Fillable Printable Purchase Order Form Terms and Conditions
Fillable Printable Purchase Order Form Terms and Conditions

Purchase Order Form Terms and Conditions

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions Page 1
Buyer means the CA company as specified in the Purchase Order (as defined
Confidential Information shall have the meaning as specified in clause 14
Delivery Date means the date when the goods are delivered to CA pursuant to
clause 6 below.
Purchase Order means an order for goods and/or services to be provided by the
Supplier and the corresponding fees to be paid by the Buyer issued by Buyer
subject to these terms and conditions.
Supplier means the company as specified in the Purchase Order.
Warranty Period means the period of twelve months from the later of either the
Delivery Date or acceptance.
2.1 Supplier agrees to deliver goods and/or perform the services as described in
the Purchase Order and in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in
this Purchase Order
2.2 Additional or different terms in the Supplier’s acknowledgement or any other
Supplier documents are hereby rejected.
2.3 This Purchase Order is non-exclusive. Buyer is free to engage others to
provide goods the same as or similar to Supplier's.
Buyer reserves the right to cancel any Purchase Order at any time prior to
shipment of the goods and shall not be subject to any charges or other fees
whatsoever as a result of such cancellation. Buyer may by written communication
cancel or make changes to any Purchase Order subject to an equitable
adjustment in the price, delivery schedule, or both, where appropriate.
4.1 Prices or fees specified in the applicable Purchase Order will be exclusive of
GST and/or VAT unless provided otherwise on the Purchase Order but inclusive
of any other incidental costs and taxes including without limitation all freight,
insurance and packing charges, all sales, use, excise, added value and similar
taxes, and all customs, duties or governmental impositions unless agreed
otherwise in writing by the Buyer. All taxes to be paid by Buyer must be
separately itemized on the invoice.
4.2 In the event that any payment to be made in respect of any invoice issued by
Supplier pursuant to a Purchase Order is subject by law to any withholding tax,
Buyer shall make payment to Supplier of the amount owing, less a deduction for
such withholding tax and shall account to the relevant tax authority for the
appropriate withholding tax. Payment of such net sum to Supplier and to the
relevant tax authority of the said withholding tax shall, for the purposes of this
Agreement, constitute full settlement of the sums owing under the relevant
Purchase Order. Buyer hereby agrees that it will, upon written request from
Supplier and at Supplier’s expense, furnish any necessary evidence that may
reasonably be required of the payment of the said withholding tax.

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4.3 Supplier warrants that the prices for the goods sold and/or services
performed hereunder are not less favorable than those currently extended to any
other customer for the same or similar products in similar quantities and/or
services. In the event Supplier reduces its prices for such goods and/or services
prior to accepting Buyer’s Purchase Order or during the term of performance of
any Purchase Order for services, Supplier agrees to reduce the prices hereof
accordingly. Supplier warrants that the prices shown in the Purchase Order shall
be complete and no additional charges shall be added without Buyer’s express
written consent. Such additional charges include, but are not limited to, shipping,
packaging, labeling, custom duties, taxes, insurance, storage, boxing and crating.
4.4 If a decrease in the price for any goods and/or services becomes effective
after Supplier accepts a Purchase Order for the goods and/or services, but
before Supplier has shipped the goods or performed the services, the price
Buyer will pay will be the price in effect when the Seller ships the goods to Buyer
or performs the services. In the event of a price decrease, Supplier will grant to
Buyer a credit with respect to goods then in Buyer’s inventory or the services
performed. The price protection credit will be equal to the difference between the
price originally paid by the Buyer and the new adjusted price of the goods and/or
services less any previously issued credits. If an increase in the price for any
goods and/or services becomes effective after Supplier accepts a Purchase
Order for the goods and/or services but before Seller has shipped the goods or
performed the services, the price Buyer will pay will be the price in effect when
the Seller accepted the Purchase Order from Buyer.
5.1 As full consideration for the delivery of goods and/or performance of the
services and the assignment of rights to Buyer as provided herein, Buyer shall
pay Supplier the amount specified in the applicable Purchase Order. Supplier
shall submit invoices in compliance with the tax legislation in the local jurisdiction
and showing applicable Purchase Order number, description of goods, quantity,
unit prices, extended totals, completion date of services (if any), shipping date,
product serial numbers and any other information requested by Buyer.
5.2 All properly submitted and undisputed invoices will be paid within sixty (60)
days of the date the invoice is received by Buyer. Payment of any invoice shall
not constitute acceptance of any goods. An invoice may be rejected for
noncompliance with any terms and conditions. Any credit memos due to Buyer’s
organization shall be transacted within five (5) business days.
5.3 All invoices shall be issued in the currency as set out in the Purchase Order.
5.4 The mode of payment shall be at Buyer’s sole discretion and all bank
charges or back charges relating thereto shall be borne by Supplier.
6.1 Supplier shall deliver the goods and/or perform the services as specified in
the applicable Purchase Order
6.2 Supplier shall package and ship all goods in accordance with such industry
standards as may be applicable to ensure that the goods are received by Buyer
in good condition compliance with the Purchase Order. The applicable Purchase
Order number must appear on all shipping containers, packing lists, delivery
tickets and bills of lading. Title and risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon delivery
at the destination nominated by the Buyer or upon final acceptance by Buyer
whichever is later.

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6.3 Buyer reserves the right to refuse shipments and/or performance of services
made before or after the date set forth in the Purchase Order. If goods ordered
are destroyed prior to the title passing to Buyer or if the delivery of the goods
(and/or performance of services) is not completed on time, Buyer may, at its
option, require delivery of substitute goods of equal quantity and quality,
terminate the Purchase Order as to items not yet shipped or services not yet
rendered and to purchase substitute items or services elsewhere or to direct
Supplier to ship by the most expeditious means available, all at Supplier’s risk
and expense. Supplier assumes all risk of loss, damage or destruction to any
goods rejected by Buyer. Time for delivery shall be of the essence.
6.4 Acceptance of deliveries not in conformance with the Purchase Order or the
terms of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of Buyer’s right to hold
Supplier liable for any loss or damage to Buyer or modify Supplier’s obligation to
make future deliveries in conformance with the terms herein. Shipments which do
not conform with the terms of this Agreement may be returned to Supplier and
Supplier shall pay Buyer for all handling and transportation costs incurred in
connection therewith. Supplier shall bear all costs of shipping, transportation and
packing unless otherwise agreed to in writing by Buyer.
6.5 Acceptance by Buyer will occur (i) for services or goods installed by Supplier,
upon completion to the satisfaction of Buyer of any acceptance tests or programs
described in the Purchase Order or attachments thereto, as evidenced by any
acceptance certificate signed by Buyer; or (ii) for goods not installed by the
Supplier, on the thirtieth (30th) day following receipt of the goods by Buyer,
unless Supplier is notified in writing within this period that, in Buyer’s sole
judgment, the goods do not conform to Supplier’s specifications, in which event
Buyer may return the goods to Supplier, freight collect, and be refunded all
advance payment made therefore.
7.1 Supplier hereby represents and warrants that (i) it is authorized to sell the
goods and/or performance the services set out in the Purchase Order; (ii) all
goods provided and/or services performed will comply with the descriptions and
specifications as set out in the Purchase Order; (iii) all goods provided are of
genuine and authentic manufacture, new and unused, and will throughout the
Warranty Period be free from defects in design, materials, workmanship and
manufacture, be of satisfactory quality and fit for the purposes communicated by
Buyer or if not communicated by the Buyer fit for the purposes as can be
reasonably deemed; and (iv) all services will be performed in a workmanlike and
professional manner by employees or subcontractors of Supplier having a level
of skill commensurate with the requirements of the agreed upon scope of work
and that its performance of services do not and will not infringe any patent,
copyright, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary right of any third party.
Supplier hereby agrees that it will make spare parts available to Buyer for a
period of five (5) years from the date of final acceptance by Buyer at Supplier’s
then current price less applicable discounts.
7.2 The foregoing warranties are in addition to all other warranties, express or
implied, and shall survive the delivery, performance, inspection, acceptance or
payment by Buyer. Buyer’s inspection, test, approval, acceptance or use of any
goods will not relieve Supplier of any warranties specified herein or otherwise
applicable. If Buyer identifies a warranty problem during the Warranty Period,
Buyer will notify Supplier and may, at its sole option, and at Supplier’s expense:

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions Page 4
(i) require Supplier to correct any defect or nonconformance; (ii) return deficient
or nonconforming goods to Supplier for a full refund of amounts paid for those
deficient or non-conforming goods; (iii) correct the deficient or nonconforming
goods itself, or (iv) re-perform the services or any part thereof which fails to
conform to Buyer’s specifications. Replacement or repaired goods shall be
warranted for the remainder of the warranty period or six (6) months, whichever
is longer.
8.1 Buyer may terminate any Purchase Order upon written notice to Supplier if
Supplier: (i) fails to perform or otherwise materially breaches any term of this
Purchase Order and such failure or breach is not remedied within seven (7) days
of Buyer’s notice to do so; (ii) files a petition in bankruptcy, becomes insolvent, or
dissolves; (iii) breaches any confidentiality obligations; or (iii) assigns or attempts
to assign this Purchase Order in whole or in part to a third party without prior
written consent of Buyer.
8.2 Buyer may terminate any Purchase Order in whole or in part at its discretion
and without any liability to Supplier for damages or loss (whether direct or indirect)
upon thirty (30) days written notice to Supplier, except for payment of the price of
the goods supplied and services performed and accepted by Buyer prior to the
date of termination specified in such notice. Supplier shall cease to provide
goods under the applicable Purchase Order on the date of termination specified
in such notice.
8.3 Upon the termination of the Purchase Order for any reason, Supplier will
promptly deliver at the expense of Supplier and in accordance with Buyer's
instructions to Buyer all work product (whether in process or completed) created
by Supplier pursuant to such Purchase Order prior to the date of termination and
all Buyer’s Confidential Information.
8.4 The termination of any Purchase Order shall not affect any obligation of the
parties incurred before the termination date. Notwithstanding the termination or
expiration of the Purchase Order, the terms of this Agreement which by their
context, intent and meaning are intended to survive the termination or expiration
of the Purchase Order shall survive any termination or expiration of the Purchase
The parties agree that Supplier is an independent contractor for all purposes,
without express or implied authority to bind Buyer by contract or otherwise.
Supplier is responsible for all costs and expenses incident to performing its
obligations under any Purchase Order and shall provide its own supplies and
10.1 All work product and goods (including without limitation all documentation,
user manuals, training materials, guides, specifications and other information
relating thereto whether in writing, electronic format or otherwise created or
delivered by Supplier pursuant to a Purchase Order) shall be and remain the sole
and exclusive property of Buyer. Supplier hereby agrees to irrevocably assign
and transfer to Buyer and does hereby assign and transfer to Buyer all of its
worldwide rights, title and interest in and to the work product and/or the goods

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including all associated intellectual property rights. All tools and equipment
supplied by Buyer to Supplier shall remain the sole property of Buyer.
10.2 Supplier warrants that it has all right and authority necessary to confer clear
title and ownership to the Buyer in accordance with this Purchase Order. Supplier
irrevocably agrees not to assert against Buyer, any affiliate or holding or parent
company of the Buyer, or its direct or indirect customers, assignees or licensees
any claim of any intellectual property rights of Supplier affecting the work product
and/or goods and/or the services.
11.1 Supplier shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Buyer and Buyer’s
officers, directors, employees, successors, assigns, agents, and customers from
and against any, and all claims, actions, liabilities, damages, losses, costs, and
expenses (including legal fees) arising out of or in any way connected with the
goods provided and/or the services performed under any Purchase Order
including without limitation:
(i) defective workmanship, quality of material or service (ii) any claim by a third
party alleging that goods or services, the results of such services, or any other
products or processes provided under any Purchase Order infringe a patent,
copyright, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary right of a third party,
whether such are provided alone or in combination with other products, software
or processes; (iii) Supplier’s failure to comply with any applicable law, statute,
rule or regulation, including without limitation, related to privacy and publicity; (iv)
the negligence or willful misconduct of the Supplier, its agents or employees; (v)
death or bodily injury to any person; or (vi) damage or destruction to property,
caused by, arising out of, connected with or resulting from the goods and/or the
acts or omissions of the Supplier, its agents, subcontractors.
11.2 Should Buyer’s use, or use by its employees, contractors, subcontractors or
customers, of any goods or services purchased from Supplier be threatened by
injunction or any legal proceeding, Supplier shall, at is sole cost and expense,
either: (i) substitute fully equivalent non-infringing goods; (ii) modify such goods
so that they no longer infringe but remain fully equivalent in functionality; (iii)
obtain for Buyer, its employees, contractors, subcontractors or customers the
right to continue using such goods; or (iv) if none of the foregoing is possible,
refund all amounts paid for the infringing goods.
Supplier shall obtain and maintain at its expense in full force and effect during the
term of this Agreement (i) commercial general liability insurance (including
contractual liability coverage) on an occurrence basis for bodily injury, death,
“broad form” property damage, advertising injury and personal injury, with
coverage limits of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000), per occurrence
and Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000), general aggregate for bodily injury and
property damage, (ii) auto liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned and
hired vehicles, with coverage limits of not less than One Million Dollars
($1,000,000), per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, (iii) worker’s
compensation insurance as required by law in the state where the services will
be performed, (iv) employer’s liability coverage for injury, disease and death with
coverage limits of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), per accident
and employee, (v) employee dishonesty coverage (including coverage for third
party crimes) for loss of money, securities, and other property with extended

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions Page 6
coverage to cover property and money at non-owned premises for limits not less
than $250,000 and a deductible no greater than $5,000, per loss per occurrence,
naming Buyer as loss payee, (vi) an umbrella liability coverage on an occurrence
form, for limits of Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000), per occurrence and in the
aggregate. The insurance policies described herein shall name Buyer as an
additional insured thereunder. Supplier’s insurance coverage shall be considered
primary without right of contribution of Buyer’s insurance policies.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, Supplier’s insurance policy will contain a
severability of interests clause. Upon request, Supplier shall provide Buyer with a
certificate of insurance evidencing the insurance coverages required herein. The
insurance companies now or hereafter issuing the foregoing insurance policies
shall be insurance carriers to be rated A- or better by A.M. Best Company. Any
material modification, renewal, replacement or cancellation of such insurance
coverages shall require at least thirty (30) days prior written notice to Buyer with
the exception of non-payment, in which case, such policy shall require ten (10)
days prior written notice to Buyer. In no event shall the foregoing coverage limits
affect or limit in any manner Supplier’s contractual liability for indemnification
under this Agreement.
In the event that either party is unable to perform any of its obligations under the
Purchase Order, or to enjoy any of its benefits because of (or if loss of the goods
is caused by) natural disaster, actions or decrees of governmental bodies or
communications line failure not the fault of, or that could not reasonably have
been prevented or avoided by, the affected party (hereinafter referred to as a
“Force Majeure Event” or “Event”), the party who has been so affected shall
immediately give notice to the other party and shall do everything possible to
resume performance. Upon receipt of such notice, all obligations under the
Purchase Order shall be immediately suspended. If the period of
nonperformance exceeds fifteen (15) days from the receipt of notice of the Force
Majeure Event, the Party whose ability to perform has not been so affected may
give written notice to terminate the Purchase Order. Except as provided herein,
delays in delivery due to Force Majeure Events shall automatically extend the
delivery date for a period equal to the duration of such Events; any warranty
period affected by a Force Majeure Event shall likewise be extended for a period
equal to the duration of such Event.
Unless expressly provided herein, Supplier agrees not to use, copy, alter or
directly or indirectly disclose any of Buyer’s proprietary or confidential information
whether written or verbal (“Confidential Information”), except in the course of
performing its obligations under this Purchase Order. Additionally, Supplier
agrees to limit its distribution of Confidential Information to Supplier's employees
who have a need to know, and to take reasonable steps to ensure that the
dissemination limited. In no event will Supplier use less than the degree of care
and means that it uses to protect its own information of like kind, but in any event
not less than reasonable care to prevent the unauthorized use of Confidential
Information. Supplier shall not advertise or release any statement mentioning
Buyer or the fact that Seller has contracted to furnish goods to Buyer without the
prior written consent of Buyer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer shall have
the right to use any information concerning Supplier’s products, manufacturing

Purchase Order Terms and Conditions Page 7
methods, or processes which Supplier shall disclose to Buyer without restriction
during the performance of the Purchase Order.
15.1 In no event shall Buyer be liable to Supplier for anticipated or actual lost
profits, loss of business, loss of savings, loss of data or for any indirect, special,
incidental or consequential loss or damage however arising (in contract tort or
otherwise), even if Buyer has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
15.2 Buyer's liability in contract tort (including negligence) or otherwise arising
under this Purchase Order shall not exceed the amount equal to the fees paid for
the good that gives rise to the claim.
15.3 Nothing in this Purchase Order shall exclude the parties’ liability for death or
personal injury caused by their negligence.
16.1 General: Supplier shall comply fully with all applicable laws and regulations
in the performance of this Purchase Order including without limitation all
applicable import or export laws and regulations. Supplier will otherwise comply
in any and all respects with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations
and other legal requirements that apply to this Agreement.
16.2 Customs: Upon Buyer's request, Supplier will promptly provide Buyer with a
statement of origin for all goods.
16.3 Supplier will not use any payment or other benefit derived from Buyer to
offer, promise or pay any money, gift or any other thing of value to any person for
the purpose of influencing official actions or decisions affecting this Agreement,
while knowing or having reason to know that any portion of this money, gift or
thing will, directly or indirectly, be given, offered or promised to an employee,
officer or other person acting in an official capacity for any government or agency
or any political party, party official or candidate for political office.
16.4 Supplier will at all times refrain from engaging in any illegal, unfair or
deceptive trade practices or unethical business practices. Supplier shall at its
expense obtain any and all permits, licenses, authorizations, and/or certificates
that may be required in any jurisdiction or by any regulatory or administrative
agency in connection with its activities hereunder. Supplier shall adhere to
Buyer’s rules and policies and disseminate current information and materials as
announced or provided from time to time by Buyer to Supplier. Supplier shall
comply with Buyer’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct at all times.
17.1 If any provision of this Purchase Order shall be deemed to be invalid, illegal
or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining
provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.
17.2 Any party’s delay or failure to exercise any of its rights under the Purchase
Order and/or the terms set out herein shall not be deemed or construed to
operate as that party’s waiver of any such rights.
17.3 All notices, and other communications hereunder shall be in writing, and
shall be addressed to Supplier’s address for payment or to an authorized Buyer
representative, and shall be considered given when (a) delivered personally, (b)
sent by confirmed facsimile, (c) sent by commercial overnight courier with written
verification receipt, or (d) three (3) days after having been sent, postage prepaid,
by first class or certified mail.

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17.4 The Purchase Order and the terms set out herein contains the whole
agreement between the parties and supercedes all previous written or oral
agreements relating to the subject matter.
17.5 The parties acknowledge and agree that:
(a) they have not been induced to enter into this Purchase Order by any
representation warranty or other assurance not expressly incorporated into it;
(b) in connection with this Purchase Order their only rights and remedies in
relation to any representation warranty or other assurance are for breach of this
Purchase Order and that all other rights and remedies are excluded.
17.6 The provisions of clause 17.4 and 17.5 shall not affect the parties rights or
remedies in relation to any fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
17.7 This Purchase Order does not and is not intended to confer any benefit on
nor create any right exercisable or enforceable by any third party.
17.8 This Purchase Order may not be varied, modified, altered, or amended
except in writing, signed by both parties. The terms and conditions of this
Purchase Order shall prevail notwithstanding any variance with the terms and
conditions of any acknowledgment or other document submitted by Supplier.
17.9 During the term of the Purchase Order, Supplier will, and will be responsible
for ensuring that its employees, servants, and agents will, whenever on the
Buyer’s premises, obey all reasonable instructions and directions issued by the
17.10 Supplier shall keep complete and accurate records of all costs of
performance under the Purchase Order, which shall be subject to inspection and
audit by Buyer in the event of termination or equitable adjustment or with respect
to any Purchase Order for which the price is based on time and cost of materials.
17.11 Supplier shall not assign or subcontract its obligations under the Purchase
Order, in whole or in part, or any interest therein, without Buyer’s written consent.
If Buyer consents to any assignment or subcontract, Supplier shall remain liable
and responsible for all of its obligations hereunder, and shall guarantee
performance by its assignee or subcontractor.
The Purchase Order shall be governed by the laws of the country in which the
goods are delivered to or the services are performed. Any dispute or cause of
action which arises in connection with the Purchase Order shall be brought
before a court of competent jurisdiction in the country in which the goods are
delivered to or the services are performed.