
Fillable Printable Project Charter Template - Harvard University

Fillable Printable Project Charter Template - Harvard University

Project Charter Template - Harvard University

Project Charter Template - Harvard University

Final Version
The Argonaut Project:
Project Charter
December 4, 2014
Final Version
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Scope ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................. 5
Deliverables, and Timeline ............................................................................................................................ 7
Proprietary Information ................................................................................................................................ 8
Intellectual Property ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Final Version
A group of highly motivated health information technology vendors and health care organizations have
come together to sponsor a focused effort to accelerate development of a FHIR API and Core Data
Services specification under the auspices of HL7. The joint project is being launched by the following
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Intermountain Health
Mayo Clinic
Partners Healthcare System
SMART at Boston Children’s Hospital Informatics Program
The Advisory Board Company
Whereas, HL7 is currently overseeing development of FHIR standards and profiles; and
Whereas, the Sponsors wish to enter into a joint project to accelerate nationwide health information
sharing based on an Internet-based open architecture; and
Whereas, the Sponsors wish to provide funding and resources to accelerate and focus HL7's
development of FHIR standards and profiles and wish to authorize that organization to perform certain
functions related to development of specific FHIR resource and profile specifications and
implementation guides; and
Whereas, the Sponsors have selected Martin, Blanck, and Associates to serve as a Security Risk
Assessment Contractor for the joint project and wish to authorize that organization to perform certain
functions related to OAuth 2.0 and Open ID Connect implementation guides and security validation.
Whereas, the Parties have selected the Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative to serve as the Project
Manager to the joint project wish to authorize that organization to perform certain functions related to
overall management and coordination; and
Now, therefore, the parties agree as follows:
The purpose of the Argonaut Project is to rapidly develop a first-generation FHIR-based API and Core
Data Services specification to enable expanded information sharing for electronic health records and
other health information technology based on Internet standards and architectural patterns and styles.
This effort follows on recommendations from the Joint HIT Standards and Policy Committee's JASON
Task Force Report, the HIT Standards Committee’s Nationwide Health Information Network (NwHIN)
Power Team, the MITRE JASON Reports of 2013 and 2014, and the 2010 PCAST Report.
There is already ongoing FHIR development work being undertaken by a variety of organizations and
initiatives, such as HL7, IHE, and the S&I Framework (Data Access Framework). The aim of the Argonaut
Project is not to displace any of these activities but rather to leverage the learnings from these efforts to
Final Version
rapidly develop highly focused FHIR Profiles and a complementary security implementation guide to
make available to the industry in the spring of 2015.
This acceleration project is an evolutionary step that will advance industry progress to the next level of
interoperability. It is important to recognize that rapid acceleration of standards development does not
equate to rapid adoption of standards. Indeed, hasty release of immature and untested standards can
have the opposite effect. We will thus adopt a measured approach that builds on important standards
work already being undertaken but gets it to market sooner than would otherwise be the case.
HL7 is currently working on bringing to ballot a general FHIR DSTU R2 standard in May 2015 that will
systematically map FHIR to CCDA at the data-element level. The Argonaut Project will support this
critical work and further the effort by developing a focused US Realm Implementation Guide mapped to
the Common Meaningful Use Data Set and an accompanying Security Implementation Guide. This will
allow interested vendors and providers to develop and implement a focused but complete FHIR API
specification beginning in the spring of 2015. Following a year of market experimentation and feedback,
this would lay the path for HL7 to ballot a normative FHIR API standard in 2016.
The health care delivery and health care information technology markets are rapidly evolving, and so
too will the balance of public versus private roles in driving interoperability. Ultimately, we hope that
successful and rapid adoption would preclude the need for further federal government intervention in
interoperability standards. We also believe that a premature certification requirement might have an
adverse effect on the development and adoption of this important work.
FHIR-based standards are not mature enough for inclusion in 2015 Edition Certification. In the event
that a FHIR-based API does get included in federal certification, we would recommend the following
glide path, which would be consistent with the timeline outlined above and would enable ONC to
seamlessly adopt a market-based and market-tested standard.
2015 Edition Certification: Include in Preamble, reference to the FHIR Data Query and
Document Query Profiles, Resource Definitions, and Security Implementation Guides, with
indication that these will be included in 2016 Edition Certification
MU Stage 3 2015 CEHRT: Include in Preamble, reference to the FHIR Data Query and Document
Query Profiles and Security Implementation Guides, with indication that these will be included
in 2016 Edition CEHRT
Future Certification: Include as per recommendation of HITSC based on standards maturity
Future CEHRT: Include as per recommendation of HITSC based on standards maturity model
The scope will be to deliver, by May 2015, US Realm Implementation Guides mapped to FHIR DSTU 2
Profiles for the following:
FHIR Data Query Profiles. A set of FHIR Resources and accompanying profiles that enables
query/response of the discrete data elements contained in the Common Meaningful Use Data
FHIR Document Query Profile. A FHIR resource and profile that enables query/response of IHE
X* metadata resources, and specifically, transition of care and patient summary CCDAs
Final Version
In addition, the effort will produce an accompanying Security Implementation Guide to complement the
FHIR Data Query and Document Query Profiles.
Security Implementation Guide. Based on the SMART OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect profiles
The FHIR Data Query Profile and FHIR Document Query Profile and accompanying Implementation
Guides will be developed by HL7 for inclusion as an informative ballot mapped to the general FHIR DSTU
R2 being developed in parallel. The Security Implementation Guide will eventually be incorporated in
the HL7 balloting process but for this project will be developed in parallel to accompany the FHIR Data
Query and Document Query Profiles and Implementation Guides.
The FHIR Data Profile will focus on the Common Meaningful Use Data Set
The vocabulary standards for these elements will be drawn from the Data Access Framework Data
Elements definitions of June 2, 2014 (v0.5)
. The list of data elements and associated vocabulary
standards will be supplemented during the project as needed.
The FHIR Document Profile will map to IHE X* metadata resources, and specifically, transition of care
and patient summary CCDAs.
The Security Implementation Guide will be based on the SMART implementation of OAuth 2.0 and Open
ID Connect that enforces the security fabric between a user initiating a query and a user responding to
the query.
Roles and Responsibilities
A Project Argonaut Committee will be convened to provide high-level review and input to the effort.
The FHIR Profile effort will be managed by HL7 and will leverage HL7's existing committees and working
groups. The Security Implementation Guide team will be headed by Martin, Blanck and Associates (Dixie
Baker) and will work directly with the Project Argonaut Committee. The Project Argonaut Committee
will provide ongoing guidance on coordination of the FHIR Profile and Security activities.
Sponsors will nominate a representative for the Argonaut Committee, provide technical resources and
subject matter experts for input and to review project artifacts and deliverables. Sponsors also agree to
participate in and recruit for pilot implementations to the extent feasible.
MAeHC (Micky Tripathi) will provide project management resources to the project overall, and to HL7
and to the Security Implementation Guide teams. Such project management services will include:
Final Version
organizing and staffing monthly Project Argonaut Committee meetings; tracking milestones and
deliverables of the FHIR Profile and Security IG teams; assisting the FHIR Profile and Security IG teams
with project management, feedback from connectathons and other market activities, working with
Sponsors to recruit providers for pilots, testing, and connectathons; maintaining coordination between
FHIR Profile and Security IG teams; editing and production support of intermediate and final deliverables
and artifacts, internal and external communications.
Final Version
Deliverables, and Timeline
The high-level milestones of the project are as follows. Dates will be adjusted as the project progresses:
Team Activity Completion Date
Argonaut Committee Charter Acceptance by HL7 and
Project Sponsors
December 5, 2014
Argonaut Committee Martin, Blanck and MAeHC
Week December 8, 2014
Argonaut Committee Project Argonaut Committee
Week of December 15, 2014
Argonaut Committee Press announcement Week of December 8, 2014
Argonaut Committee Define use cases to be
addressed (based on Security IG
Team input)
Week of December 15, 2014
Argonaut Committee In-Person Meeting TBD
Argonaut Committee HIMSS Conference Mid-April 2015
Security IG Team Agree on documentation
Week of December 8, 2014
Security IG Team Security Implementation Guide
Team Kickoff -- agree on scope,
requirements, milestones,
deliverables, timelines
Week of December 15, 2014
Security IG Team Complete review of SMART and
other applicable implementation
February 1, 2015
Security IG Team Complete draft update of
SMART implementation guide
March 1, 2015
Security IG Team Complete review and update of
SMART implementation guide
April 1, 2015
HL7 FHIR Profiles Team FHIR Data Query Profile -- For
Comment Draft for January
Week of December 8, 2014
HL7 FHIR Profiles Team Proposal on Data and Document
Profile requirements
Week of December 8, 2014
HL7 FHIR Profiles Team FHIR Data Query Profile --
January Connectathon
January 17, 2015
HL7 FHIR Profiles Team FHIR Data Query and Document
Query Profiles and
Implementation Guides
available to HL7 community
Mid-March 2015
Final Version
HL7 FHIR Profiles Team FHIR Data and Document Query
Profiles and Implementation
Guides included in informative
Mid-April 2015
Further milestones TBD
In order to execute the program, we expect the following meeting frequency of the Project Argonaut
Committee and Teams:
Month Argonaut Committee
FHIR Data Query and
Document Query Team
Security IG Team
December 2014 One 2-hour meeting Two 2-hour meetings Two 2-hour meetings
January 2015 One 2-hour meeting Two 2-hour meetings Two 2-hour meetings
February 2015 One 2-hour meeting Two 2-hour meetings Two 2-hour meetings
March 2015 One 2-hour meeting Two 2-hour meetings Two 2-hour meetings
April 2015 One 2-hour meeting Two 2-hour meetings Two 2-hour meetings
Total 5 meetings (10 hours) 10 meetings (20 hours) 10 meetings (20 hours)
Proprietary Information
Each of the Parties agrees that it will not use technology or background technology or other proprietary
information of another Party except for the purposes of this joint project, during the project time period
or at any time after its termination.
Intellectual Property
Each of the Parties agrees that specifications and artifacts developed during the course of the project
will be made available to the community via an Open Content License.
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