Fillable Printable Pmi Project Charter Template
Fillable Printable Pmi Project Charter Template

Pmi Project Charter Template

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Project Charter
Project Title
Charter Date
Project Team and Responsibilities
Executive Sponsors • Director Name
• Chief Director Name
• Senior Sponsor Name
Steering Committee • Person 1
• Person 2
• Person 3
Name Roll / Responsibility
Director, Mike Smith
• Responsible for all operations.
Steering Committee • Provide executive leadership and direction for the organization
• Establish policies.
Project Sponsor,
Jane Smith
• Reports to the Director.
• Provides written status updates as required.
• Provides direction and responsible to oversee the activities of the
• Maintains authority and responsibility for the project once it has
been approved by the Steering Committee.
Project Manager,
Tom Carlos
• Reports to the Project Sponsor.
• Manages daily activities of the project.
• Provides weekly updates to the Sponsor and Steering Committee
• Oversees working groups and provides direction to team members.
• Responsible for the delivery of the project.
Working Group • Formed to support the efforts of the facilities project.
• Consists of key stakeholders, from the various divisions affected by
the project, who understand how the various business units work.
• Provide information and input regarding how the organizations and
its processes work.
• Identify and analyze problems.
• Meet on weekly basis and complete tasks as needed.
Subject Matter
• Key stakeholders, from the various divisions affected by the project,
who understand how the various business units work.
• Provide information and input regarding how the process works, its
problems, and needs.

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Team Members • Person 1
• Person 2
• Person 3
Subject Matter
• Person 1
• Person 2
• Person 3
Mission Statement
At a high level, describe why this project is being undertaken and the purpose. Do not list specific
deliverables or how they will be accomplished.
Explain “why” this project needs to be undertaken. What is the problem or opportunity that needs to be
addressed? , reduced costs / increased profitability, or conformance to regulations.
Write a scope statement that addresses the five w’s.
Major Deliverables
Provide a list of the “major” deliverables. Describe this at a high level.
Deliverable 1 This will do the following…
Deliverable 2 This will do the following…
Deliverable 3 This will do the following…
Goals and Objectives
Describe the most important goals and objectives.
Goal 1 Explain here
Goal 2 Explain here
Objective 1 Explain here
Objective 2 Explain here

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General Approach
At a high level, describe the approach that will be followed to undertake the project.
• The project will consist of three sub -projects
• The teams will work in parallel and completing work at simultaneous intervals
• The work will be completed by internal resources and supplemented by con tractors were needed
• The outputs will be fully tested and system run in parallel with our existing system for one month
• If testing is successful, the target cutover date is MM/DD/YYYY
Project Priority
• During the Planning Phase, consideration must be give n to “priorities” as they relate to three areas.
• During the Execution and Controlling Phases, these priorities may need to be revisited in the event
decisions must be made with regards to changes in scope.
• The Project Director must identify how these priorities will rank in importance to each other.
• Using the matrix below, decisions (can be made based on a priority level) which will allow a project
manager to make adjustments to a project, based on priorities. The Project Director must assign one
“X” per column and one “X” per row.
RSS Matrix
Least Somewhat Most
Resources X
Schedule X
Scope X
Prelim Milestone and Target Schedule
This is a high level schedule. Enter the milestone and start/end dates for event.
Milestone Start Date End Date
Milestone Target Date #1 MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY
Milestone Target Date #2 MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY
Milestone Target Date #3 MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY
Budget and Financial Estimates
This initial estimate should be at a high level and not show specific details. Backup documentation
should be available (accompa nied with an explanation for the method of estimation). The budget must be
evaluated continuously throughout the life of the project.
Item Qty Cost Sub-total
Item 1 $$$
Item 2 $$$
Item 3 $$$
Item 3
Total $$$

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Initial Assumptions
List all (initial) assumptions that exist for the project .
Availability That all team members will be available for work throughout the life of the
Project Conflicts That team members will work on this project before their existing duties
Management Support That management fully supports this project and will fund the project
List all (initial) constraints that exist for the project.
Budget There is a fixed budget that cannot be exceeded
Due Date The due date for this project cannot change
List risk (initial) events that are know. This list must be expanded in the project’s Risk Management Plan.
• That requirements will be misinterpreted by the team
• Stakeholders will not participate and voice concerns during the project initiation
phase, which could lead to change orders once the project has commenced.
• Unforeseen problems may occur and could impact the project
Executive Approval