Fillable Printable Project Charter Pmp Template
Fillable Printable Project Charter Pmp Template

Project Charter Pmp Template

Sample Project Charter
Customer Satisfaction Fix-It Project
Over the last few months the quality assurance department has discovered that many of
our customers’ orders for our XYZ equipment have taken the customer 10 times longer to
place through our computer network than our competitors’ networks. The purpose of this
project is to investigate the reasons for the problem and propose a solution. The solution
will be authorized as a subsequent project. Quality Assurance has detailed records of
their findings that can be used to speed up this project.
to lead the project, and can he or she determine budget, schedule, staffing, etc.?)
Alexis Sherman shall be the project manager for this project and have authority to select
team members and determine the final project budget. However, Morgan Kolb and
Danny Levins are already dedicated to the project because of their expertise in computer
networks of this type.
OBJECTIVES: (What numerical criteria related to the triple constraint will be used to measure
project success?)
Complete the project no later than September 1, 20XX. Spend no more than $100,000.
Result in a tested plan to reduce the order time by at least 50%. Have no more than four
complaints throughout the project from customers that we are interrupting their day-to-
day work.
BUSINESS CASE: (Why is the project being done?)
This project is being completed in order to prevent a further breakdown of customer
satisfaction. We expect that improved customer satisfaction will increase revenue to the
company in the first year due to a decrease in service calls. As a side benefit, we hope
that the project will generate ideas on improving customer satisfaction while fixing this
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION/DELIVERABLES: (What are the specific deliverables are
wanted and what will be the end result of the project?)
1.A report that outlines what can be changed, how much each change will cost and the
expected decrease in the time it takes to place an order resulting from each change.
Few words are necessary in the report, but it must be created electronically and be
agreed to by the heads of Quality Assurance, Customer Satisfaction and Marketing in
addition to the project team.
2.A list of the interactions with our customers necessary to complete the changes.
3.A work breakdown structure, due within two weeks that outlines the plan for
accomplishing the project followed within one further week by a list of risks in
completing the project.
Samantha Levins, Executive Vice President
SENIOR MANAGEMENT: (A person who is high enough in the organization to warrant
everyone on the team reporting to him or her.)
©Rita Mulcahy 2003