Fillable Printable OPT Proof of Employment
Fillable Printable OPT Proof of Employment

OPT Proof of Employment

OPT Proof of Employment
* The information on this document is collected for the below mentioned individual’s reporting purpose to
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security during his/her Optional Practical Training period.
To be completed by the Student
Name: _________________________________________________________ COC ID#: __________________
Associate Degree/Certificate Course: __________________________________________________________
To be completed by student’s Empl oye r
This is the evidence of employment for ___________________________________________________________
Job Title: __________________________________________________________________________________
Nature of student’s job: _____________________________________________________________________
Start Date: _________________ End Date: ________________ Hours/Week: more than 20 hours/week
20 or less hours/week
Employer Information:
Employer Name: ____________________________________________ Employer EIN: ________-__________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________Zip:________
Supervisor Information:
Last Name: ___________________________________ First Name: __________________________________
Phone Number: ______________________ Email Address: ________________________________________
Employer Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________
International Students Program 26455 Rockwell Canyons Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Student’s Name
Month / Date / Year
Month / Date / Year