Fillable Printable Rental Deposit Sample
Fillable Printable Rental Deposit Sample

Rental Deposit Sample

Application to rent property at_______________________________________________________________________________________
Full name of applicant __________________________________Co-applicant/spouse _______________________________________
Phone (_________)____________Date of birth ________________ Phone(_____)_______________Date of birth ___________________
Present Address __________________________________________Present Address __________________________________________
City/State/Zip ___________________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________________
Name of current landlord/manager ____________________________ Name of current landlord/manager ___________________________
How long at present address _________________________________ How long at present address ________________________________
Reason for leaving ________________________________________ Reason for leaving ________________________________________
If present address is less than one (1) year, list prior address and indicate landlord/manager’s name and phone number: __________________
Name of all other occupant(s) and relationship to the applicant: ______________________________________________________________
An application to rent is required for any occupant 18 years or over.
Pet(s) (number and type)
Applicant: Soc. Sec. No. _______________________Driver’s license no. ______________________________State ________ Expires
Present Employer _____________________________________________How long with this employer _____________________________
Employer’s address ___________________________City ________________Zip ________ Phone No . ____________________________
Position or title ________________________________________________Gross Income $ ________________________ per ___________
Other Income $ ______________________________ per _________ Source ___________________________________________________
Auto make _________________________ Model ____________ License No. ____________________ State_______Color _____________
If present employer is less than one (1) year, list immediate prior employment information: _______________________________________
Co-applicant: Soc. Sec. No. _______________________Driver’s license no. _____________State ________ Expires __________________
Present Employer ______________________________________________How long with this employer ____________________________
Employer’s address ___________________________City ______________________ Zip ________ Phone No . ______________________
Position or title _______________________________________________Gross Income $ ________________________ per ___________
Other Income $ ______________________________ per _________ Source ___________________________________________________
Auto make _________________________ Model ____________ License No. ____________________State_______Color _____________
If present employer is less than one (1) year, list immediate prior employment information: _______________________________________
Do you plan to have liquid filled furniture ? No Yes Type _________________________________________________________
Has either applicant been a party to an unlawful detainer action or filed bankruptcy within the last seven years? No Yes
If yes, explain _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
In case of emergency, person to notify ___________________________________Relationship ___________________________________
Address ______________________________________________ City____________Zip ______ Phone no. _________________________
Applicant(s) represent(s) the above information to be true, correct and complete and hereby authorize(s) verification of the
information provided including obtaining credit report(s) at the actual cost of $ _____________ to be paid by applicant(s). The cost
of the credit reportis not a deposit or rent and will not be applied to future rent or refunded, even if the applicant is declined.
Applicant(s) understand(s) that the landlord may terminate any rental agreement entered into for any misrepresentationmade
Date __________________________Time ___________________ Date ____________________________ Time ___________________
Applicant ______________________Day Phone_________________Co-applicant ______________________Day Phone ______________
Eve Phone __________________________Eve Phone _______________
Applicant(s) has/have deposited the Sum of _________________________________________________Dollars $___________________
Evidenced by:Cash Cashier’s CheckPersonal Check or ______________________________________payable
to _________________________________________________, to be held uncashed until approval of the application to rent, as deposit
on the property located at ____________________________________________________________at a monthly rent $ _____________
The property to be occupied only by person(s) named in the application. In the event the application to rent is not approved within
This deposit shall be returned to applicant(s). If approved, the month to month rental lease, or other