Fillable Printable Psychology Complaint E Form
Fillable Printable Psychology Complaint E Form

Psychology Complaint E Form

Kentucky State Board of Psychology
PO Box 1360
Frankfort KY 40602
Telephone: (502) 564-3296 FAX: (502) 564-4818
Filing a Complaint
What are your rights?
You have a right to expect a professional standard of care and conduct from a psychologist. If you believe a
psychologist has violated Kentucky statutes or regulations, you may send a written complaint to the Kentucky State Board of
Psychology. As the body responsible for regulating the psychological profession and protecting the public in matters related to
psychology, the Board will review your complaint and take appropriate action.
How does the complaint proces s work?
Complaints that have been received in writing at the Board office will be acknowledged immediately by letter. A copy
of your complaint will be sent to the psychologist for a response. The complaint and response will then be reviewed by the
Board members at a subsequent meeting. If no law appears to have been violated, you will receive notification from the
Board. If the Board believes a law may have been violated, an investigation will take place. If the Board files formal charges
against a psychologist as a result of the investigation, an administrative hearing may be held. This formal hearing involves
lawyers, a court reporter, a hearing officer and witnesses. If the Board finds that the psychologist has not met the prescribed
standard of care and conduct, it has the authority to impose penalties ranging from a reprimand to a suspension or loss of a
license. A penalty may be reached by agreement between the Board and the psychologist.
What might I expect from filing a complaint?
The complaint process is a detailed and careful one, and you should expect some delay. In every case the
psychologist will be informed that a complaint has been filed, provided with a copy of the complaint, the name of the
complainant, and the disposition of the complaint. Not every complaint results in disciplinary action by the Board if the
psychologist has not violated the laws governing the psychological profession. If charges are filed, a hearing may be held
similar to a court trial, and it is open to the public. You may be subpoenaed as a witness to provide testimony regarding the
case. In this event the Assistant Attorney General assigned to the Board will assist you in preparing for the hearing. If the
Board orders a specific sanction, the psychologist has the right to appeal the decision to a court of law thereby resulting in a
delay in the decision becoming final. While you may have an opinion regarding the process and outcome of processing your
complaint, please remember that the decisions to dismiss or settle a case or propose disciplinary measures are solely the
decision of the Board and may be subj ect to review by the courts.
If the Board files formal charges or takes formal action against a psychologist, most portions of the investigative file
will become “public reco rd” which can be viewed by any individual who requests, in writing to do so. The record may include
your written complaint, transcripts, or reports of interviews, letters, and other re ports. All testimony and evidence admitted in
a formal hearing have the status of public reco rd as well. Patient records obtained in the process of investigation usuall y can
be protected from disclosure as public records.
Throughout the various stages of the complaint process, you will be kept informed. You will also be advised of the
final outcome.
How do I make a complaint?
You should complete the complaint form that accompanie s this information sheet. Make sure you give all pertinent
information. Please sign the com plaint form so that the Board may look further into your concerns. If your complaint refers to
treatment of a specific patient, the patient must sign the “Client Agreement to Release Information” form a s well. Complaints
and release forms sh ould be mailed to:
PO BOX 1360

Complaint No: Date Received:
Complaint Form
Person Filing Complaint
Address: City: State: Zip Code:
Day Telephone: ( ) - Evening Phone: ( ) -
Patient Information
(If Applicable)
Address: City: State: Zip Code:
Day Telephone: ( ) - Evening Phone: ( ) -
Relationship to person filing complaint:
Name of Psychologist
Address: City: State: Zip Code:
Day Telephone:
( ) -
Name and phone number of persons who may provide additional information
1. Name: Telephone: ( ) - Type of Information:
2. Name: Telephone: ( ) - Type of Information:
3. Name: Telephone: ( ) - Type of Information:
4. Name: Telephone: ( ) - Type of Information:
Brief Summary of Complaint
(Please be specific as possible reg arding names, dates, locations, and action which you believe to be improper, unethical or
unprofessional. Please attach copies of any documents or records pertinent to your complaint.)
By signing this complaint form, I hereby certify that the information is complete and true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ______________________________
If your complaint concerns your treatment by the psychologist, please sign and enclose the “Client Agreement to Release
Information” form.
Send to: KENTUCKY BOARD OF PSYCHOLOGY Phone: (502)564-3296
PO BOX 1360 Fax: (502)564-4818

Authorization for Release of Medical and Psychological
Records to the Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology
I, , the undersigned,
print name here
do hereby authorize the full release of any and all medical and psychological
records, correspondence, billing information, and medical and psychological
reports and evaluations from ____________________________________
Licensed/Certified Psychologist, regarding the medical and psychological
history, diagnosis, assessment, evaluation, and/or treatment of me to the
Kentucky Board of Examiners of Psychology or any authorized agent or
investigator of the Board.
I understand that the above records may be used by the Board in the
investigation and possible disciplinary prosecution under KRS Chapter 319
against the psychologist. I further understand that the Board will make
reasonable efforts to protect the confidentiality of my records under KRS Chapter
61 and Chapter KRS 13B, or other applicable law. This involves health oversight
activities and administrative proceedings of the Board. As such, this disclosure
is permitted under 45 C.F.R. Section 164.512(a), (d), and (e), the regulations
implementing the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA).
A photocopy of this authorization shall be deemed effective as an original.
This authorization shall be effective for one year from the date of signing
unless retracted in writing by the undersigned.
Date Signature of person, or parent/legal guardian if
person is under 18 years of age