
Fillable Printable Project Charter Word Template

Fillable Printable Project Charter Word Template

Project Charter Word Template

Project Charter Word Template

 
 
 
 
 Shared Service Center
 
 
   !"#
  $% !"#
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()*" &'()*
Reduced cost per move. Increased customer service to attract additional volumes
Baseline Goal
,-- - 
$ 
%/ 
While holding
-.*.- .
A narrative written charter must be
circulated and signed by the project
sponsors. You can attach a completed
version of this template to your narrative
written charter in an effort to keep it short
and concise.
Please make sure you meet with the
project team and sponsors before
completing this template. Much of the
information required will need to come
from a discussion with team members
and sponsors.
01-  
(Project Y)
(Current level)
(Target Level)
(Specific Area)
(Constraining Y's)
Reduced cost per move. Increased customer service to attract additional volumes
-.*.- .
A narrative written charter must be
circulated and signed by the project
sponsors. You can attach a completed
version of this template to your narrative
written charter in an effort to keep it short
and concise.
Please make sure you meet with the
project team and sponsors before
completing this template. Much of the
information required will need to come
from a discussion with team members
and sponsors.
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