Fillable Printable Passenger Waiver of Liability Form
Fillable Printable Passenger Waiver of Liability Form

Passenger Waiver of Liability Form

Passenger Waiver of
(Passenger is defined as…”any person or persons while in, on or entering the aircraft for the purposes of
riding or flying therein, or alighting therefrom, or attempted flight therein.”)
I have decided, of my own free will, to participate in a flight in an aircraft owned or managed or
operated by the Boeing Employees Flying Association (“BEFA”). In return for being allowed to do this, I
understand and agree to the following:
1. I understand that the flight will be not be conducted under the rules found in Part 135 or Part 121 of the
Federal Aviation Regulations applicable to airlines and air taxi operators, and that the flight will not
comply with the enhanced safety requirements found in those Parts. I also understand that the aircraft I will
fly in may be an older aircraft that does not necessarily have safety features found in more modern aircraft,
and that pilot is someone I have chosen to fly with who does not meet the qualifications for a commercial
3. I am not a paying passenger and have provided no compensation to the owner or pilot(s) of the aircraft
for the flight.
4. I understand that there are significant risks of property damage, injury, and death associated with flying
in a general aviation aircraft, including risks relating to the design, construction, operation and maintenance
of the aircraft, the knowledge, experience, training, health, planning and competence of the pilot, the
weather conditions and conditions of airports and terrain, and other risks. I agree to assume all of these
risks, and all other risks relating in any way to the flight, in their entirety.
5. I recognize that BEFA carries a limited amount of liability insurance to protect BEFA, the Boeing
Company, and BEFA members against certain liabilities. BEFA’s liability insurance policy is available in
the BEFA office for my review.
6. In the event of an incident or accident, I waive any right to assert a claim of any type against
BEFA, The Boeing Company, and/or their respective officers, directors, employees, and members, for any
amount not covered by the the insurance described in paragraph 5 above, including but not limited to
claims against these persons and entities for their own negligence or other wrongful conduct.
7. If I am injured, incapacitated or killed while aboard or around a BEFA aircraft, it is my specific intent
that my survivors and my estate, including my spouse (if any) and my executor, be bound by the
limitations, waivers, and releases stated in this Waiver of Liability.
8. I understand that reading, reviewing, agreeing to, and signing this Waiver of Liability is a condition of
my participating in the flight described above, and have decided to do so voluntarily, without coercion, and
with full understanding of the legal and other ramifications of this Waiver of Liability.

9. I agree that this Waiver of Liability shall be governed by the law of the state of Washington, without
regard to its choice of law rules. I are aware that recreational activity waivers of liability such as this one
are valid and enforceable under Washington law, even for incidents caused by negligence or other wrongful
conduct, and I fully expect and intend that this waiver shall have full legal effect to limit and/or bar claims
against the pilot, BEFA, The Boeing Company, and/or their respective officers, directors, employees, and
members as described herein.
Print Passenger Name: ________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
City________________________ State ________Zip__________________
Phone #: (____) _____________________
__________________________________________ ______________
Passenger Signature Date
Pilot Name: ___________________________
Pilot Signature: ________________________
Aircraft Tail #:___________________
***If passenger is under the age of 18:
Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________
Boeing Employees Flying Association Inc.
840 West Perimeter Road Renton, WA 98055 (425) 237-2332