Fillable Printable Sample Press Release
Fillable Printable Sample Press Release

Sample Press Release

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[Organisation logo]
Positive Practice Environments for Health Care
Quality Workplaces for Quality Care
[City, country, date] – [Organisations] have joined forces in a global campaign to
ensure high-quality health care workplaces worldwide. The campaign, Quality
Workplaces for Quality Care, is spearheaded by the health professions (International
Council of Nurses, International Pharmaceutical Federation, World Confederation for
Physical Therapy, World Dental Federation and World Medical Association), together with
the International Hospital Federation. The multiyear, multi-stakeholder campaign promotes
safe, cost-effective and healthy workplaces, thereby strengthening health systems and
improving patient safety.
Poor quality workplaces are a feature of many health systems around the world. Such
environments weaken an employer’s ability to meet the organisation’s performance
targets and make it more difficult to attract, motivate and retain staff. Unrealistic
workloads, poorly equipped facilities, unsafe working conditions and unfair
compensation feature among the many factors affecting the work life and performance
of today’s health care workers. They contribute to imbalances in labour supply
between and within countries. In some countries, the impact of these conditions has
led to dramatic consequences whereby health facilities have ceased to function,
leaving communities with little or no access to much needed health services.
Positive practice environments, on the other hand, strengthen the performance and
cost-effectiveness of the health workforce and improve patient outcomes. Simply
defined, positive practice environments are settings that enable and encourage health
care professionals to stay in their jobs, in their profession and in their countries while
fully utilizing their wide range of competencies for the service of patients.
Commissioned by the Campaign sponsors, a recent survey of health professionals
highlights the importance of positive practice environments and indicates the effective
use of incentive packages to retain the qualified staff in the caring professions.
Such environments can only be developed through the collaborative and sustained
efforts of employers, professional organisations, governments, managers, policy
makers, and health professionals themselves. Working conditions and the workplace
must be on the political agenda if the health workforce shortage is to be properly
addressed, growing service demands met and patient safety guaranteed.
[Organisation] is active on a number of fronts to advance the work environment for
health care professionals [briefly describe local campaign activities].
[Organisation] urges [list stakeholders] to take action so that positive practice
environments become the norm worldwide.
Visit [website link] or contact [contact details] to learn more about the campaign
and how to get involved.
Editor’s Note:
[Insert organisation name and brief mission statement]