Fillable Printable Press Release Template for Immediate Release
Fillable Printable Press Release Template for Immediate Release

Press Release Template for Immediate Release

For Immediate Release ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Contact!
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[Rally at the State Capitol to Highlight [STATE]’s Public Charter Schools Successes] !
[City, State] - This week, May 4th - 10th, marks National Charter Schools Week and students,
parents, teachers, and communities across the state are celebrating the many successes of public
charter schools. In addition to local celebrations, [hundreds/thousands] of students, parents, teachers,
and school leaders will [insert description of event, including time, date, etc]. !
[Quote from Exec Director/President/CEO of organization] !
To kick off this week’s celebrations, here are a few facts about charter schools in [NAME OF STATE]:!
Charter Schools Are Public Schools. Public charter schools are independent, tuition free public
schools open to all students. Public charter schools are given the flexibility to be more innovative
while being held accountable for improved student achievement. Public charter schools must adhere
to federal and state education standards, as well as federal and state civil rights laws. In [NAME OF
STATE] there are [XX] public charter schools serving a diverse student body of [XX] students. !
Charter Schools Increase Student Achievement. Since 2010, all but one independent research
study has found that students in charter schools do better than their traditional school peers. The
most recent of those studies, by the Center for Research on Educational Outcomes at Stanford
University, found that charter schools do a better job teaching low income students, minority students,
and students who are still learning English than traditional schools. Separate studies by the Center for
Reinventing Public Education and Mathematica Policy Research have found that charter school
students are more likely to graduate from high school, go on to college, stay in college and have
higher earnings in early adulthood. In [NAME OF STATE], [XX] percent of students in public charter
schools graduate and pursue a higher education degree [OR other STATE STUDENT SUCCESS
FACT]. !
Charter Schools Give Parents Public School Options. Parents want the best education possible
for their children. Public charter schools give parents options within the public school system so they
can find a school that best meets the needs of their child. !
National Charter Schools Week is May 4-10, 2014. For information on public charter schools in
[STATE], please visit [HYPERLINK TO STATE ASSOCIATION WEBSITE]. For national information on
public charter schools, please visit the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools website at "
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National Charter Schools Week, May 4 - 10, 2014 #CharterSchoolsWeek