Fillable Printable Pasture Lease - Contract Grazing Agreement
Fillable Printable Pasture Lease - Contract Grazing Agreement

Pasture Lease - Contract Grazing Agreement

Pasture Lease – Contract Grazing Agreement
This form was prepared to assist in reaching and recording a lease agreement. Assurance
that specific legal requirements are met may require the services of a lawyer.
1. Parties:
The following agreement is hereby entered into by _______________________,
pasture provider, and ______________________, anim al owner, for the period of
____________________________, 20__ through _____________________, 20__.
2. Land Description:
The pasture consists of __________ acres on the _________________________
farm, legally described as follows: _________________________ Section ______
Township _________ Range ________ in _______________ County, State of Wis.
3. Computation of Charges, Payment Dates:
The animal owner agrees to pay $1.00 per animal unit (calculated according to
Table 1) per day for the period specified in Item 1, the total charge thus calculated
being $_______ per animal unit per month. The total monthly charge of $ ______ is
to be paid 30 days from the date with monthly payments thereafter throughout the
duration of the grazing agreement.
Table 1
One Bull 1.25
One 1,000 lb. Cow 1
One Yearling Steer/Heifer .75
Calf, Six Months to One Year .5
Calf, Three to Six Months .3
Sheep 5 Per Animal Unit
Horse 1.25
4. Duties of the Animal Owner:
a. To deliver animals on agreed upon date and to remove animals, pay trucking
b. To pay all trucking fees associated with this pasture agreement.
c. Not to contract pasture livestock known to be unhealthy. Any animal
appearing to be diseased or in an unhealthy condition may be refused by the
pasture provider.
d. Ensure positive means of animal identification either by double tagging or by
some means of permanent identification.
e. Necessary veterinary costs will be paid by the animal owner.
f. Assist with loading and unloading of cattle.
5. Duties of the Pasture Provider
a. To place the perimeter fences and necessary cross fences in serviceable
condition prior to the date livestock are brought to pasture.
b. To inspect and maintain all fences.
c. To provide a continuous supply of quality forage.
d. To provide an adequate source of water throughout the grazing season.
e. A conscientious effort will be made to pasture healthy livestock on pastures
located in the Section 2 description in this agreement.
f. To provide free-choice salt and mineral at all times without extra charge or
g. To notify the owner of any unhealthy or injured animals. A joint decision will
be subsequently made to contact a veterinarian when necessary.
h. Provide labor for repair of fences.
i. Routinely deworm cattle with reimbursement.
j. Return stray animals to pasture.
k. Assist animal owner with unloading and loading of cattle.
6. Right of Entry:
Both parties, and agents or employees thereof, shall have the right to enter the
pasture at any time for any legitimate purpose. Gates shall be closed upon entering
and leaving the premises.
7. Arbitration:
Any disagreement between the landlord and the t enant shall be referred to a board
of three disinterested persons, one of whom shall be appointed by the lessor, one
by the lessee, and the third by the two thus appointed. The decision of these three
shall be considered binding by the parties to this lease. Any cost for such arbitration
shall be shared equally by the two parties to this lease.
8. Executed in duplicate on the date written in Item 1:
Pasture Provider
Animal Owner