Fillable Printable Presentation Evaluation Form Sample
Fillable Printable Presentation Evaluation Form Sample

Presentation Evaluation Form Sample
Presentation Evaluation Form
1. Technical Explanation (10 points) ____________
Effectively explains new information to audience
Demonstrates understanding of how topic is important for audience
Is able to understand, interpret, and apply learned materials and concepts
Uses references properly
2. Oral Presentation (20 points) ___________
a. Preparation (5)
Speaks comfortably without notecards
Uses proper American English
Uses visual aids effectively
Makes smooth presentation
b. Effectiveness of presentation (5)
Presents well “mechanically” (does not block screen, doesn’t exhibit nervous
behaviors, etc.)
Makes eye contact
Can be heard easily
Finishes on time
Explains slides effectively
Organization (5)
Plans and delivers an oral presentation effectively; applies the principle of
“(tell them)
”— is well organized
Introduction is oriented to help audience understand the general topic
Goals of talk are explained clearly
Flow of thought: Items presented in logical order
Summary and Conclusions: summarized main points
d. Group Cooperation (5)
Material divided among group members appropriately
Smooth transitions between group member’s presentations
3. Professionalism (5 points) __________
Professional appearance
Professional language
Professional attitude
Team Number: ______ TOTAL POINTS______________
Assessed by:____________________