Fillable Printable Personal Cash Flow Statement
Fillable Printable Personal Cash Flow Statement

Personal Cash Flow Statement

This instructional aid was prepared by the Tallahassee Community College Learning Commons.
Building Your Own Financi al Plan
1. Determine how to increase net cash flows in the near future.
2. Determine how to increase net cash flows in the distant future.
1. Prepare your personal cash flow statement.
Personal Cash Flow Statement
Cash Infl o ws This Month
Disposable (after-tax) income $
Interest on deposits $
Dividend payments $
Other $
Total Cash Inflows $
Cash Outflows
Rent/Mortgage $
Cable TV $
Electricity and water $
Telephone $
Groceries $
Health care insurance and expenses $
Clothing $
Car expenses (insurance, maintenance, and gas) $
Recreation $
Other $
Total Cash Outflows $
Net Cash Flows (Total Cash Inflows minus Total Cash Outflows)
Note: You must build a positive cash flow. Your income should exceed your expenses and if not
you must find a way to reduce expenses.
2. Prepare your personal balance sheet.
Personal Balance Sheet
Liqui d Assets
Cash $
Checking account $
Savings account $
Other liquid assets $
Total liquid assets $

This instructional aid was prepared by the Tallahassee Community College Learning Commons.
Household Assets
Home $
Car $
Furniture $
Other household assets $
Total household assets $
Investment Assets
Stocks $
Bonds $
Mutual Funds $
Other investments $
Total investment assets $
Real Estate
Residence $
Vacation home $
Other $
Total real estate $
Total Assets
Lia bil itie s a nd Ne t Worth
Current L iabilities
Loans $
Credit card balance $
Other current liabiliti es $
Total current liabilities $
Long-Term Liabiliti es
Mortgage $
Car loan $
Other long-term liabilities $
Total long-term liabil ities $
Total Liabilities $
Net Worth (Total Assets minus Total Liabilities) $

This instructional aid was prepared by the Tallahassee Community College Learning Commons.
3. Reevaluate the goals you set. Based on your personal cash flow statement,
indicate how much you can save each year to reach the goals you set.
Personal Financial Goals
Dollar Savings Number
Financial Goal Amount
per Year of Years
Short-Term Goals
1. Goal 1 $ $ $
2. Goal 2 $ $ $
3. Goal 3 $ $ $
Intermediate-Term Goals
1. Goal 1 $ $ $
2. Goal 2 $ $ $
3. Goal 3 $ $ $
Long-Term Goals
1. Goal 1 $ $ $
2. Goal 2 $ $ $
3. Goal 3 $ $ $
1. Describe the actions you will take to increase your net cash flow s in the near
2. Detail your plans to increase your net cash flow s in the distant future.