Fillable Printable Personal Leadership Development Plan and Portfolio
Fillable Printable Personal Leadership Development Plan and Portfolio

Personal Leadership Development Plan and Portfolio

Emerging Leaders Programme 2011
Personal Leadership Development
Plan and Portfolio

Emerging Leaders Programme 2011
Personal Leadership Development Plan and Portfolio

Personal Leadership Development Plan and Portfolio
Your Personal Leadership Development Plan (PLDP) will form the foundation for your individual learning as an emerging leader whilst you are on the programme
and beyond. In creating your plan you will be able to explore your:
current skills and practice as a leader - drawing on the LF360, your knowledge of yourself, feedback you have had from others, what you learn during the
personal development goals to enhance your leadership skills and practice. - In the foundation module in January we will be asking you to identify your
own leadership development objectives. We will be asking you to identify WHAT you want to develop, WHY this is important, HOW you will demonstrate
that you have achieved your objective.
You will use your PLDP as a reference point or compass for your personal growth and leadership learning through the programme. We suggest that you keep
adding to it as your move through the programme so that by the end you will have a portfolio of your developing leadership skills and capabilities together with
evidence to demonstrate your development.
We will give you a paper copy of the PLDP at the Launch Event. However it will also be available to you electronically so that you can constantly update and
shape your development portfolio.
The plan and portfolio are for your own personal benefit and development. It is up to you who you share your plan with. We suggest that it will be useful to
share it with your sponsor, line manager, learning partner and project learning set. During the course of the Emerging Leaders programme we might ask you to
submit forms outlining your development objectives or progress updates; however we will not ask you to submit your portfolio.
There are a number of different sections with suggested activities and templates that you might find useful. These are not intended to be prescriptive or
exhaustive. They are intended to give you an idea of how you might begin to develop your portfolio.
We encourage you to add your own sections, ideas, reflections.

1. Current skills and practice
Drawing on your LF 360 feedback, what you know of yourself, your current role and past experiences, feedback from others, learning from the programme so
What do you see as your existing leadership strengths and skills?

2. Leadership development goals
Your PLDP is unique to you however there are overarching learning outcomes that are generic for all participants. These are given below:
Increased confidence in your abilities as a leader
Ownership of your own power and authority and knowledge of how to use them in the service of quality patient care and service provision
The confidence and commitment to lead by example, to recognise and celebrate good practice and challenge poor performance
The ability to form relationships with people from different organisations, disciplines and backgrounds.
Recognition of the resource and creativity that is released when one truly embraces working with and valuing difference.
A wide network of colleagues across the health economy
Knowledge of the wider political context
Understanding of the local health economy
A project which leads to a positive impact on service user experience and contributes to your organisation’s QIPP challenge
With these learning outcomes in mind, use the templates on pages 6 – 12 to create your personal leadership development goals.
To give yourself a benchmark at the beginning of the programme please rate yourself in the table on page 5 in relation to your ability in each of these areas.
1 means you have very little or no confidence or knowledge of this area and 10 means you have great confidence or knowledge in this area.

Learning Outcome
Confidence in your abilities as a leader
Ownership of your own power and authority and knowledge of
how to use them in the service of quality patient care and service
Confidence and commitment to lead by example, to recognise and
celebrate good practice and challenge poor performance
The ability to form relationships with people from different
organisations, disciplines and backgrounds.
Recognition of the resource and creativity that is released when
one truly embraces working with and valuing difference.
A wide network of colleagues across the health economy
Knowledge of the wider political context
Understanding of the local health economy
The ability to scope, plan, implement and evaluate an
improvement project

Leadership Development Goals
Goal 1…………………………….
Goal 2…………………………….
Goal 3…………………………….
Goal 4…………………………….
Goal 5…………………………….
Goal 6…………………………….

Leadership development goals
Remember Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
Goal 1:
Review Date
How will you measure progress towards achieving your goal?

Leadership development goals
Remember Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
Goal 2:
Review Date
How will you measure progress towards achieving your goal

Leadership development goals
Remember Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
Goal 3:
Review Date
How will you measure progress towards achieving your goal?

Leadership development goals
Remember Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
Goal 4:
Review Date
How will you measure progress towards achieving your goal?