Fillable Printable Sample employer confirmation
Fillable Printable Sample employer confirmation

Sample employer confirmation

Sample employer
Sample street
01234 Sample town
John Sample
Sample street
01234 Sample town
30 April 2014
Sample employer confirmation
We hereby confirm that John Sample, born on 14 May 1983 in Kaiserslautern, is employed full-time
(39 hrs/week) as an administrative specalist since 01 August 2011.
His areas of activities include (detailed description necessary), e.g.:
Applying legislation in areas of the local government on an individual basis.
Managing administrative and organizational tasks
Dealing with processes in the areas of budgeting and accounting
Taking on tasks in the area of personnel administration
Kind regards,
(John Sample)
Head of Department

Information about the employer confirmation
In general, professional activity can also be proven by employers’ and interim references, job
descriptions, assessments, etc. The following information must be made evident by the evidence
- Time frame of occupation (from … until …)
- Full-time or part-time work, possibly the actual number of working hours have to be stated, as
the employment needs to at least half of the regular working hours per week.
- Type of employment, as the relevance of the work experience has to be reviewed with regards
to the study program.
- Date of the letter
- Submitting of the original letter or an officially certified copy
- No employment contracts!
What do I have to submit when I am a freelancer / self-employed?
Freelancer or self-employed people can prove their occupation with a statutory declaration
(eidesstattliche Erklärung). It is important that the duration (from … until …, amount of hours if
applicable) and the type of work is mentioned. Additionally, relevant evidences, e.g. business
registration, extract from the commercial register, certificate of the revenue office, must be submitted.
Statutory declaration
Hereby I declare on oath that I “name, surname” born on “date of birth” residing at “address” that I am /
was working “from … until …” for “… hrs / week” as “type of work”. Some of my work included/s:
- examples
Date, Signature
What should I consider by my occupation?
It has to be a qualified occupation. This means, that no occupation as a working student, internships,
and honorary offices can be acknowledged as an occupation necessary for the study program.
When reviewing the existence of relevant work experience, internships generally do not count towards
this; except the examination regulations says something different. An internship does not represent an
occupation since there is no employment contract according to §611 ff. BGB and occupational safety
laws do not apply. According to German jurisdiction interns are not employees (Bundesarbeitsgericht
(BAG), Urteil vom 5. August 1965, 2 AZR 439/64). The internship exists to provide first practical
experience within a study program or an apprenticeship.
Additionally, “marginal employment” (geringfügige Beschäftigung) will only be acknowledged partly.
This is the case because marginal employment (also called “minijob”, “mikrojob” or “450-Euro-Job”) is
an occupation with a very low income or an occupation with a short duration according to German
insurance law (Sozialversicherungsrecht). For this reason, it can only be acknowledged according to
the length (hrs / week) of the occupation.
A so-called Referendariat (teaching internship) cannot be acknowledged because it is part of the
education process.
Until when do I have to provide evidence of the necessary occupation?
When applying for a study program with free admission evidence of the necessary occupation has to
be provided after your first degree until the end of the application period, latest till the start of the
respective study program (October 1).
When applying for a study program with restricted admission evidence of the necessary occupation
has to be provided after your first degree until the end of the application period of the respective study
Why does only an occupation AFTER finishing the first study program count?
According to the respective examination regulations for postgraduate distance study programs at the
TU Kaiserslautern an occupation after finishing the first study program is always necessary. In
general, an occupation before the first study program can therefore not be taken into account.
The distance study programs of the TU Kaiserslautern are postgraduate programs. These types of
study programs require practical experience of one year minimum after completing the first study
program unlike consecutive postgraduate study programs. The contents of these study programs are
supposed to take practical experience into account and use them (see also Ländergemeinsame
Strukturvorgaben für die Akkreditierung von Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen, Beschluss der
Kultusministerkonferenz vom 10.10.2003 i.d.F. vom 04.02.2010 Abschnitt A 4, Ziffer 4.2).
These study programs were built as postgraduate distance study programs and are accredited as
such. Part of the accreditation process is to ensure that there is a minimum occupation requirement of
one to two years, which is determined by the examination regulations under section
“Zugangsvoraussetzung”. In the examination requirements no exception to this rule is provided.
As of January 06, 2016
Department of Student Affairs