Fillable Printable Recruitment of Probationary Officers - Lakshmi Vilas Bank
Fillable Printable Recruitment of Probationary Officers - Lakshmi Vilas Bank

Recruitment of Probationary Officers - Lakshmi Vilas Bank

The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limited, a very well-known and totally technology driven
private sector bank, with over 8 decades of distinguished and dedicated service to
the nation, is now embarking on a growth journey combining its legacy strengths
and new capabilities.
The Bank invites application for the post of Probationary Officers on CTC basis for
pan India operations. The applicants are requested to apply only through our
Bank’s website between 10
October 2014 and 27
2014. No other means / modes of application will be entertained.
Before applying, applicants are advised to read the eligibility criteria and
ensure that they fulfill the stipulated eligibility criteria.
Applicants are advised to fill their particulars online by themselves correctly.
Educational Qualifications: (As on 01/10/2014):
Passed First class in Post Graduates or in Engineering discipline viz., B.E, B.Tech,
etc., studied in regular college affiliated to any recognized university, with computer
Age: (As on 01/10/2014): Minimum: 21 years, Maximum: 30 years. Candidates
born between 02.10.1984 to 01.10.1993 (inclusive of both dates) are eligible to
Opening date for online registration 10 /10 /2014
Closing date for online registration 27 /10 /2014
Call Letter Download One week before the Exam
Tentative month of online examination
During the month of
November 2014

The applicants should pay
600/- towards exam fee which is neither refundable nor
adjustable against any other recruitment process. Payment of fees to be made
through online mode only and no other mode of payment is available.
Bank transaction charges for Online Payment of exam fee will be extra and to be
borne by the candidate.
Selection will be on the basis of performance in online examination and Personal
Interview. Those candidates who come out successful in the online examination
shall be called for Personal Interview based on the marks secured in the online
The selected candidates will be recruited on CTC basis and will be on probation for a
period of two years and the annual package will be `.4.00 lacs.
The Objective type Test consists of (i) Numerical Ability, (ii) Analytical Ability, (iii)
Verbal Ability, (iv) Banking Awareness. (v) Computer Awareness (Total 200
questions carrying total weightage of 200 marks with total time duration of 90
S. No.Name of Test Number of Questions
1 Numerical Ability 50
2 Analytical Ability 50
3 Verbal Ability 50
4 Banking Awareness 25
5 Computer Awareness 25
Total 200

The online examination is proposed to be held at the following centers depending
upon the number of candidates opting for the center. The Bank reserves the right
to fix the examination center and the Bank’s decision is final.
State City State City
Tamil Nadu
Chennai TelanganaHyderabad
Coimbatore Andhra PradeshVishakapatnam
Salem Maharashtra Mumbai
Madurai West Bengal Kolkatta
Karur JharkhandRanchi
Karnataka Bangalore Gujarat Ahmedabad
DelhiNew Delhi Madhya Pradesh Bhopal
The address of the venue will be intimated in the Call Letter.
The Bank reserves the right to alter online examination date and / or alter
/ add / remove online examination centre / venue under administrative
The candidates appearing for the online exam should bring in original one photo
identity proof such as Voter ID / Passport / Driving License / PAN Card / Adhar Card
and a self attested photocopy.
Candidates are hereby cautioned not to furnish any particulars that are incorrect,
tampered / fabricated and not suppress any material information while filling up the
online application form.
At the time of online examination / personal interview or in a subsequent selection
procedure, if the candidate is (or has been) found guilty of
I.Using unfair means or
II.Impersonating or procuring impersonation by any person or

III.Misbehaving in the online examination / Personal interview hall or disclosing ,
publishing, reproducing, transmitting, sorting or facilitating transmission and
storage of contents of the test(s) or any information therein in whole or part
thereof in any form or by any means, verbal or written electronically or
mechanically for any purpose or
IV.Resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his / her
candidature or
V.Obtaining support for his / her candidature by unfair means, or
VI.Carrying mobile phones or any electronic devices of communication in the
online examination / personal interview hall such a candidate may, in
addition to rendering himself / herself liable to criminal prosecution, be liable
To be disqualified from the examination for which he / she is a
b)To be debarred either permanently or for a specified period from any
examination conducted by the Bank
For termination of service, if he / she has already joined the Bank.
a) Go to the application website:
i. Go to the ‘careers‟ page at .
ii. Click on the ‘Download the advertisement‟ and carefully read the
detailed Advertisement.
iii. Click on the ‘Apply Online’ link to register.
b) For new Application – Click on the ‘Register’ Link. This will open the first
page of the new Application.
c) Fill the first page of the Application – Fill the basic details such as Name,
Mobile No, Email Id, Gender, Date of Birth and Qualification as required in the form.
Check them carefully before pressing the „submit‟ link because you will not
be permitted to change these basic details in the application later.

d) ‘Registration Completed‟ mail / SMS will be sent to your registered email
id and mobile number with the Application Number. This Application Number
& Password will allow you to Login further to complete your registration / print
registration slip either now or before the Last Date of Submission of Application.
e) Login again – On the screen shown, press the „Login‟ button. You will be
shown a link which will ask you to Login again. Proceed with Login procedure by
using the Application ID and Password, which will open the second page of the
Application Form.
(Note: If you wish to complete your application later, you can leave the
page. You can fill the second page of the Application later, on or before the
Last Date of Submission of Application, by going to the Application Website
again and logging in as Registered Candidate using your Application Number
and Password.)
f) Filling of details in the subsequent pages - Fill up all the required information
on the screens (which are in fact the subsequent tabs of the on-line form) with
personal identification details, etc. Candidates should take utmost care and furnish
the correct details while filling in the on-line application.
g) Please confirm all the details entered by you before clicking the
„SUBMIT‟ Button or else go back to edit the details. ONCE THE DETAILS ARE
Photograph must be a recent passport size colour picture. Make sure that the
picture is in colour, taken against a light-colored, preferably white back
ground, and has no harsh shadows. If you wear glasses make sure that there
are no reflections and your eyes can be clearly seen. Also, ensure that both
ears are visible inthe picture. Caps, hats and dark glasses are not
acceptable. Religious headwear is allowed but it must not cover your face.
The image should only be in .jpg or .jpeg format. The size of file should be
not more than 500 kb.

Sign on a white paper with Black ink pen and scan it. Please scan the
signature area only and not the entire page and ensure that the size of the
scanned image is not more than 500 kb. Please note that this signature
would appear on the Admit Card, and it should match with the signature on
the attendance sheet at the time of the online test.
Candidates will have to pay exam fee through online using Debit Card or Net
Banking by furnishing the required details. Fee once paid will not be refunded under
any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility
before paying the exam fee. This will be the final phase of online application
The candidate shall read the “Declaration” text carefully before clicking on
‘Submit‟ button.
Print Provisional Registration Slip - The candidates can print their provisional
registration slip on their successful payment. The candidates are advised to retain
the printed provisional registration slip for future reference and you are not
required to courier it or email it.

1.Candidates are required to have a valid / active e-mail id for themselves. The
ID should be kept active for atleast a year. Under no circumstance the
candidates should furnish an e-mail id which doesn’t pertain to him / her.
2. Admission to the online test will be purely on provisional basis, relying upon
declaration and fulfilling of eligibility criteria.
3.Candidates called for the personal interview will be required to produce all
original documents relating to age and educational qualification.
Printout of the application should be kept with the candidate for their
reference and not to be sent to the Bank.
5.Multiple applications will be rejected.
6.The candidates called for the online exam / personal interview will have to
appear at the respective venues at their own cost. Bank will not provide TA /
HA under any circumstances.
7.Candidates willing to work anywhere in India should only apply.
8.No request for change of test center / date / session for examination shall be
9.Candidates are required to apply only through online mode. Any other form
of application is not permissible.
10. Canvassing in any form will subject to disqualification.
11. At the time of personal interview candidates have to produce original
certificates as well as attested copies of their certificates in support of their
eligibility, failing which their candidature will be rejected.
12. Candidates are advised to register well before the end date of online
application to avoid the last minute rush when there is a possibility of
disconnection / inability / failure to log on the Banks website on account of
heavy load on internet.
The Bank reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any
reason and no correspondence in this regard will be entertained. Any
resultant dispute arising out of this advertisement shall be subject to the
sole jurisdiction of the courts situated in Chennai.