Fillable Printable Project Charter Template Xls
Fillable Printable Project Charter Template Xls

Project Charter Template Xls

Project Name
Project Charter
Project Information
Item Enter Information Requested
Project Name:
Click here to enter project name.
Charter Date:
Click here to enter charter date.
Submitted By:
Click here to enter name of requestor.
Need By Date:
Click here to enter need by date.
Executive Sponsor:
Click here to enter Executive Sponsor.
Reviewed By:
Click here to enter the names of the reviewers.
Project Charter
1.0 Executive Summary
<Enter one or two concise paragraphs explaining the need for the project, goals, scope, effort and
impact. Create this part as a standalone section so it can be used in status reports and executive
2.0 Problem/Opportunity
<Enter one or more statements of the problem(s) that the project will resolve.>
3.0 Measureable Business Objectives / Success Criteria
<Describe what the project is trying to achieve. The objective should be written at a low level, so
that it can be evaluated at the conclusion of a project to see whether it was achieved or not. A
well-worded objective will be specific, measurable, attainable/achievable, realistic, and time-
bound. These success criteria should be determined based upon considerations such as the
following: Metrics and User Surveys, Financial Savings, Operational/Readiness Improvements,
4.0 In Scope
<Describe the work included in the project. Be clear about what work the project will include. >
5.0 Out of Scope
< Describe the work included not in the project. Be clear about what work the project will not
6.0 Business Case
<If requested by the CIO, provide justification for proceeding with the project and procurement.>
7.0 Assumptions
<Describe any assumptions made when the charter is prepared. Project assumptions are
circumstances and events that need to occur for the project to be successful but are outside the
total control of the project team. Assumptions are made to fill knowledge gaps; they may later
prove to be incorrect and can have a significant impact on the project.>
8.0 Major Risks
< Project risks are circumstances or events that exist outside of the control of the project team
and will have an adverse impact on the project if they occur. Risks that can be identified when the
charter is prepared, have a high probability of occurring, and have a high negative impact, should
be listed. Minor / common risks are not listed in the charter.>

Project Name
Project Charter
Description How
Likely x Impact
/ Mitigation
9.0 Obstacles, Constraints and Dependencies
<List any known constraints imposed by the environment or by management. Typical constraints
may include fixed budget, limited resources, predetermined software systems and packages, and
other predetermined solutions. Note any dependencies, including scheduling considerations and
related projects.>
10.0 Project Milestones and Major Deliverables
<List major milestones and deliverables. Responsible Individual(s) may be the unit(s) or
person(s) responsible for delivery. M/D indicates that the line is either a Milestone or a
Milestone/Deliverable Responsible Individual(s) M/D
Project Complete Project Manager M
11.0 Project Resource Summary
Estimate time required of IT Department Staff (List each role and the number of hours
Role (e.g. Developer, Analyst, Network Engineer) Hours needed (e.g. x hrs/mon for x months; x hours
Estimate time required of other Organization Staff (Add rows as needed)
Role (e.g. Project Manager, Tester, Analyst) Hours needed (e.g. x hrs/mon for x months; x hours

Project Name
Project Charter
12.0 Project Procurement
Procurement Responsible Party Type Estimate Funding
13.0 Risk of Doing Nothing
<List risk(s) faced if no action is taken.>
Project Sign-off
OTS Project Partner Review
Signature/Date Name/Title
CIO Approval
Signature/Date Name/Title
David Bobart / CIO
Executive Sponsor Approval to Proceed with Project Execution
Signature/Date Name/Title