Fillable Printable Rental Deposit Sample Form
Fillable Printable Rental Deposit Sample Form

Rental Deposit Sample Form

8030 La Mesa Boulevard , PMB #69, La Mesa, CA 91942
(619) 698-7520 Fax (619) 698-2098
Applications must be complete and photo ID verified before application can be processed.
All adult applicants (18 yrs or older) must complete a separate application and submit the $35 application fee.
This property is a designated Non-Smoking property. If checked, applicant is hereby informed and acknowledges that this property is
designated Non-Smoking. Residents, family members and guests are prohibited from smoking anywhere on the premises.
Application to rent property at _______________________________________________________________________________________
Last Name _______________________________ First Name ______________________________ Middle Name __________________
Date of Birth_________________________ SSN _____________________________ Home Phone (___)_______________________
Work Phone (___)____________________ Cell Phone (___)_____________________ Alternate Phone (___)_______________________
Email Address __________________________________ Driver License #_________________________ State_____ Expires__________
Office Use Only: Verified photo ID: Yes/No (circle one
Street Address___________________________________________ City/State/Zip __________________________________________
Move-In Date: ______________________ Move-Out Date: _____________________ Monthly Rent $_________________
Landlord Name ____________________________________________ Landlord Phone (___)_______________________
Reason for leaving ________________________________________________________________________________________________
If present address is less than 5 years list prior addresses and indicate landlord/managers name and phone. Attach separate page if necessary.
Street Address_____________________________________________ City/State/Zip __________________________________________
Move-In Date: ______________________ Move-Out Date: _____________________ Monthly Rent $_________________
Landlord Name ____________________________________________ Landlord Phone (___)_______________________
Reason for leaving ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address_____________________________________________ City/State/Zip __________________________________________
Move-In Date: ______________________ Move-Out Date: _____________________ Monthly Rent $_________________
Landlord Name ____________________________________________ Landlord Phone (___)_______________________
Reason for leaving ________________________________________________________________________________________________
List n a me(s) & birthdates of all other occupant(s) and relationship to Applicant. _____________________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________________ Relationship__________________________
Address_______________________________________City_________________State______Zip________Phone(___) ______________

Make, Model & Year _______________________________ License No. & State _____________Color of vehicle _____________
Make, Model & Year _______________________________ License No. & State _____________Color of vehicle _____________
Pet(s) Must be 20 lbs or less
Pet #1 Name:______________________ Breed & Color: _________________________ Age: _________ Weight: ________________
Pet #2 Name: ______________________ Breed & Color __________________________ Age: _________ Weight: ________________
Is pet spayed or neutered? Yes/No
Present Employer__________________________________________________ Position or title._________________________________
Employer`s address_______________________________________________City_____________________Zip_____________________
Employer Phone _______________________ Supervisor Name _____________________ Supervisor Phone ______________________
Monthly Income (Gross) $_________________ Dates of Employment: _________________________
Other Income Source ________________________________________________________ Monthly Amount $_____________________
If employment is less than one year, list immediate prior employment information and reason for leaving._____________________________
Are you in the Military? ____ Branch? ____ Rank? __________ Commanding Officer’s Name & Phone #:___________________________
Have you ever been party to an unlawful detainer action, or left a rental owing money within the last 7 years? Yes/No If yes, please provide
Property Name, City, State and Landlord Name. _________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever filed for bankruptcy? Yes/No If yes, please explain: __________________________________________________________
Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Yes/No If yes, please provide Type of Offense, County and State. ________________________
Do you plan to use a waterbed or aquarium? Yes/No Type________________________________ (If yes-insurance must be provided)
How did you hear about this property? _________________________________________________________________________________
Bank Information:
Name_________________________________Branch______________________________Acct# _______________________Type_____
Name_________________________________Branch______________________________Acct# _______________________Type_____
Applicant represents the above information to be true and correct and hereby authorizes verification of the information provided. A $35 fee
per person has been tendered with this application and is paid to Flying Dog Enterprises, Inc., for processing, transporting, verifying and
investigating of this application. Included in this process are the actual costs of phoning, credit reports, drawing of lease documents,
transportation costs and the time to perform these functions. The application fee is not a deposit and will not be applied to future rent or
Proposed rent: $_ ___________________________ Proposed Security Deposit: $___ _________________________
Other costs or credits_______________________________________________________
I certify that all the information given above is true and correct and understand that my lease or rental agreement may be terminated if
I have made false or incomplete statement/s in this application and such lease or rental agreement will be null and void.
Applicant Signature____________________________________________________Date___________________