Fillable Printable Project Charter Sample
Fillable Printable Project Charter Sample

Project Charter Sample

The template reflects the recommended content for a Project Charter document, as described
in the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide, Third Edition). This
template provides suggestions designed to prompt the Project Manager and help in the
creation of the Project Charter document. The information for the Project Charter is located
on pages 81-86, of “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge” (PMBOK®
Guide), Third Editio n.
Deleting the [....] text
When the template is complete, the Project Charter document can be printed and appr oved.
Prior to printing, you should delete all [....] prompt text (in italics and blue text).
Saving the Project Charter document under its own name
Save the Project Charter document by selecting the “SAVE-AS” command; this will avoid
overwriting this template. Remember to specify your own Project Directory.
Once your Project Charter document is completed check the document against the
following Quality Criteria:
• Is the level of authority of the Project Sponsor commensurate with the
anticipated size, risk and cost of the project?
• Is there sufficient detail to allow the appointment of an appropriate Project
• Have the project budgets received preliminary review and approval from the
executive management team?
• Are all the known stakeholders identified?
• Does the Project Charter describe the “project success criteria”?
NOTE: Remember to delete this page of instructions from your final document.
<Company Logo>
<Project Name>
Date: October 27, 2008
Version: <Insert Current Version#>

<Project Name>
Project Charter Date: October 27, 2008
Page 2
Project Charter Document History
Document Revisions
Author Release
Reason for Changes Version # Approval
<author name> <rel. date> initial draft Draft 0.1* <name>
Signed approval forms are filed in the Management section of the project files.
Drafts should be version numbered “Draft 0.1”, “Draft 0.2”, etc. Accepted Releases should be version
numbered “1.X”, “2.X”, etc.
This document requires the following approvals:
• <List those with approval authority>
Version # Release
Summary of Changes (since previous version)
Draft 0.1* <rel. date>
Distribution History
This document has been distributed to:
Name Title Company Distribution
Version #
<recipient’s name> <recipient’s
<Company Name> <date sent> <version #
• This document is only valid on the day it was printed.
• The document source is located at <document address>, on the project server.

<Project Name>
Project Charter Date: October 27, 2008
Page 3
Table of Content s
PROJECT MANDATE DOCUMENT HISTORY............................................................................................................ 2
DOCUMENT REVISIONS........................................................................................................................................................ 2
DISTRIBUTION HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. PURPOSE..................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
2. AUTHORITY RESPONSIBLE.................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
3. BACKGROUND.......................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
4. PROJECT OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................... 5
5. SCOPE.......................................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
6. CONSTRAINTS .......................................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
7. INTERFACES.............................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
8. QUALITY EXPECTATIONS .................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
9. BUSINESS CASE SUMMARY & OUTLINE .......................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
10. ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................................... 8
12. CUSTOMERS AND USERS................................................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
13. OTHER INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................... 8

<Project Name>
Project Charter Date: October 27, 2008
Page 4
1. Executive Summary
[The information in the Project Charter authorizes a project.]
[The Executive Summary provides a brief overview of the project and provide enough of a description to complete the
following sections. The Project Charter documents the business needs, project justification, current understanding of the
customer’s requirements, and the product, service, or result that is intended to satisfy those requirements. If information
to complete the following sections is not available, state that it is unavailable, then state the person accountable and
schedule for completion.]
< compose a brief summary as describe above.>
2. General Project Information
[Project Title – The pr oper name used to identify this project; Project ID – The working name or acronym that will be
used for the project; Sponsoring Organization – The organization sponsoring this project; Sponsor Representative – The
name of the person representing the Sponsoring Organization; Prepared by – The person(s) preparing this document;
Version – Version of this document.]
Project Title:
Project ID:
Prepared by:
3. Project Stakeholders
List all applicable project stakeholders.
Position Title/Name/Organization Phone E-mail
Program Manager
Project Manager
Customer / User

<Project Name>
Project Charter Date: October 27, 2008
Page 5
4. Project Purpose
[Explain the reason(s) for doing this project.]
4.1. Business Issue
[The Business Issue or Opportunity pertaining to the business is typically an area of “change” needing to be resolved.
State in specific terms the issue or opportunity this project will address. Often, the Business Issue is a critical business
initiative in the Sponsoring Organization’s Strategic Plan.]
4.2. Business Objectives
[Define the specific Business Objectives of the p roject that correlate to the strategic in itiatives or issues identified in the
Sponsoring Organization’s Strategic Plan. Every Business Objective must relate to at least one strategic initiative or
issue and every initiative or issue cited must relate to at least one project business objective.]
Strategic Plan Element Project Business Objectives
[Explain what the project is trying to achieve by stating its objectives which should be measurable and defined in terms of
the projects major deliverables, effort, cost, tolerances and business benefits expected. State the objectives following the
SMART formula (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, and Timely).]
5. Project Overview
5.1. Project Description
[Describe the project focus, approach, customer(s), and the boundary limits of the project.]
5.2. Scope
[The Project Scope addresses the who, what, where, when, and why of a project. ]

<Project Name>
Project Charter Date: October 27, 2008
Page 6
5.3. Assumptions
[Assumptions are statements taken for granted or accepted as true without proof. Assumptions are made in the absence
of fact. List and describe the assumptions made in the decision to charter this project.]
5.4. Constraints
[Constraints are boundary conditions that the project must stay within. List and describe the constraints applicable to
this project. Describe the known constraints of the project, e.g. there may be constraints on the amount of resources
available to the project or the location of the project team.]
6. Project Requirements & Deliverables
[The Project Requirements & Deliverables define what the project must accomplish, including the customer/ user
requirements and products / services to be provided by the project and the Work Product delivered.]
7. Project Management Milestones & Deliverables
[Provide a list of Project Management Milestones and Deliverables. This list of deliverables is not the same as the
products and services provided by the project, but is specific to the management of the project. An example of a Project
Management Milestone is the Project Plan Completed.]
Milestone / Deliverable Estimated
Responsible Individual
8. Project Budget & Costs
[Identify the initial funding required by the project and/or committed to this project by the Project Sponsor. Additional
funding may be requested and committed, upon completion of the detailed Project Plan.]
Purpose Amount Budget Source

<Project Name>
Project Charter Date: October 27, 2008
Page 7
9. Personnel & Other Resources
[Identify the personnel and other resources required by the project and/or committed to this project by the project
sponsor. Additional resources may be committed upon completion of the detailed project plan.]
Resources Description
Project Team
Software Tools
10. Project Risks
[Risks are statements of issues or problems that have the potential to arise but have not yet occurred. List and describe
the initial risks for this project.]
11. Project Organization
11.1. Project Organization Chart
[Provide a graphic depiction of the project’s organizational structure. The project’s hierarchal diagram begins with the
project sponsor and includes all project stakeholders.]

<Project Name>
Project Charter Date: October 27, 2008
Page 8
11.2. Roles & Responsibilities
[Describe the Roles and Responsibilities of all project stakeholders identified for this project. Include the names of all
known users, customers and any other project stakeholders which may be involved in or interested this project.]
Stakeholder Title Name Roles & Responsibilities
12. Associated Documents
[Make reference (include location and title and author of the document) to any other earlier work that may include useful
information, such as an estimate of the project size and duration, a view of the risks faced etc]
13. Other Information
[If the Project Charter is based on earlier work or an earlier project, there may be other useful information. For any
referenced information, include the document name, location, author, final version, and final version date.]
14. Approval Signatures
The Signatures of the people below document acceptance and approval of the formal Project Charter. The
Sponsor Representative must have the authority to commit the organization’s resources to the project. The
Project Manager is empowered by this charter to proceed with the project as outlined in the charter.
Position/Title Signature/Printed Name/Title Date
Sponsor Representative
Program Manager
Project Manager