or dina ti on tr a ini ng th at is the eq uivale nt
of a parenting coordination training taught in accordanc e with
Florida standards for a comple te parenti n g coor di na ti on traini ng.
(2) Par ent Coordinator Qualificatio ns: Be a qualified parenting
coordinator in accordance w ith section 61.125, Fl orida Stat utes, be
licensed as a mental healt h prof essional und er chapte r 490 or cha pter
491 or be licensed as a physician under chapter 458, with
cer tification by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neur ology or
be a member in good standing of The F lorida Bar .
(3) Par ent Coordination Experienc e: Participation in a minimum of
five paren t coor dination case s, of at least six months duration, wit h a
minimum of two active cases within the last two yea rs.
(4) Continuing Education: A parenting coordination trainer should
complete a sufficient amount of continuing educ ation in order to be
curr ent with rules, statutes an d research applicable t o parenting
(b) A primary trainer should be present throughout the entire cour se.
4. Use of guest lecturers (such as attorneys, judges, mediators, ment al
health professionals, and guardians ad litem, including qualifications of
(a) A guest lectur er should have a s ubstantial part of his or he r
professio nal practice in the a rea about wh ich the spec ialist is lecturing
and should have the ability to co nnec t his or her area of expertise with
the par e n tin g coor di n ation process.
(b) Lectures on Florida family law should be presented by a member of
The Florida B a r with family law e xperience .
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(c) Lectures on family dy namics in se paratio n and divorce and child and
adolescent de velopment should be presented by a mental hea lt h
professionals licensed pursuant to chapters 490, 491, 458, Florida
5. Completion of traini ng and evaluation of students
(a) Participants should complete the 28 hour parenting coordination
trainin g requirement by physically attending one entire live training
(b) The primary trainer is responsible for e nsuring that the integrity of
eac h portion of the program is not compromised.
(c) A training progra m should provide, at the conclusion of the tra ining,
written documentation of c omplet i on to pa rti c ipa nt s wh o successf ul ly
complete the pro gra m .
6. Records reten t ion policy
The primary trainer shou ld be responsible for maintaining recor ds of
those who comple ted the program for no l ess than f ive years.
7. Program evaluati on
At the c ompletion of the course, e ach parti c ipant shou ld complete a
co urse e va l uat ion w h ich s ho ul d be revie w e d by the trai ner as part of qu al ity
8. Course content requirements
(a) Learning O bjec tives. A complete parentin g coordination tra ining
shoul d incorpor a te the learning objectives co ntained in Part II.
(b) Require d Tra ining Materials. At a minimum, tr ainers sh ould provide
eac h of the participants with the fol lowin g written ma terials:
(1) An agenda annotated with the lear ning objectives to be covered
in eac h sec ti o n;
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(2) Tr ain ers sh o ul d pro vi de a tr ai nin g m a nual t hat i ncl u des t he
fol l owi ng re qui r ed re a din gs in t heir curr e nt forms:
(A) Sec t ion 61.125, Florida Statutes;
(B) Section 61.13001, Florida Statutes;
(C) Sections 741.28-30, Florida Statutes;
(D) Sec t ion 39.201-206, Florida Statutes;
(E) Section 415.1034, Florida Statutes;
(F) Any Florida Family Law Rule of Procedure currently
identified as 12.74 2;
(G) All appr oved Florida Family Law Forms relevant to
parenting coordination;
(H) An exercise for cr e ating or modif ying a pare nting pl a n or
inte r ve nt i on str ate gy ;
(I) Role play simulation mater ials;
(J) Rules for Qualified and Court Appointed Parenting
Coordinators; and
(K) Most recent Parenting Coordinator Qualifications
Administra tive Or der adopted by the chief justice.
(3) Require d Reading s. Time spent on re ading re quire d materials
should not count toward the required number of hours of training.
Trainers should incorpor ate some method of ensuring that the
require d readings are completed.
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